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81. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Translate this page Banna? al-marrakushi Ibn al- Banu Musa Barbier, Joseph-Émile Barlow, PeterBarocius, Franciscus Barrow, Isaac Bartholin, Erasmus Bateman, Harry http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/math.html | |
82. Jewish Names In The World Of Medieval Islam: Names Of Merchants Ishaq; Imran almarrakushi; Isma il b. Barhun (Samuel b. Abraham) Taherti;Israel b Hadr; Iwad b. Jawar al-Mubashshiri; Japheth ha-Levi b. http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/yehoshua/jews_in_cairo/cairo_merchants.html | |
83. Carte Face Visible Translate this page al-marrakushi (Langrenus D) (10,4S, 55,8E - al-marrakushi (v. 1262). Astronome arabe.Cratère (8 km). Amontons 5,3S, 46,8E - Guillaume Amontons http://r.aberlin.free.fr/lune/cartographie/visible/cartes/48.htm | |
84. Index Crateres 1 Translate this page al-marrakushi 48. albategnius 44, 45. aldrin 35. alexander 13. alfraganus 46.alhazen 27. aliacensis 55, 65. almanon 56. alpetragius 55. alphonsus 44, 55 http://r.aberlin.free.fr/lune/index/crateres/1.htm | |
85. Selected New Acquisitions In Arabic Main Stack XM04.03055 marrakushi, Muhammad Salih. alDawlah bayna al-Arabwa-al-Gharb / Muhammad Salih al-marrakushi. Safaqis sn, 1997 (Tunis http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/Collections/NearEast/ara1104.html | |
86. Lexikon Liste Der Krater Des Erdmondes/A al-Khwarizmi, 7° 06 N 106° 24 O, 65. almanon Abdalla al Mamun,16° 48 S 15° 12 O, 49. al-marrakushi al-marrakushi, 10° 24 S http://lexikon.freenet.de/Liste_der_Krater_des_Erdmondes/A | |
87. Itinerario III. Rabat, Casablanca Y Alrededores. El Legado Andalusí According to alIdrisi, the port of Anfa was visited by the trading boats of Rabat (76 Kb) As for the city , writes the chronicler al-marrakushi, http://www.legadoandalusi.com/legado/contenido/preitinerarios/it3/eng/circuitos3 | |
88. Nomenclatura Della Luna Da Abbot A Finsch al-Bakri, Crater al-marrakushi,Crater. 5l d5l s5b x5l. 33. alpes, Montes http://www.arcturus.len.it/Lunanomenclaturadellaluna1uno.htm | |
89. Al-Muqanna - Encyclopedia Article About Al-Muqanna. alMuqanna. al-Muqanna or the veiled one was a Persian The following articlesare on subjects related to Persia or Persian (See also Iranian. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Al-Muqanna | |
90. Al-Muhajirun - Encyclopedia Article About Al-Muhajirun. alMuhajirun. Word Word. al-Muhajiroun (Arabic The Emigrants) isan ultra-extremist Islamist The Vision of al-Muhajiroun. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Al-Muhajirun | |
91. Al Hidaya Of the sixty odd works penned by ibnal-Khatib, which are chiefly poetical, Ibn Khaldun returned to al-Maghrib. Here he occupied a number of positions, http://www.al-hidaya.org/200201/contents/006.htm | |
92. Conocimientos - La Divisa Del Nuevo Milenio :: Matemáticas al-Azdi, fue un matemático y astrónomo http://www.conocimientosweb.net/portal/directorio-cat-71.html | |
93. I Miei Libri al-Marrakushifino ad arrivare alla storia dell astrolabio nel periodo rinascimentale. http://www.nicolaseverino.it/I miei libri.htm | |
94. Moon Nomenclature - Craters alBatani, Muhammed Ben Geber C.; Iraqi astronomer, mathematic Abu alial-Hasan Ibn al Haitham; Iraqi mathematician (987-10. aliacensis http://lunar.arc.nasa.gov/printerready/science/geography_items/carters/craters_a | |
95. Reloj Andalusí - Web Andaluza De Relojes De Sol al-madabi wa- l-ghayat fi http://inicia.es/de/RELOJANDALUSI/saasham.html | |
96. CEMA - La Música De Al-Ándalus Aspectos Metodológicos Los libros quetrataban sobre música de al-Ándalus parecen desgraciadamente perdidos. http://www.alyamiah.com/cema/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=425 |
97. CEMA - La Música De Al-Ándalus Aspectos Metodológicos Fi Taljis Ajbar al-Magrib. XIII, Sa id al-Magribi http://www.alyamiah.com/cema/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=220 |
98. BNM: Proyectos al-BATTANI, ABU alLAH al-BIRUNI, ABU ARRAYHAN al-HAITAM, ABU alI al-HASIB, ABU KAMIL al-HAYTHAM, ABU alI http://www.bnm.me.gov.ar/s/proyectos/hea/exposiciones/matematicas/aei.php | |
99. ÝæåÇÊ ÈÃÓãÇÁ ÚÑÈíÉ æ ÅÓáÇãíÉ Úáì ÓØÍ ÇáÞãÑ The summary for this Arabic page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.jas.org.jo/arabic/crater.html | |
100. Les nombres premiers -- Page VINET http://www.col-camus-soufflenheim.ac-strasbourg.fr/Page.php?IDP=232&IDD=0 |
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