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Maclane Saunders: more books (36) | ||||||
61. WEBCSBMI: Bacheca: Lista Videocassette Mac Lane, saunders Algebra as a means of understanding mathematics Mac Lane, saunders Some major research departments of mathematics http://www.csb-main.unige.it/Cataloghi/listavideo.html | |
62. Foreign Dispatches: Saunders Mac Lane Is Dead http://foreigndispatches.typepad.com/dispatches/2005/04/saunders_mac_la.html | |
63. Gooseania: Saunders Mac Lane saunders Mac Lane, who invented Category Theory with Eilenberg, died last week. saunders Mac Lane, 95, Pioneer of Algebra s Category Theory, Dies http://gooseania.blogspot.com/2005/04/saunders-mac-lane.html | |
64. Saunders Mac Lane - Anagrams saunders Mac Lane anagrams. Rearranging the letters of saunders Mac Lane (Mathematician) Find more anagrams of saunders mac lane (or any other text)! http://www.anagramgenius.com/archive/saunders-mac-lane.html | |
65. Welcome To Woodslane saunders Mac Lane A Mathematical Autobiography H/C. saunders Mac Lane s life has covered nearly a century of mathematical developments. http://www.woodslane.com.au/woodslane/searchresults.asp?ISBN=1568811500 |
66. Saunders Mac Lane A Mathematical Autobiography 34692 Free Books This site catalogs all known books available for down line loading. There is also a free newsletter to tell you when new titles become http://www.books-on-line.com/bol/bookdisplay.cfm?booknum=36504&fback=1 |
67. 22M330 Fall 2004 - Topics In Algebra - Categorical Structures Mac Lane, saunders Categories in geometry, algebra and logic . Math. Japon. 42 (1995) 1, 169178. Categorical structures are additional features that are http://www.math.uiowa.edu/~fsouza/22M330-F04/Announcement2pt2.html |
68. Access To Articles : Nature saunders Mac Lane, who died on 14 April, was one of the few mathematicians to He is the publisher of saunders Mac Lane A Mathematical Autobiography, http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v435/n7040/full/435292a.html | |
69. [math/0507203] Saunders Mac Lane, The Knight Of Mathematics Authors SS Kutateladze Subjclass History and Overview MSC-class 01A10. This is a short obituary of saunders Mac Lane (19092005). http://arxiv.org/abs/math.HO/0507203 | |
70. The PNAS Way back then -- Mac Lane 94 (12): 5983 -- Proceedings Of The Nationa saunders Mac Lane, Chairman Proceedings Editorial Board, 19601968 Contributed by saunders Mac Lane, March 27, 1997. ARTICLE http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/94/12/5983 | |
71. New Book List July 18, 2005 saunders MAC LANE A MATHEMATICAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY / saunders MAC LANE. Mac Lane, saunders, 1909 Wellesley, Mass. AK Peters, c2005. QA29.M24 A3 2005. http://libweb.uoregon.edu/scilib/mathlib/mathnewbooks/071805.htm | |
72. AAS Database - Browse - List 16, Mac Lane S. (saunders), 1909 See Mac Lane, saunders,1909-. 16, Mac Lane, saunders, 1909-. 1, Mac Niocaill, C. (Conall) See Mac Niocaill, Conall http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/ATA/AAS/AAS/SCAN-F/2115755 | |
73. CTAN: Directory: /tex-archive/macros/latex/required/amslatex/amsrefs unambiguously identify the last name without any further markup, even in cases like saunders Mac Lane (Mac Lane, saunders) versus Stephen H. Lane (Lane, http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/amslatex/amsrefs/ | |
74. Untitled Document saunders Mac Lane, who has died aged 95, was the joint creator (with Samuel Eilenberg) of the subject of category theory. He will also be remembered as the http://www.lms.ac.uk/newsletter/338/338_07.html | |
75. Citations: Categories For The Working Mathematician - Lane (ResearchIndex) saunders Mac Lane. Categories for the Working Mathematician, Second Edition. Springer, New York, 1978. A Categorical Semantics of Quantum Protocols Samson http://citeseer.csail.mit.edu/context/26831/0 | |
76. Video Tape List V 510 M222f, Fifty years of Mathematical Reviews, Mac Lane, saunders,1909, American Mathematical Society, 1990, ? http://www.math.snu.ac.kr/lib/html/video.html | |
77. Zoeken De Van Stockum Internetboekwinkel Met 1.500.000 Leverbare A Survey Of Modern Algebra, Birkhoff, Garrett/ Mac Lane, saunders, Engels, Gebonden, 59.80. A Yellowstone Reader, saunders, Richard L. (EDT), Engels http://www.vanstockum.nl/search.php?type=2&genre=-1&mediatype=&searched=2&auteur |
78. Logic - CASE Bibliography Mac Lane, saunders (1998). Categories for the Working Mathematician. SpringerVerlag. Mac Lane, saunders (1995). Homology. Springer-Verlag. http://david_hewins.tripod.com/papers/id13.html | |
79. Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics Mac Lane, saunders, 1909, Eilenberg-Mac Lane, collected works, 1, QA 612.3 E55 1986, Killam. Mac Lane, saunders, 1909-, Selected papers; saunders Mac Lane http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~dilcher/collwks.html | |
80. Bibliotheque Algèbre Mac Lane, saunders! Birkhoff, Garrett A 249 BIR. Algèbre Mac Lane, saunders Categories for the working mathematician Mac Lane, saunders 2103 MAC http://www.univ-orleans.fr/sciences/MAPMO/doc/bibliotheque/titres.html | |
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