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61. Www.nrl.navy.mil/cgi-bin/clementine/clib/features/ DOC ABOUL HASAN alì almarrakushi http://www.nrl.navy.mil/cgi-bin/clementine/clib/features/lunar_fea.pl?which=crat |
62. What Is Islam? (1224, almarrakushi, North African historian of the almohads). Some AndalusianJewish communities did maintain their faith in secret and were later able to http://jmm.aaa.net.au/articles/521.htm | |
63. Rashi Antiquarian Booksellers IBN `IDHARI al marrakushi Histoire de l Afrique du Nord et de l Espagne Musulmaneintitulée Kitab albayan al-mughrib et fragments de la Chronique de `Arib. http://www.rashi.nl/catalogues.php?catnr=449 |
64. Seven Dials Charity It was another Arabian, ali Ibn Omar AbulHassan al-marrakushi, who lived at thebeginning of the 13th century, who introduced the idea of equal hours , http://www.sevendials.com/seven_dials.php | |
65. TIMELINE 13th CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE 1258 Born roughly this year, died in Morocco circa 1339, the scholar albanna (IbnalBanna, also known as al-marrakushi) was born in Morocoo, http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline13.html | |
66. Descripciones De La Tarifa Musulmana Translate this page La obra de al-marrakushi fue editada por R. Dozy en 1885, existiendo otra ediciónárabe del profesor egipcio Said al-Iryan publicada en 1963. http://www.webislam.com/numeros/2002/188/temas/tarifa_musulmana.htm | |
67. Máslama, De Madrid Translate this page No debe quedar la menor duda que Máslama, al margen del sentido extraviante, Abu-l-Hassan al marrakushi, al Zarkali, al-Gafequi . que en árabe, http://www.webislam.com/numeros/2001/09_01/Articulos 09_01/Máslama_Madrid.htm | |
68. H-Net Review: Eric Ormsby On Averroes (Ibn Rushd): His Life, Works And Influence 121), alMarakushi instead of al-marrakushi (p. 174), among other possible examples.There are outright errors of fact; thus the Latin translator Michael http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=227091077594594 |
69. Author Index - A almarrakushi ibn al-Banna, see al-Banna. albategnius, see al-Batani. Pedro albénizcomposer Biscay c1755 - San Sebastian 1821, google. http://www.ph.surrey.ac.uk/~phx1mr/author/a.html | |
70. USGS Astrogeology Planetary Map Listing Title, almarrakushi. Author(s). Quad, LTO - LO 80 C D. Series, 1250K. Type, A.Year, 1974. Pub./Cat. No. LTO-80D2. Publisher. In print? false http://astrogeology.usgs.gov/Projects/MapBook/fulllisting.jsp?mapNumber=969 |
71. Mìsíc - Krátery A almarrakushi. albategnius. aldrin. alexander. alfraganus. alhazen. aliacensis.almanon. alpetragius. alphonsus. Ameghino. Ammonius. Amontons. Amundsen http://planety.astro.cz/zeme/mesice/a.html | |
72. Jewish Names In The World Of Medieval Islam: Names Of Merchants Ibn alSabbagh (Mr Dyer) Ibrahim b. Ishaq Imran al-marrakushi Isma il b.Barhun (Samuel b. Abraham) Taherti Israel b Hadr Iwad b. Jawar al-Mubashshiri http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/Jewish/Cairo/cairo_merchants.html | |
73. Current Newsletter Translate this page Roser Puig (Spain), La saphea (safiha) dal-Zarqalli daprés le K. Djamic al-mabadiwa-l-gayat fi cilm al-miqat dAbu-l-Hasan al-marrakushi (s. XIII). http://www.ou.edu/islamsci/Current Newsletter-list3.htm | |
74. Wetenschap almarrakushi vertelt over de discussie van Ibn Rushd met de opvolger van al-marrakushi vermeldt eveneens, dat de heerser der gelovigen tegenover Ibn http://www.cantua.nl/andalus/wetenschap.htm | |
75. Celestia/extras/moon_locs2.ssc 229 Location almarrakushi Sol/Earth/Moon 230 { 231 LongLat 55.8 -10.40 232 Size 8.00 233 Importance 16.78 234 Type AA 235 } 236 237 Location http://celestia.teyssier.org/lxr/source/extras/moon_locs2.ssc | |
76. Sezione Luna UAI Programma Topografico Ricerche Topografiche Translate this page al-marrakushi, Crater, 48. alpes, Montes, 12. alpes, Vallis, 4. alpetragius, Crater,55. alphonsus, Crater, 44 - 55. alphonsus, Rimae, 44. altai, Rupes, 57 http://www.planetmoon.org/formazioni.htm | |
77. Sezione Luna UAI Programma Topografico Ricerche Topografiche Translate this page al-marrakushi - 8 km, immagini, disegni. Amontons - 3 km, immagini, disegni.Bellot - 17 km, immagini, disegni. Crozier - 22 km, immagini, disegni http://www.planetmoon.org/tavola48.htm | |
78. De Islamitische Tijdrekening - Gebedsrituelen Nasir alDin al-Tusi, ca. 1270, 18º, 18º. al-marrakushi, ca. 1280, 16º, 20º.al-Bakhaniqi, ca. 1325, 16º, 20º. al-Khalili, ca. 1360, 17º, 19º http://www.phys.uu.nl/~vgent/islam/islam_salat.htm | |
79. AVERROES al-Wahid al-marrakushi quien nos relata el encuentro y el temor que mostróIbn Rushd en ésta su primera intervención ante el emir Abu Bakr (Ibn http://www.musulmanesandaluces.org/hemeroteca/10/averroes.htm | |
80. Biografia De Ibn Idari Al-Marrakushi Translate this page Ibn Idari al-marrakushi. (ss. XIII-XIV) Historiador musulmán. Sólo se conoce queera marroquí y que escribió en 1306 la Historia de los reyes de al-Andalus http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/i/idari.htm | |
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