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21. Morris Kline's, Why The Professor Can't Teach: Bibliography And Index maschke, heinrich, 35 Mathematical Association of America, 37, 12527 Mathematics,characteristics of, 125-27 May, Kenneth 0., 60 Merton, Robert A., 261 http://www.marco-learningsystems.com/pages/kline/prof/profteachindex.html | |
22. Morris Kline's Why The Professor Can't Teach. - Up To Chapter 2 it appointed Eliakim Hastings Moore, an American who had studied in Germany,and Osker Bolza and heinrich maschke, both imported from Germany. http://www.marco-learningsystems.com/pages/kline/prof/profchap2.html | |
23. Cornell Math - Early History EH Moore, Oskar Bolza, heinrich maschke and Henry White, eds., Mathematical PapersRead at the International Mathematics Congress Held in Connection With http://www.math.cornell.edu/General/History/historyRefs.html | |
24. A Short History Johann heinrich Lambert (17281777) gives series solutions of trinomial equations Paul Gordan (1837-1912), heinrich maschke (1853-1908), Arthur Byron http://library.wolfram.com/examples/quintic/timeline.html | |
25. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results heinrich maschke Born 24 Oct 1853 in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland)Died 1 March 1908 in Chicago, Illinois, USA Click the picture above to see a http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=1100&term1= |
26. %_ Oskar Bolza and heinrich maschke, by the sheer luck that Bolza refused to In 1908 maschke died, and two years later Bolza, bereft of his longtime http://www.ams.org/bull/pre-1996-data/199507/199507010.tex.html |
27. American Mathematical Monthly, The: Towering Figures In American Mathematics, 18 come easily for Moore because Bolza insisted that the University offer anotherprofessorship to his friend and fellow Klein doctorate, heinrich maschke. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3742/is_200108/ai_n8955284 | |
28. Publications Books The Emergence Of The American Mathematical Articles on A. Adrian Albert, Oskar Bolza, Arthur Coble, Thomas Craig, LeonardEugene Dickson, Edward Kasner, heinrich maschke, Eliakim Hastings Moore, http://www.math.virginia.edu/~khp3k/publications.htm |
29. User:Gerritholl/mathematicians - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Gregori Margulis Marinus of Neapolis - Andrei Markov - al Marrakushi -Lorenzo Mascheroni - heinrich maschke - Francis Maseres - Nevil Maskelyne - Max http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Gerritholl/mathematicians | |
30. The MacTutor History Of Mathematics Archive heinrich maschke, 18531908 Adolf Hurwitz, 1859-1919 Otto Holder, 1859-1937 Theodor Molien, 1861-1941 Kurt Hensel, 1861-1841 http://www.math.niu.edu/~beachy/rings_modules/notes/names.html | |
31. DMV Translate this page maschke, heinrich (1853- 1908), 17, 345-355 *. Mayer, Adolf (1839-1908), 17,355-362 *. Meyer, Arnold (1844-1896), 5, 18-20. Meyer, Friedrich (1842-1898) http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/archiv/nachr_u.html | |
32. Heinrich Maschke Université Montpellier II Translate this page heinrich maschke (1853-1908). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1522 |
33. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians heinrich maschke (18531908); Evgraf Stepanovich Fyodorov (1853-1919) *SB;George Bruce Halsted (1853-1922) *SB; Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro (1853-1925) *SB http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
34. Famous Mathematicians With An M Vladimir Marchenko Jozef Marcinkiewicz Edward Marczewski Gregori Margulis AndreiMarkov Lorenzo Mascheroni heinrich maschke Francis Maseres Nevil Maskelyne http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_M.htm | |
35. The New York Review Of Books: Mark Lilla Arbeiten aus den Jahren 19161969 by Carl Schmitt, edited by Günther maschke Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss The Hidden Dialogue by heinrich Meier, http://www.nybooks.com/authors/66 | |
36. Dr. Walter D. Sturm Dr. Peter maschke, Dr. Franz Morell, Dr. Gerhard Ohlenschläger, Dr. Fritz AlbertPopp, Dr. Dieter Reinstorff, Dr. heinrich Rossmann, Dr. Erwin Schramm, http://www.oirf.com/Special Bulletins/Walter.html | |
37. MathBirthdays - October 2005 All day event, 1853 heinrich maschke mathBirthdays. Mon, Oct 24 All day event,1873 Edmund Taylor Whittaker mathBirthdays. Mon, Oct 24 http://educationaltechnology.ca/dan/calendars/month.php?cal=mathBirthdays&getdat |
38. HGS: Hamburg Passenger List 1872, Mart-Masz Martens, heinrich, 34, 1 Nov 1872, Doctor Barth, NY, B, 1342 maschke, Alwine,29, 18 Sep 1872, Hammonia, NY, B, 1039. maschke, Emma, 6, 18 Sep 1872 http://www.progenealogists.com/germany/hamburg/hammart.htm | |
39. FS Erich Maschke (1975) Translate this page Festschrift für Erich maschke zum 75. Geburtstag, Stuttgart 1975, S. 77.heinrich KOLLER, Die Privilegien der Stadt Feldkirch in Vorarlberg, in Friedrich http://www.phil.uni-erlangen.de/~p1ges/zfhm/fs/maschke.html | |
40. Bund Evangelisch-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden In Deutschland K.d.ö.R. Translate this page Deshalb sei dem Arbeitskreis ein herzliches Dankeschön gesagt Mitarbeitet habenEgon maschke, Dr. heinrich Christian Rust, Dr. Stefan Stiegler und Dr. Kim http://www.baptisten.org/thementexte/news_show.php?sel=500&select=thementexte&sh |
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