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21. Don Archer Digital Art Traditional fractals, music, fractals combined with verse. Photo of benoit mandelbrot taken April 6, 2001. http://www.donarcher.com/ | |
22. Mandelbrot Portraits Portraits of benoit mandelbrot. Copyright information. http//wwwhistory.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/PictDisplay/mandelbrot.html. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/PictDisplay/Mandelbrot.html | |
23. Benoit Mandelbrot In 1963 benoit mandelbrot introduced the fractal concept. Dr. mandelbrot dropped in for a visit during our 2001 series of webcasts about Antarctica. http://www.exploratorium.edu/complexity/lexicon/mandelbrot.html | |
24. Mandelbrot, Benoit B mandelbrot, benoit B. (1924 ) mandelbrot was born in Warsaw and studied at the Ecole Polytechnique and the Sorbonne, Paris, and the California http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/M/Mandelbrot/1.h | |
25. Benoit B. Mandelbrot mandelbrot, benoit B (1924 ) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography). benoit mandelbrot receives 2002 William Procter Prize. (Sigma Xi Today). http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0831500.html | |
26. Benoît Mandelbrot: Information From Answers.com mandelbrot, benoit B. ( b?nwä man d?lbro , Fr. mäNdelbrô ) , 1924, French mathematician, b. http://www.answers.com/topic/beno-t-mandelbrot | |
27. Benoit Mandelbrot Translate this page benoit mandelbrot. geboren am 20. November 1924. mandelbrot wurde 1924 in Polen in eine Familie mit akademischer Tradition geboren. http://www.katharinen.ingolstadt.de/chaos/benoit.htm | |
28. Benoit B. Mandelbrot mandelbrot, benoit B. bunwä man dulbro , Fr. mäNdelbrô Pronunciation Key. mandelbrot, benoit B. , 1924, French mathematician, b. Warsaw, Poland. http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0831500.html | |
29. Mandelbrot, Benoit B. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 mandelbrot, benoit B. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/ma/Mandelbr.html | |
30. Benoit B. Mandelbrot Official Biography site. benoit B. mandelbrot is the world s foremost impetus for the advancement of Fractal Geometry. Learn about his life and work. http://www.math.yale.edu/mandelbrot/ | |
31. Yale Mathematics Department Sterling Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus. Office 408 DL. Phone 203.432.6471. Email benoit.mandelbrot@yale.edu. D.Sc. Paris 1952. Research Interests http://www.math.yale.edu/public_html/People/Mandelbrot.html | |
32. Benoit Mandelbrot From FOLDOC mandelbrot, benoit . benoit mandelbrot. person /ben wa man dlbro/ benoit B. mandelbrot. The IBM scientist who wrote several original books on fractals http://foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?Mandelbrot, Benoit |
33. BookCloseouts.com - The Bestseller In Bargain Books mandelbrot, benoit. Publisher, Basic Books. Format, Hardcover. Bargain Book Copy. List Price, $27.50. Our Price, $7.99 (US Funds) http://www.bookcloseouts.com/default.asp?N=-120434 |
34. MANDELBROT, BENOIT B. - CIRS Email benoit.mandelbrot@yale.edu Sterling Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Mathematics Department, Yale University New Haven, USA http://www.cirs-tm.org/researchers/researchers.php?id=644 |
35. Alibris: Benoit B. Mandelbrot Used, new outof-print books by author benoit B. mandelbrot. Offering over 50 million titles from thousands of booksellers worldwide. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Mandelbrot, Benoit B. | |
36. MSN Encarta - Mandelbrot mandelbrot, benoit B., born in 1924, Polishborn French mathematician who developed fractal geometry as a Find more about mandelbrot, benoit B. from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761579168/Mandelbrot.html | |
37. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Coquelin Benoît Constant benoit B. mandelbrot (Hank Morgan/Photo Researchers, mandelbrot, benoit B. mandelbrot Set (illustration) (Stephen Johnson/Tony http://encarta.msn.com/Coquelin_Benoît_Constant.html | |
38. Mandelbrot, Benoit B. (1949-01-01) Some Potential Problems Arising In The Theory Author, mandelbrot, benoit B. URN, etd11122003-085608. Persistent URL, http//resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETDetd-11122003-085608 http://etd.caltech.edu/etd/available/etd-11122003-085608/ | |
39. Benoit Mandelbrot Contains several galleries of fractal images, wallpapers, fractal music, and discussions on fractals as art. It also includes an extensive upto-date list http://www.fractovia.org/people/mandelbrot.html | |
40. References mandelbrot,benoit. Reference. Context. Mandel, Fractals. Pracfrac, Fractal compression. Friction, Fractals and mysticism. Newmath, Fractals http://members.fortunecity.com/templarser/m1-1.html | |
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