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41. Fractal Geometry Of Nature (Updated); Author: Mandelbrot, Benoit B.; Hardback; B Fractal Geometry Of Nature (Updated) Author mandelbrot, benoit B. http://www.opengroup.com/cbbooks/071/0716711869.shtml | |
42. Documents For An Access Point Author, Title, Accn , Year, Item Type, Claims. 1, Amnon Aharony (ed.) Fractals in physics Essays in honour of benoit B. mandelbrot, 004009, 1990, Book, 0 http://libibm.iucaa.ernet.in/slim/wslxRSLT.php?A1=44195 |
43. Distinguished Guests - The Library, The Abdus Salam ICTP http//library.ictp.trieste.it . ictp home library our distinguished guests mandelbrot, benoit B. mandelbrot, benoit B. (b.1924, Warsaw, Poland) http://library.ictp.trieste.it/FP-DB/detail.php?ID=174 |
44. Fractal Geometry The Story of benoit B. mandelbrot and the Geometry of Chaos. benoit mandelbrot, now both an IBM scientist and Professor of Mathematics at Yale, http://www.fractalwisdom.com/FractalWisdom/fractal.html | |
45. AIM Reprint Library: 7. On Dvoretzky Coverings for the Circle mandelbrot, benoit 9. Renewal Sets and Random Cutouts mandelbrot, benoit http://www.aimath.org/library/library.cgi?database=reprints;mode=display;BrowseT |
46. AIP Niels Bohr Library mandelbrot, benoit B. Subjects. Geometry. Mathematical models. Stochastic processes. Fractals form, chance, and dimension / benoit B. mandelbrot. http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/24686.html | |
47. Foyles > Search Results Using search terms benoit mandelbrot Author, mandelbrot, benoit. Format, Hardback. Published, 14 Oct 2004. Availability, Usually available for http://www.foyles.co.uk/foyles/results.asp?AUB=Benoit Mandelbrot&TAG=&CID=&SORT= |
48. GEO Place - Home Page Fractals and Chaos mandelbrot Set and Beyond By mandelbrot, benoit (yale University, Connecticut); mandelbrot, benoit B.; mandelbrot, benoit http://www.thebook-store.com/cgi-bin/geoplace-bin/home.cgi?bisac=MAT038510 |
49. Fractals And Fractal Architecture - Introduction The computerscientist benoit mandelbrot introduced the word fractal 03 in 08 Comparison by benoit mandelbrot in The Fractal Geometry of Nature http://www.iemar.tuwien.ac.at/modul23/Fractals/subpages/01Introduction.html | |
50. Fractals And Fractal Architecture - Rugged benoit mandelbrot, the father of the popularity of fractals today, introduced fractal geometry by the question of how long the coastline of Britain is. http://www.iemar.tuwien.ac.at/modul23/Fractals/subpages/221rugged.html | |
51. Fractals And Chaos (Mandelbrot)-Springer Mathematics (general) Book It has only been a couple of decades since benoit mandelbrot published his famous picture of what is now called the mandelbrot set. http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,4-120-22-26682365-0,00.h | |
52. Fractals And Scaling In Finance (Mandelbrot)-Springer Quantitative Finance Book This is the first book in the Selecta, the collected works of benoit mandelbrot. mandelbrot, benoit B. 2005, X, 551 p. 50 illus., Hardcover http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,4-40109-22-1587911-0,00. | |
53. Mandelbrot, Benoit B.; Hudson, Richard L.---Fraktale Und Finanzen - Karstadt.de Translate this page benoit mandelbrot, Superstar der Mathematiker-Zunft, hat mit seiner fraktalen Geometrie , mit Apfelmännchen und mandelbrot-Menge unser Verständnis der Natur http://www.karstadt.de/shop/mandelbrot_benoit_b.asp | |
54. Edge: A THEORY OF ROUGHNESS: A Talk With Benoit Mandelbrot During the 1980s benoit mandelbrot accepted my invitation to give a talk before benoit mandelbrot is Sterling Professor of Mathematical Sciences at Yale http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/mandelbrot04/mandelbrot04_index.html | |
55. THE WORLD QUESTION CENTER 2005 benoit mandelbrot Mathematician, Yale University; Author, The Fractal Geometry of Nature. Wandering through the frontiers of the sciences, and the arts, http://www.edge.org/q2005/q05_2.html | |
56. Wired 2.08 The Geometric Dreams Of Benoit Mandlebrot The brainchild of maverick mathematician benoit mandelbrot, who coined the term in the 1970s and popularized it in the 1980s, fractals (for fractional http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/2.08/mandlebrot.html | |
57. IBM Research | Press Resources | Benoit Mandelbrot IBM Research Press Resources benoit mandelbrot. IBM Fellow Emeritus benoit mandelbrot of the TJ Watson Research Center is one of them. http://domino.research.ibm.com/comm/pr.nsf/pages/bio.mandelbrot.html | |
58. Mandelbrot, Benoit - BlueRider.com mandelbrot, benoit listen domain availability. Dictionary and Thesaurus entries for. mandelbrot, benoit. Your search results http://mandelbrot,_benoit.bluerider.com/wordsearch/mandelbrot,_benoit |
59. Conjunto De Mandelbrot / Benoit Mandelbrot mandelbrot de benoit mandelbrot http://www.uprb.edu/tapiz/tapiz@lared001/galeria/conjuntodemandelbrot.html | |
60. VIESTI Kirjoittaja Kettunen (25.11.2004 0010) Otsikko By mandelbrot, benoit. Journal of Business, Jan66 Part 2 of 2, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p242, 14p; benoit mandelbrot. The Journal of Business (pre1986). http://apareena.arvopaperi.fi/forum/msg/id=teknanalyysi/msg=2439542/ | |
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