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61. The Little Egypt Gazette Presents In The July 1996 Issue Of The nevil maskelyne and David Devant. My home town library s edition of Our Magiclooked (still The eldest was JN maskelyne (the JN stands for John nevil, http://littleegyptmagic.com/ourmag.htm | |
62. Samuel West nevil maskelyne; Runt (1999) . Pork; Notting Hill (1999) (as Sam West) .Anna s CoStar; Hornblower The Frogs and the Lobsters (1999) (TV) . http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0922335/ | |
63. Porträt-Galerie + PORTRAIT-ANTIQUARIAT KLAUS HILLE / BERLIN + Translate this page maskelyne, nevil. geb. 16. Okt. 1732 in London gest. 9. Febr. 1811 in Greenwich.Englischer Astronom. 1765 Direktor des Observatoriums in Greenwich.. http://www.portrait-hille.de/kap07/bild.asp?catnr1=2416&seqnr=1914 |
64. Miniaturbilder Zur Porträt-Galerie + PORTRAIT-ANTIQUARIAT KLAUS HILLE / BERLIN Translate this page xx, maskelyne, nevil. xx, Brustbild nach halbrechts, in Oval, darunter Ansichtder Sternwarte in Greenwich. xx. PUNKTIERSTICH in Farben gedruckt http://www.portrait-hille.de/kap07/Bildliste.asp?catnr1=2416 |
65. American Scientist: The Harrison-Maskelyne Affair.(Marginalia)(John Harrison)(Ne Marginalia)(John Harrison)(nevil maskelyne) from American Scientist, a publicationin the field of Reference Education, through LookSmart s FindArticles http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb010/is_200309/ai_hibm1G1113306480 | |
66. Who's Who Of Victorian Cinema John nevil maskelyne. British magician and illusionist. Born in Cheltenham on 22December 1839, he was a descendant of nevil maskelyne (17321811), http://www.victorian-cinema.net/maskelyne.htm | |
67. Mason & Dixon - Thomas Pynchon maskelyne, nevil 17321811, astronomer royal, was the third son of Edmund Her son nevil Story-maskelyne (b. 1823) was professor of mineralogy at Oxford http://www.hyperarts.com/pynchon/mason-dixon/extra/maskelyne_bio.html | |
68. Mason & Dixon - Thomas Pynchon after discussion with nevil maskelyne qv, who had observed the transit there, nevil maskelyne, the Seaman s Astronomer, 1989; CC Gillispie (ed. http://www.hyperarts.com/pynchon/mason-dixon/extra/dixon_bio.html | |
69. Nevil Maskelyne (1732-1811), Fifth Astronomer Royal (1765-1811). - The Working T A graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, nevil maskelyne became assistant tothe then Astronomer Royal, Bradley, in 1757. He was ordained in 1755 but never http://www.portcities.org.uk/london/server/show/conMediaFile.1250/Nevil-Maskelyn | |
70. The Transit Of Venus - Port Of Science And Discovery - Port Cities In 1761 the Royal Society sent the astronomers nevil maskelyne (later the 5thAstronomer Royal) and nevil maskelyne (17321811), fifth Astronomer Royal. http://www.portcities.org.uk/london/server/show/ConGalleryCollection.15/chapterI | |
71. Maskelyne, Cooke And Devant John nevil maskelyne (18391917) was one of the greatest British magicians,particularly in the field of stage illusions created through sleight of hand. http://www.illumin.co.uk/svank/biog/maskcook/maskcook.html | |
72. Imago Mundi - Nevil Maskelyne. Translate this page maskelyne (nevil). - Astronome né à Londres le 6 octobre 1732, Deux ans aprèsson voyage à saint-Hélène, en 1763, nevil maskelyne fut envoyé à la http://www.cosmovisions.com/Maskelyne.htm | |
73. Lake County Astronomical Society NightTimes nevil maskelyne. Jay Bitterman. nevil maskelyne was born in London on October 6,1732. He was an influential British astronomer, physicist and, http://www.bpccs.com/lcas/Articles/maskel.htm | |
74. Special Collections maskelyne, nevil Devant, David Our Magic The Art In Magic The Theory of Magic.maskelyne, J. nevil - Sharps and Flats http://www.whitchurch-library.on.ca/Special Collections.htm | |
75. Story-Maskelyne | Mervyn Herbert Nevil | 1823-1911 | Professor Of Mineralogy, Br Storymaskelyne Mervyn Herbert nevil 1823-1911 professor of mineralogy,British Museum. Sketch map of the area North-west of Forfar (1817-1829) http://www.nahste.ac.uk/pers/s/GB_0237_NAHSTE_P0192/ | |
76. Navigation 0407: Re: Nevil Maskelyne. Maybe in reply to George Huxtable nevil maskelyne. Next in thread RichardLangley Re nevil maskelyne. Reply Richard Langley Re nevil http://www.irbs.com/lists/navigation/0407/0105.html | |
77. Navigation 0407: Nevil Maskelyne. Previous message George Huxtable Re nevil maskelyne. Howse ( nevilmaskelyne The Seaman`s Astronomer, Cambridge 1989) which has http://www.irbs.com/lists/navigation/0407/0121.html | |
78. The Swiss Watch Industry - Watchmakers' And Inventors' Hall Of Fame - MASKELYNE nevil maskelyne (1732 1811). Director of Greenwich Observatory, much concernedwith the chronometric experiments of Harrison and Mudge. http://www.fhs.ch/en/perso/?perso=maskelyne |
79. Magicians' Birth And Death Dates- M- | MagicTricks.Com: The Magician's Magic Sho maskelyne, Jasper, 1902, 1973. maskelyne, John nevil, 1222-1839, 05-18-1917.maskelyne, nevil, 1863, 1924. maskelyne, Noel ? 1976. Maven, Max, 1950, living http://www.magictricks.com/bios/birthdeathm.htm | |
80. Who's Who In Magic History L-M | MagicTricks.Com: The Magician's Magic Shop maskelyne, John nevil (18391917) British-born magician who got his start British-born magician, son of John nevil maskelyne and father of Jasper. http://www.magictricks.com/bios/whoswholm.htm | |
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