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Margulis Gregori: more detail |
21. Grigory Margulis - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (Redirected from Gregory margulis). gregori Aleksandrovich margulis (first nameoften given as Gregory, Grigori or Grigory) (born February 24, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregory_Margulis | |
22. GameDev.net - SciMath FAQ Charles Washington DC USA 29 Princeton U USA 1978 margulis, gregori MoscowUSSR 32 InstPrblmInfTrans USSR 1978 Quillen, Daniel Orange NJ USA 38 MIT USA http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article431.asp | |
23. Awards Sussex UK 37 1978 Deligne, Pierre Brussels Belgium 33 1978 Fefferman, CharlesWashington DC USA 29 1978 margulis, gregori Moscow USSR 32 1978 Quillen, http://www.arthurhu.com/index/aaward.htm | |
24. Some Velvet Sidewalk Generate - Günstige Produkte Im Preisvergleich Bei Kelkoo Translate this page On Some Aspects of the Theory of Anosov Systems - margulis , gregori A. On SomeAspects of the Theory of Anosov Systems - margulis , gregori A. http://www.kelkoo.de/b/a/ss_some_velvet_sidewalk_generate.html | |
25. On Some Aspects Of The Theory Of Anosov Systems Gregori A Margulis On Some Aspects of the Theory of Anosov Systems gregori A margulis. http://www.waterbikekanu.de/On-Some-Aspects-of-the-Theory-of-Anosov-Systems-0000 | |
26. February 24 - Today In Science History FEBRUARY 24 BIRTHS. gregori Aleksandrovich margulis In particular, margulisproved a long-standing conjecture by Atle Selberg concerning discrete http://www.todayinsci.com/2/2_24.htm | |
27. FIELDS MEDALLISTS' LECTURES Autobiography; Pattern Theory A Unifying Perspective; (1978) GA margulis;The Work of gregori Aleksandrovitch margulis by J Tits; Biographical Notice http://www.worldscibooks.com/mathematics/3445.html | |
28. Fields Medal Winners Fefferman (Princeton University), gregori Alexandrovitch margulis (MoscowUniversity), and Daniel G. Quillen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0192505.html | |
29. Grigory Margulis Biography .ms gregori Aleksandrovich margulis (first name often given as Gregory, Grigori orGrigory) (born February 24 1946) is a mathematician known for his http://grigory-margulis.biography.ms/ | |
30. Fields Medal -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography gregori Alexandrovitch margulis (Moscow University). Daniel G. Quillen (MassachusettsInstitute of Technology). 1982, Alain Connes (Institut des Hautes http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/FieldsMedal.html | |
31. Gregorian Calendar Month - Definition Of Gregorian Calendar Month By The Free On gregori Aleksandrovich margulis gregori margulis gregori Maximoff gregorian gregorian gregorian (band) gregorian (music group) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Gregorian calendar month | |
32. Jewish Wolf Prize Winners In Mathematics Yakov Sinai (1996/97); Elias Stein (1999); Raoul Bott 1 (2000); Vladimir Arnold2 (2001); Saharon Shelah (2001); gregori margulis (2005) http://www.jinfo.org/Wolf_Mathematics.html | |
33. Jewish Fields Medalists Klaus Roth (1958); Paul Cohen (1966); Alexander Grothendieck 2 (1966);Charles Fefferman (1978); gregori margulis (1978); Michael Freedman 3 (1982) http://www.jinfo.org/Fields_Mathematics.html | |
34. History Of Mathematics: Fields Medals gregori margulis; Daniel Quillen. 1982. Alain Connes; William Thurston; ShingTungYau. 1986. Simon Donaldson; Gerd Faltings; Michael Freedman http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/fieldsmedal.html | |
35. Fields Medallists 1978 Pierre René Deligne (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques) Charles LouisFefferman (Princeton University) gregori Alexandrovitch margulis (Moscow http://www.math.harvard.edu/history/fields/ | |
36. Gregori Margulis Université Montpellier II gregori margulis (1946-0BC). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=2204 |
37. Margulis Université Montpellier II gregori margulis gregorio Ricci-Curbastro Gregory ofSaint-Vincent Gregory_XIII Griffith Evans Grothendieck Guarino Guarini. http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1518 |
38. Fields Medal 1978 gregori Aleksandrovic margulis (1946) Russia. 1978 Daniel G Quillen (1940)USA. 1982 Alain Connes (1947) France. 1982 William P Thurston (1946) USA http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/fieldsm.htm | |
39. Famous Mathematicians With An M Vladimir Marchenko Jozef Marcinkiewicz Edward Marczewski gregori margulis AndreiMarkov Lorenzo Mascheroni Heinrich Maschke Francis Maseres Nevil Maskelyne http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_M.htm | |
40. New Books For 04/02/2004 AUTHOR, margulis, GA (gregori Aleksandrovitsch), 1946. TITLE, On some aspectsof the theory of Anosov systems / Grigoriy A. margulis ; translated from http://www.nyu.edu/pages/cimslibrary/newbook/040204.html | |
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