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Marchenko Vladimir: more detail | ||||||
41. IARC Research :: Process Studies Permafrost Observation, Analysis, Interpretation, vladimirRomanovsky, GI, Sergei marchenko David McGuire vladimir Romanovsky http://www.iarc.uaf.edu/research/collaborations.php | |
43. HickokSports.com - History - Olympic Gymnastics Medalists 1976, Nikolay Andrianov, URS, 19.450, vladimir marchenko, URS, 19.425, Peter Kormann,USA, 19.300. 1980, Roland Brückner, GDR, 19.750, Nikolay Andrianov, http://www.hickoksports.com/history/olgymnas.shtml | |
44. List Of IFF-Scientists Linie570 marchenko, vladimir. Theory III, G. Massalovitch, Serguei. Scattering Methods, G.Mavropoulos, Phivos. Theory III. Meier, Gerhard. Soft Matter. Mi, Shaobo http://www.fz-juelich.de/iff/pics_pdfs/sr_02_03/sr_listscientists.html | |
45. Guest Scientists Linie570 Translate this page vladimir marchenko. Akademie der Wissenschaften, GUS. Dr. Serguei Massalovitch.Kurchatov Institut, Rußland. Dr. Yuri B. Melnichenko http://www.fz-juelich.de/iff/pics_pdfs/sr_02_03/sr_guestscientists.html | |
46. BHHRG also spoke with PSPU leaders Natalya Vitrenko and vladimir marchenko. marchenko denounced the antiKuchma demonstrators for preventing the president http://www.bhhrg.org/CountryReport.asp?ChapterID=518&CountryID=22&ReportID=179&k |
47. Belarus Magic News Archives, May 1997 The five were named as Andrei marchenko, vladimir Khlud, Alexei Krushevich, RuslanDoroshevich and Fyodor Mager. It was not immediately clear what http://idc.cis.lead.org/idc/bmn/97-05-20-1.html | |
48. The Merchant Of Death From The 11-part Series Making A Killing The Business Of W vladimir marchenko, who was appointed in May 1998, is a career counterintelligenceofficer who served in Federal Security Bureau units in Krasnodar and http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Weapons/Merchant_Death_MAK.html | |
49. Permafrost Laboratory - Personal Info vladimir Romanovsky. Associate Professor of Geophysics Dr. SergeiI S.marchenko, Post Doctoral Fellow of the Geophysical Institute; Senior Scientist of http://www.gi.alaska.edu/snowice/Permafrost-lab/person.html | |
50. The International Institute For Strategic Studies vladimir Yashchenko, Department for militaryeconomic analysis Alexey marchenko,Head Center for social adaptation of retiring military personnel, http://www.iiss.org/russianconferences-more.php?itemID=12 |
51. Russian Chapter Of The International Society Of Dynamic Games marchenko Irina, ppmarch@infopro.spb.su. Matveev vladimir, matv@pskov.teia.org.Mazalov vladimir, vmazalov@krc.karelia.ru. Melikjan Arik, melik@ipmnet.ru http://www.isdgrus.ru/eng/about.phtml | |
52. [q-alg/9707017] Nonabelian Integrable Systems, Quasideterminants, And Marchenko Nonabelian Integrable Systems, Quasideterminants, and marchenko Lemma. AuthorsPavel Etingof, Israel Gelfand, vladimir Retakh Comments 10 pages, amstex; http://suriya.library.cornell.edu/abs/q-alg/9707017 | |
53. Church News priest Alexy Petrischenkov, priest Nikolay marchenko, priest Pavel Petrovsky,priest vladimir Dmitriev, priest vladimir Titov, priest Mikhail Bevtsik, http://www.russian-orthodox-church.org.ru/ne903112.htm |
54. ELECTION OVERVIEW. MORE INCUMBENTS LOSE IN 17 NOVEMBER VOTING Liberal Democratic Party of Russia leader vladimir Zhirinovsky spoke in Russian TV (RTR) suggested that marchenko had engaged in dirty tricks, http://sartraccc.sgap.ru/Pub/rrr961120.htm | |
55. The EastAfrican On The Web MajGen vladimir marchenko, who was appointed in May 1998, is a careercounterintelligence officer who served in Federal Security Bureau units in Krasnodar http://www.nationaudio.com/News/EastAfrican/13012003/Features/Magazine0601200314 |
56. Ambrosetti, marchenko, vladimir A., Khruslov, Evgueni Ya. Homogenization of Partial DifferentialEquations. Series Progress in Mathematical Physics, Preliminary entry http://www.yurinsha.com/386/p10.htm |
57. Kazakhstan Daily Digest he dismissed Grigoriy marchenko from the post of vice premier, other participants,was received by vladimir Putin, who asked the Kazakh http://www.eurasianet.org/resource/kazakhstan/hypermail/200404/0024.shtml | |
58. Directory Of Open Access Journals Author Benzion Shklyar; vladimir marchenko Journal Electronic Journal ofDifferential Equations Year 2005 Vol Conference Issue 12 Pages/record No. http://www.doaj.org/openurl?genre=journal&issn=10726691&volume=Conference&issue= |
59. Ukraine Law News - Media Monitoring Service By EIN News representative of Progressive Socialistic Party of Ukraine, vladimir marchenko,has been taken out of having removed him from office of Kolesnikovs http://www.einnews.com/ukraine/newsfeed-UkraineLaw | |
60. Journal Of Automation And Information Sciences - Issue 11 Year 2002 vladimir M. marchenko 8 pages; Influence of the Follower Force Orientation onStability Domains of the Upper Equilibrium State of Inverted Double Pendulum http://www.edata-center.com/journals/2b6239406278e43e,0eb4732f0997be84.html | |
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