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41. Mascheroni Biography of lorenzo mascheroni (17501800) lorenzo mascheroni s parents wereMaria Ciribelli and Paolo mascheroni dell Olmo who was a wealthy landowner http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Mascheroni.html | |
42. Mascheroni, Lorenzo (1750-1800) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Bio Branch of Science Mathematicians v Nationality Italian v. mascheroni,lorenzo (17501800). Italian mathematician. © Eric W. Weisstein. header http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Mascheroni.html | |
43. MSN Encarta - Mascheroni, Lorenzo Translate this page mascheroni, lorenzo (Castagneto, Bergamo 1750 - Parigi 1800), scienziato e poetaitaliano. Trova altre informazioni su mascheroni, lorenzo http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_221502167/Mascheroni_Lorenzo.html | |
44. Mohr-Mascheroni Theorem - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In mathematics, the Mohrmascheroni theorem states that any geometric The theorem was independently discovered by lorenzo mascheroni in 1797. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohr-Mascheroni_theorem | |
45. MathsNet: Geometric Construction Course: Mascheroni Circle Only Constructs mascheroni In 1797 an Italian geometer, lorenzo mascheroni, proved that everycompassand-straightedge construction can be done with a compass alone. http://www.mathsnet.net/campus/construction/circleonly.html | |
46. Lorenzo Mascheroni -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article lorenzo mascheroni (May 13, 1750 July 14, 1800) was an (A native or inhabitantof Italy) Italian (A person skilled in mathematics) mathematician, http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/l/lo/lorenzo_mascheroni.htm | |
47. Euler-Mascheroni Constant -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article The Eulermascheroni constant appears, among other places, in and (Clicklink for more info and facts about lorenzo mascheroni) lorenzo mascheroni. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/e/eu/euler-mascheroni_constant1.ht | |
48. Mascheroni Constructions In 1797, an Italian mathematician named lorenzo mascheroni, proved that anyconstruction that can be done with compass and straightedge, can be done with http://www.geocities.com/robinhuiscool/mascheroni.html | |
49. Italian Culture: Lorenzo Mascheroni. L'invito. Versi Sciolti Di Dafni Orobiano A Access the article, lorenzo mascheroni. L invito. Versi sciolti di Dafni Orobianoa Lesbia Cidonia from Italian Culture, a publication in the field of http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_go2977/is_200212/ai_n7456555 | |
50. From JFWD89A@prodigy.com (Donald Forbes) Newsgroups Sci.math Date 29 Mar 1996 161747 GMT There is a reference in EDM2 (Encyc Dict ofMath, MIT, 1993) to lorenzo mascheroni (note spelling) 17501800. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/96/mascheroni | |
51. "MASCHERONI, Lorenzo;GRATOGNINI, Giovanni;", Esame Analitico Di Un Paradosso Pro http://www.polybiblio.com/basane/1666.html | |
52. Math Lessons - Lorenzo Mascheroni Math Lessons lorenzo mascheroni. However, the priority for this result (nowknown as the Mohr-mascheroni theorem) belongs to the Dane Georg Mohr, http://www.mathdaily.com/lessons/Lorenzo_Mascheroni | |
53. Biografia De Mascheroni, Lorenzo Translate this page mascheroni, lorenzo. (Castagneta, Bérgamo, 1750-París, 1800) Matemático italiano.Fue profesor en el seminario de Bérgamo y en la Universidad de Pavía. http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/m/mascheroni.htm | |
54. Lorenz Curve Income Line Perfect Inequality Percentage Equality productions until the smashi, lorenzo mascheronilorenzo mascheroni ( May 13,1750 July 14, 1800) was an Italian mathematician, born near Bergamo, Italy. http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Lorenz:curve.htm | |
55. Geometric Construction With The Compass Alone be accomplished with a compass is due to lorenzo mascheroni (17501800) and A proof to the mascheroni result will emerge as a combination of the http://www.cut-the-knot.com/do_you_know/compass.shtml | |
56. Liceo Scientifico Statale "Lorenzo Mascheroni" - Bergamo Translate this page http://www.liceomascheroni.it/ |
57. Euler-Mascheroni Constant - Definition Of Euler-Mascheroni Constant In Encyclope The Eulermascheroni constant is a mathematical constant, used mainly in It is named for the mathematicians Leonhard Euler and lorenzo mascheroni. http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Euler-Mascheroni_constant | |
58. Mascheroni lorenzo mascheroni. Da qui lo scontro con mascheroni che se ne andò, accettando di occupare la http://www.bergamoestoria.org/lavori/cdmultimed/medie/mascheroni.htm | |
59. Scuole A tal proposito lorenzo mascheroni nel Piano del 1798 afferma Se gli http://www.bergamoestoria.org/lavori/cdmultimed/lav_ins_elem/classisociali/scuol | |
60. Sources For The Math Symbols And Words Pages mascheroni, lorenzo. Adnotationes ad calculum integralem Euleri In quibusnonnulla problemata ab Eulero proposita resolvuntur Auctore Laurentio http://members.aol.com/jeff570/sources.html | |
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