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Lighthill Sir James: more detail | ||||||||
81. Uyeda (1997) ICSU s Scientific Committee for IDNDR (sir james lighthill chair), becameinterested in the VANmethod and held, jointly with the Royal Society of London, http://yochi.iord.u-tokai.ac.jp/eprc/res/incede/incede2a.html | |
82. Alibris: Science Waves Wave Mechanics by lighthill, sir james, and lighthill, MJ, sir, and lighthill, james Now in theCambridge Mathematical Library, this comprehensive text describes the http://www.alibris.com/search/books/subject/Science Waves Wave Mechanics/page/4 | |
83. Journal Clubs sir George Stokes, 18491903 (54 years). 14. sir Joseph Larmor, 1903-1932 (30 years) sir james lighthill, 1969-1980 (11 years) http://www.pitt.edu/~biohome/Dept/Frame/journalclubs.htm | |
84. Oxford University Gazette, 16 October 1997: Lectures PROFESSOR sir james lighthill, FRS, University College, London 27 Oct. `Recentadvances in interpreting hearing sensitivity in mammals. DR S. RANDOLPH http://www.ox.ac.uk/gazette/1997-8/weekly/161097/lecs.htm | |
85. Ocean Spray Lubricates Hurricane Winds to âthe great mathematician and fluid mechanician sir james lighthill.âWhereas lighthill thought that evaporation of the droplets cooled the http://www.brightsurf.com/news/headlines/view.article.php?ArticleID=20444 |
86. Bücher Des Graduiertenkollegs Translate this page lighthill, sir james. Mathematical Biofluiddynamics. lighthill, sir james.Waves in Fluids. Liu, GR, Mesh Free Methods Moving beyond the Finite Element http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/spag/gradkoll/buecher.html | |
87. Ilya Prigogine Translate this page La razón de la declaración de sir james lighthill es, concretamente, el descubrimientode los sistemas dinámicos caóticos. El simple hecho de que unos http://rehue.csociales.uchile.cl/publicaciones/moebio/18/zuppa.htm |
88. $B?^=q%j%9%H(B($BHs@~7ANO3XJ,Ln(B) $BHs@~7ANO3X(B $BN.BNNO3X(B sir. james lighthill FRS (1924-1998), funeral address by Julian Hunt , FluidDynamics Research, vol.24, pp.iii-vi, (1999). lighthill , by http://www.acs.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/info/ndyn/book_funakoshi.html | |
89. IMA:Wind Over Wave Couplings: Perspectives & Prospects A second special feature is the magnificent paper given by sir james Lighthillat the conference. A eulogy of his life is also included. Contents http://www.ima.org.uk/mathematics/procwind.htm | |
90. SIAM John Von Neumann Lecture 1970 james H. Wilkinson; 1971 Paul A. Samuelson; 1974 Jule Charney; 1975 Sirjames lighthill; 1976 Rene Thom; 1977 Kenneth J. Arrow; 1978 Peter Henrici http://www.siam.org/prizes/sponsored/neumann.php |
91. Review Of ``Artificial Intelligence: A General Survey'' Review of ``Artificial Intelligence A General Survey by Professor sir JamesLighthill, FRS, in Artificial Intelligence a paper symposium, http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/reviews/lighthill/lighthill.html |
92. The Age Of Intelligent Machines: Intelligent Knowledge-Based Systems--AI In The was a major setback for AI work in the UK In this report sir james Lighthillsuggested that one needed a major breakthrough before it would be possible http://www.kurzweilai.net/articles/art0308.html?m=11 |
93. HS228 Lecture Notes: AI Expansion of British AI continued until an official Report by sir james Lighthillin 1973 burst AI s bubble. as in the US, AI promised too much to deliver http://www.chstm.man.ac.uk/teaching/hs228_b1.htm | |
94. BioNotes, 14 February 2005 Tuesday, February 15, 400 pm, Beth Moor LoungeSIR james lighthill Friday,February 18, 330 pm, 101 LOVSIR james lighthill DISTINGUISHED LECTURE IN http://www.bio.fsu.edu/bionotes/05-02-14.html | |
95. Codierung Und Kryptograpghie Meadows D.+ D. Die Grenzen des Wachstums; Rowohlt, 1972 http://www.ph-karlsruhe.de/~ziegenbalg/materialien-homepage-jzbg/Literatur/ms-li | |
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