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Maccullagh James: more detail | ||||||||
41. © 1998-2004 Sommerfeld-Projekt. Ausgelesen Am 07. März 2004 Nikolajewitsch (1866-1912); maccullagh, james; Maxwell, james Clerk (1831-1879);Pockels, http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~Sommerfeld/BriefDat/00182.html | |
42. Welcome To McCullough Genealogy The bestknown people of the name were Ulstermen james maccullagh (1809-1847),born in Strabane, Ireland was an eminent mathematician and physicist; http://www.mcculloughgenealogy.info/history_early.html | |
43. James MacCullagh Biography .ms james maccullagh (1809 in Landahaussy (near Strabane), Ireland Died 24 Oct 1847in Dublin, Ireland) was an Irish Mathematician. He was a fellow of Trinity http://james-maccullagh.biography.ms/ | |
44. Joycean: James Joyce » Works resource featuring essays, multimedia, forums, and the works of james Joyce . Yes, maccullagh and I; he said. He s taking pure mathematics and I m http://joycean.org/index.php?work=11 |
45. Copley Medal - One Language 1791 james Rennell; JeanAndr?eluc (John Andrew de Luc) 1842 james maccullagh 1843 Jean Baptiste Dumas 1844 Carlo Matteucci 1845 Theodor Schwann http://www.onelang.com/encyclopedia/index.php/Copley_Medal | |
46. Journal Of American Folklore #442 Dobreva, Koceva, and Miceva) james Dow; The Irish Currach Folk Life on theWestern Seaboard from Galacia to Greenland (maccullagh) Michael J. Chiarappa http://www.afsnet.org/publications/jaf/442.htm | |
47. Famous Mathematicians With An M Francis Macaulay james maccullagh Hector Macdonald Sheila Scott Macintyre SaundersMacLane Colin Maclaurin Percy MacMahon Sangamagramma Madhava http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_M.htm | |
48. Gale-Edit - Dictionary Of Science Biography - Scientists By Name Macaulay, Francis Sowerby; Macbride, David; MacBride, Ernest William;maccullagh, james; MacCulloch, John; Mach, Ernst; Machatschki, Felix Karl Ludwig http://www.gale-edit.com/ndsb/scientists.htm | |
49. A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man, By James Joyce (chapter5) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, by james Joyce (chapter5) Yes,maccullagh and I; he said. Hes taking pure mathematics and Im taking http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/j/joyce/james/j8p/chapter5.html | |
50. A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man, By James Joyce The sentence of saint james which says that he who offends against one commandment Yes, maccullagh and I; he said. Hes taking pure mathematics and Im http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/j/joyce/james/j8p/j8p.html | |
51. Irish Science & Technology (3) :: Irish Culture Guide Irish Science Journalists Association james maccullagh Mechanical EngineeringDepartment, NUIG SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY (1) SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY (2) http://www.irishcultureguide.com/science3.html | |
52. A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man - Chapter 5 - James Joyce Read Chapter 5 of A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man by james Joyce Read Yes, maccullagh and I; he said. He s taking pure mathematics and I m http://www.readprint.com/chapter-6361/James-Joyce |
54. CCB Restoration Fund Contributor's List Richard Marcia maccullagh, Chaplain RivRon15, TF-117. Robert W. Malone, HMCM,RivDiv112, TF-117 LTC james Noyes, C Btry./3rd/34th Arty, 9th Inf Div. http://www.mrfa.org/ccbcontr.htm | |
55. James Joyce: A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man Yes, maccullagh and I; he said. He s taking pure mathematics and I m takingconstitutional history. There are twenty subjects. I m taking botany too. http://www.eshin.com/babel/library/literature/joyce/portrait/artist5.html | |
56. Addendum To The Life Of Sir William Rowan Hamilton, LL.D, D.C.L. james Hamilton. The opinions of Sir William s son on such a matter must surelyhave been Professor maccullagh, a contemporary of Hamilton s in Dublin, http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/HistMath/People/Hamilton/Addend/Addend.html | |
57. June 03 Newsletter Andrew Ley, Chris Rawcliffe, james Rolleston, Harrison Jones, Kamarl Simpson,Rosaleen maccullagh, Andrew Bovey, Rhiannon Mohabir and Matthew Downs. http://www.archten.croydon.sch.uk/about/nl0306.htm | |
58. Boatbuilding At WOODWEB's Bookstore james Moran, et al / Paperback / Published 1995. Canoecraft A HarrowsmithIllustrated Guide to Richard maccullagh / Hardcover / Published 1993 http://www.woodweb.com/Resources/RSBookstoreBoatbuilding.html | |
59. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page maccullagh, james. MacCulloch, John. MacCulloch, John. Mach, Ernst. Mach, Ernst.Mach, Ernst. Machatschki, Felix Karl Ludwig. Machatschki, Felix Karl Ludwig http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/m.html | |
60. Abbe, Ernst Translate this page maccullagh, james. Mach, Ernst. Machatschki, Felix Karl Ludwig. McLennan, JohnCunningham. Magellan, Jean-Hyacinthe de. Magiotti, Raffaello http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/physics.html | |
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