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Marchenko Vladimir: more detail | ||||||
21. Vladimir I. Marchenko List Of Publications vladimir I. marchenko publication list. vladimir I. marchenko. List ofpublications. 1. Macroscopic theory of spin waves JETP 43, 794 (1976) http://kapitza.ras.ru/people/mar/Welcome.html | |
22. Vladimir I. Marchenko List Of Publications (in Russian) vladimir I. marchenko publication list. http://kapitza.ras.ru/people/mar/WelcomeK.html | |
23. V.A.Marchenko (Towards 80-th Anniversary) Full Name, vladimir Alexandrovich marchenko. Position, Principal researcher,Mathematical Division,. Institute of Low Temperature Physics Engineering http://kharkov.vbelous.net/english/vam/ | |
24. Vladimir M. Marchenko - Author Index - Begell House Inc. vladimir M. marchenko. Byelorussian State Technological University, Minsk, Belarus.Articles. Modal Control in Systems with Distributed Delay of Neutral http://www.begellhouse.com/authors/6136a24e241d98eb.html | |
25. Author Index - Begell House Inc. marchenko, vladimir M. marchenko, Olga A. Marchette, Margaret. Marchioli, Cristian.Marcic, Milan. Marco, P. Di. Marcucci Ph.D., Anna. Marcus, Ph.D.,DABT, http://www.begellhouse.com/authors/M.html | |
26. Atlas: Hybrid Systems Of Control With After-Effect By Vladimir M. Marchenko vladimir M. marchenko Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk, BelarusCoauthors Olesya N. Poddubnaya. The paper deals with linear hybrid http://atlas-conferences.com/c/a/o/e/02.htm | |
27. Federal Service Security Previous Chief was marchenko, vladimir, MajGen, (Segodnya, 21 May 98, p 1) . Previously vladimir marchenko served in Krasnodar Kray and Rostov Oblast http://www.fas.org/irp/world/russia/fbis/FederalSecurityService.html | |
28. Marchenko Nonlinear Evolutionary Equations. vladimir A. marchenko. Abstract The algorithmfor solving non linear equations like KdV equation, Nonlinear http://www.math.toronto.edu/appmath/marchenko.html |
29. International Journal Of Global Energy Issues (IJGEI) - 17 - 4 Lev S. Belyaev, Sergei P. Filippov, Oleg V. marchenko, vladimir N. Tyrtyshnyi.327340, Energy problem metamorphosis or difficult transformation to http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=13&year=2002&vol=17&issue |
30. Inderscience Publishers Ltd. Lev S. Belyaev, Sergei P. Filippov, Oleg V. marchenko, vladimir N. Tyrtyshnyi.Journal Name (required), International Journal of Global Energy Issues (IJGEI http://www.inderscience.com/feedbacks.php?rec_id=947&op=3 |
31. Workshop Singular Integrals And Complex Analysis vladimir marchenko, Institute of Low Temperatures, Kharkov, marchenko@ilt.kharkov.ua 14.3015.15, F4, vladimir marchenko, The inverse problems, http://www.math.ntnu.no/singcomp/ | |
32. VISITORS vladimir marchenko (Kharkov) Thomas Hempfling (Freiberg) Doron Lubinsky (Johannesburg) vladimir marchenko (Kharkov) Chris Eilbeck (Edinburgh) http://www.math.ntnu.no/mat/an/Visitors.html | |
33. Gymn Forum: 1976 Moscow News Report vladimir marchenko took the lead after the third event and made sure he kept it . I met marchenko behind the scenes at the Palace. vladimir was in high http://www.gymn-forum.com/Articles/MN-Comp76.html | |
34. Gymn Forum: 1976 Moscow News, Men's AA & EF 1, vladimir, marchenko, URS, 9.35, 9.55, 9.60, 9.45, 9.30, 9.60, 56.850. 2, Paata,Shamugia, URS, 9.35, 9.45, 9.30, 9.55, 9.30, 9.40, 56.350 http://www.gymn-forum.com/results/MNews/Men/1976.html | |
35. Electronic Journal Of Differential Equations Benzion Shklyar, vladimir marchenko. Abstract Approximate controllability problemfor a linear distributed vladimir marchenko Department of Mathematics http://ejde.math.swt.edu/conf-proc/12/s2/abstr.html |
36. 2004 Nanaimo Conference Electron. J. Diff. Eqns. Benzion Shklyar, vladimir marchenko; Approximate controllability of distributedsystems by distributed controllers, Conf. 12(2005), pp. 159169. http://ejde.math.swt.edu/conf-proc/12/toc.html |
37. Electronic Access To SIAM Publications Go to Math Reviews number 17971b; 15 vladimir marchenko SturmLiouvilleoperators and applications, Operator Theory Advances and Applications, Vol. http://locus.siam.org/linkedrefs/SIAP/volume-55/0155012.html | |
38. Daily Sees Kazakh Vice Premier`s Dismissal As Possible Move Against Russia - Gat The dismissal of the Kazakh deputy prime minister, Grigoriy marchenko, was received by vladimir Putin, who asked the Kazakhstani vice premier about his http://www.gateway2russia.com/st/art_229319.php | |
39. Pravda.RU USA Suspected Of Being Behind Moscow Hostage Crisis Her political companion, vladimir marchenko, believes that Ukraine should Russian president vladimir Putin has been a mystery almost for everyone since http://english.pravda.ru/main/2002/11/05/39173.html | |
40. Pravda.RU USA Suspected Of Being Behind Moscow Hostage Crisis Her political companion, vladimir marchenko, believes that Ukraine should notmake any excuses for selling any arms to Iraq If the USA thinks that Ukraine http://english.pravda.ru/world/2002/11/05/39173.html | |
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