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21. WebEE Downloads - Calculators John Napier published his first table of logarithms, but the device in itspresent form was designed in 1850 by a French army officer, amedee mannheim. http://www.web-ee.com/Downloads/Calculator/calculators.htm | |
22. AllRefer.com - Slide Rule (Mathematics) - Encyclopedia amedee mannheim, a French army officer, in 1850 established the form that itmaintained thereafter. This had three parts, the stock, the slide, http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/S/sliderul.html | |
23. Math Words Page 13 Newton s suggested cursor did not much find favor until In 1851 a French artilleryofficer named amedee mannheim standardizes a set of four scales for the http://www.pballew.net/arithm13.html | |
24. Websters Instrument Makers Database - Letter M mannheim, amedee, France, 18311906,, Amedée mannheim; invented the modern sliderule in 1851. GL E. Turner 24. MANNING AND MANNING, England, PHIM http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/history/websters/m.htm | |
25. Digital Termpapers: Term Papers On The Slide Rule developed in 1850 by a French army officer, amedee mannheim. nb This is ONLYa preview of the article. If you would like to view the entire document, http://www.digitaltermpapers.com/c8144.htm | |
26. CHRONO-2 amedee mannheim creates a slide rule with an improved scale arrangement, whichbecomes a popular feature in slide rules in later years. http://www.computermuseum.li/Testpage/01HISTORYCD-Chrono1.htm | |
27. Het Eerste Rekenmachine In 1850 amedee mannheim added the cursor. Scale divisions for calculating functionswere added too. Erekenlat.jpg (29894 bytes). Slide rule http://mathsforeurope.digibel.be/Eersterek.htm | |
28. Computer Museum In Boston MA inventor of the logarithm, came up with a calculator called Napier s Bones ;French army officer amedee mannheim invented the slide rule in 1850. http://www.newenglandtravelplanner.com/go/ma/boston/sights/computer_museum.html | |
29. Paper 2 Among those discussed are John Napier, who is accredited with the invention oflogarithms, amedee mannheim, the inventor of the modern slide rule, http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~dcuth/Paper2.html | |
30. Famous Mathematicians With An M John Maior Anatoly Malcev Nicolas Malebranche Francesco Malfatti VivienneMaloneMayes Etienne Louis Malus Benoit Mandelbrot amedee mannheim Paul Mansion http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_M.htm | |
31. Indice mannheim, amedee, 11. Marakhosky, Vladimir, 21. Marchant, 21, 22, 23.Marchant Decimagic, 21. Marchant Scm, 21. Marchant Transflow, 21, 22 http://www.dagomari.prato.it/museo/htm/ind-m.htm | |
32. Kalendarz NPE | 17 Lutego | Ludzie | Wydarzenia | ¦wiêta | Aforyzmy | Przepisy 1798 Auguste Comte, filozof francuski (zm.1857) 1831 - amedee mannheim, matematykfrancuski (zm.1906) 1877 - André Maginot, polityk francuski (zm.1932) http://www.zeszyt.pl/kalendarz.php/17|2 | |
33. Computermuseum Rekenlat In 1850 werd door amedee mannheim de cursor of loper toegevoegd. Ook schaalverdelingenvoor het berekenen van elementaire functies werden aangebracht. http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/museum/prehist/rekenlat.html | |
34. LINKI która w sto lat pózniej odegra kolosalna role w konstrukcji komputera 1850 amedee mannheim udoskonala suwak; w tej wlasnie postaci, zwanej suwakiem http://sp.poniatowa.pl/art4.htm | |
35. SARDAIGNE&ITALIE Translate this page Victor amedee II, Duc de SAVOIE, Roi de SICILE puis de SARDAIGNE - Roi de SICILEde 1713 Comte de SOISSONS et Duc de TROPPAU - né 1714 - + mannheim 1734 http://genroy.free.fr/italie.html | |
36. Oughtred Society Slide Rule History. In 1851 a French artillery officer named amedee mannheim standardizes a set offour scales for the most common calculation problems. http://www.oughtred.org/history-new.shtml | |
37. 453 Librairies 1 904 207 Livres D Occasion, Anciens Et Modernes Translate this page HESSE (Maxime) et Claude amedee-mannheim. La photographie. P., Armand Colin, 1932.- Prix 15.00 . Avec 80 figures. http://www.livre-rare-book.com/Matieres/gd/821x.html | |
38. History1 amedee mannheim designs the logarithmic slide rule that dominated mechanicalcalculation for the next 100 years. 1851. The English Channel gets the first http://www.sagegis1.com/history.htm | |
39. Mannheim Biography of Amédée mannheim (18311906) Amédée mannheim entered the ÉcolePolytechnique in Paris in 1848 at the age of 17. Two years later he went to http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Mannheim.html | |
40. References For Mannheim References for the biography of Amédée mannheim. Amédée mannheim, Proc.London Math. Soc. 5 (1907), 13. G Loria, L opera geometrica di A mannheim, http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Mannheim.html | |
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