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Marinus Of Neapolis: more detail |
81. Langobarden Translate this page filio anno quinto die secunda mensis iulii indictione hoctaba neapolis. quamque marinus et petrus germanis filiis (deest nomen) contrastis nobis http://www.oeaw.ac.at/gema/lango_cavensis_12.htm | |
82. Erchempertus: Historia Langobardorum Beneventanorum Translate this page qua pro causa ab eodem Sergio etiam marinus fraude captus est. 44 Per idemtempus Athanasius praesul neapolis magister militum praeerat qui, http://www.forumromanum.org/literature/erchempertus/historia.html | |
83. Encyclopedia: Patron Saint Neapolitan Napule, from Greek a?, latinised in neapolis) is the marinus, neo-Platonist philosopher, was born in Palestine and was early http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Patron-saint | |
84. ALIM - I Testi Che Entreranno Nell'Archivio Translate this page Chronicon ducum et principum Beneventi, Salerni et Capuae et ducum neapolis marinus Ususmaris, v. Annales Ianuenses Marquardus de Padua http://www.uan.it/alim/tuttitesti.htm | |
85. Nouvelle Page 1 Translate this page MARIN DE NAPLOUSE OU marinus, Marinos Neapolitês. né à Naplouse, neapolis,autrefois Sichem, en Palestine, étudia la philosophie à Athènes, http://users.skynet.be/remacle2/Anthologie/notices2.htm | |
86. Schlagheck-Reisen Lufthansa City-Center 48653 Coesfeld Kupferstrasse 17 Tel. 025 Translate this page von marinus dem Dalmater gegründet und steht seit 1862 unter Auf dem Besichtigungsprogramm stehen der ?Parco della neapolis mit griechischem Theater http://www.schlagheck-reisen.de/listman/listings/l0027.html | |
87. ULB Düsseldorf, Fachsystematiken Translate this page Marinos (of neapolis) (Fachbibliothek), hise16120. Marinoy (toy Neapolitoy)(Fachbibliothek), hise16120. marinus (Neapolitanus) (Fachbibliothek), hise16120. http://sun.ub.uni-duesseldorf.de/allhtml/system/phise1.htm |
88. Biography-center - Letter M Marino, Dan www.worldsport.com/ academy/members/marino.php marino; marinus ofNeapolis, wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/marinus .html http://www.biography-center.com/m.html | |
89. User:Gerritholl/mathematicians - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Jozef Marcinkiewicz Edward Marczewski - Gregori Margulis - marinus ofNeapolis - Andrei Markov - al Marrakushi - Lorenzo Mascheroni - Heinrich Maschke http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Gerritholl/mathematicians | |
90. The World Of Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola After Proclus. After him, his succession fell upon marinus, from Neapolisin Palestine. Truly, Proclus was afraid with the weakness http://members.fortunecity.com/picodellamirandola/biographies/proclus_bio.htm | |
91. Plato Transformed - Proclus: Editions And Translations Included are also marinus, Vita Procli and the Chaldaean Oracles. Marinos ofNeapolis the extant works or the Life of Proclus and the commentary on the http://www.hiw.kuleuven.ac.be/dwmc/plato/proclus/proeditions.htm | |
92. IntraText Digital Library: Bibliotheca Religiosa: Patristica epistle to Hero, a Deacon of Antioch (The) English ENG1080. epistle to Mary atNeapolis, near Zarbus (The) English - ENG1082. marinus of Samaria. http://www.intratext.com/bpi/ | |
93. Q. HORATI FLACCI EPODON LIBER I. Ibis Liburnis Inter Alta Navium Veia conscientia et otiosa credidit neapolis; et omne vicinum oppidum, http://www.hhhh.org/perseant/libellus/texts/horatius/epodes.html | |
94. ESPACE HORACE - Epodes - Texte Latin Veia conscientia et otiosa credidit neapolis; et omne uicinum oppidum, http://quintus.horatius.free.fr/qhf/epod.htm | |
95. 96 MISSION AND EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY At Nicæa there were present the bishops of Jerusalem, neapolis\31/ Nic., bishopMarinus; here John the Baptist was buried, acc. to Theod., HE 3.3).\54/ http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/rs/rak/courses/535/Harnack/bk4ch3-1n.htm | |
96. Salerni_111 Translate this page conantur, ita ut facta videatur neapolis Panormus vel Africa. Cumque nostri quiqueSaracenos insecuntur, ipsi, ut possint http://www.oeaw.ac.at/gema/salerni_111.htm | |
97. DPhA M -). MARIUS (M. -). 81, MARIUS VICTORINUS AFER, - VICTORINUS (MARCUS -) http://upr_76.vjf.cnrs.fr/Instruments_travail/Dict_philosophes/DPhA_M.html | |
98. ÏÐÎÊË ÄÈÀÄÎÕ - ñåòåâîé ïðîåêò Öåíòðà Àíòèêî The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.centant.pu.ru/plat/proklos/bibliogr.htm | |
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