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81. Greenwich England: Nevil Maskelyne A graduate of Trinity College Cambridge, nevil maskelyne became assistant The Monumental Inscription dedicated to nevil maskelyne which is to be found http://wwp.greenwichengland.com/heritage/people/astronomers/maskelyne.htm | |
82. American Scientist Online - The Harrison-Maskelyne Affair The Reverend nevil maskelyne now enters the story. He had no particular influenceprior to this stage of Harrison s odyssey, but the Board of Longitude made http://www.americanscientist.org/template/AssetDetail?assetid=25704 |
83. Geography Digest - MU Department Of Geography In 1774 nevil maskelyne, British Astronomer Royal, conducted his famous experimenton the deflection of a pendulum caused by the mass of Schiehallion itself http://www.geog.missouri.edu/geog/digest/digest1.html | |
84. Cambridge University Press - The Americas The British Library Evanion Catalogue - Record details Modern witchery , invented by John nevil maskelyne and written by nevil maskelyne,was first produced at the Egyptian Hall with David Devant in August 1894 http://www.cup.org/Titles/36/052136261X.html | |
85. Review Of Rothstein Publication And A Magic Publication Also Harry Kellar, Guy Jarrett, John maskelyne, nevil maskelyne, Jasper maskelyne,Charles Morritt, John Pepper, RobertHoudin, Howard Thurston, http://schwartz.casinocitytimes.com/articles/16136.html | |
86. Centre For First World War Studies No30 nevill maskelyne Smyth VC ( The Sphinx ). MajorGeneral nevil maskelyneSmyth VC (1868-1841) commanded 1st Australian Brigade on Gallipoli, http://www.firstworldwar.bham.ac.uk/nicknames/smyth.htm | |
87. British Astronomer Royal - Holders Of The Post And Title. nevil maskelyne (17321811). 1765 Determining longitude on ocean voyages Notable Timeline for nevil maskelyne 1755 ordained as a minister. http://members.tripod.com/~UpSky2/ARs.html | |
88. Maskelyne, Cooke And Devant John nevil maskelyne (18391917) and George A. Cooke (18251904) performed adouble act John nevil maskelyne was one of the greatest British magicians, http://www.centres.ex.ac.uk/bill.douglas/Houdini/Houdini3/houdini3.htm | |
89. Lexikon Nevil Maskelyne nevil maskelyne aus der freien http://lexikon.freenet.de/Nevil_Maskelyne | |
90. Our Magic John nevil nevil maskelyne David Devant publièrent Our Magic en 1911. http://climagic.free.fr/climagic/article/ourmagic/ourmagic.htm | |
91. Maskelyne, Nevil - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Maskelyne, Nevil harrison.HTMAn English astronomer named nevil maskelyne had perfected a very complex method of As John Harrison grudgingly returned to his workshop, nevil maskelyne http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/Maskelyne, Nevil | |
92. Scientists Collection, American Philosophical Society maskelyne, nevil, 17321811, to Gilbert, Davies, 1767-1839, 1808 Apr. 7. Bath,Thynne, Marquis of, to Vulliamy, Benjamin Lewis, 1780-1854, 1808 Aug. 5 http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/mole/s/scientists.htm | |
93. JMR: Journal For Maritime Research: Maritime History, Naval History And Contempo Figure 1. nevil maskelyne, Astronomer Royal 1765 1811 and editor of the NauticalAlmanac 1767 1815. Image courtesy National Maritime Museum, http://www.jmr.nmm.ac.uk/server/show/conMediaFile.6405 | |
94. Nevil Maskelyne Université Montpellier II Translate this page nevil maskelyne (1732-1811). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1524 |
95. State Library Of Tasmania Images: Home > Search Results History of Astronomy What s new at this site on June 20, 2001Maskelyne, nevil (17321811). Very short biography (infoplease.com). Maupertuis,Pierre Louis Moreau de (1698-1759). Very short biography (infoplease.com) http://images.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/Search/Search.asp?Letter=M&Subject=Maskely |
96. John Nevil Maskelyne - Wikipedia Translate this page John nevil maskelyne Jasper maskelyne, famoso ilusionista del siglo XX.Este artículo es, por ahora, sólo un esbozo sobre biografías. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Nevil_Maskelyne | |
97. Commentary, April 21, 2000 - Lives Of The Conjurers John nevil maskelyne was the famous magician of the period, who with his partnerCooke very proficiently exposed the frauds of his day. http://www.randi.org/jr/04-21-2000.html | |
98. Philosophical Transactions Translate this page Charles Mason ou nevil maskelyne por exemplo) eu aceito correções. 1760Parallax, nevil maskelyne. Proposta para o cálculo da paralaxe anual de Sirius. http://zorked.net/pynchon/transactions.html | |
99. Nevil Maskelyne - L'arte Nella Magia Translate this page Florence Art Edizioni. MANUALI PER LO SPETTACOLO prestigiazione, comicità,sculture con i palloncini, illusionismo, cartomagia, fachirismo, mentalismo, http://www.florenceartedizioni.com/spettacolo/maskelyne.html | |
100. 2/Alistair Maskelyne's Response Jasper maskelyne, descendant of the famous English magician John Nevilmaskelyne (1839 1917), tells a similar story that was a personal experience in his http://www.maskelynemagic.com/2alistairmaskely.html | |
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