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Lighthill Sir James: more detail | ||||||||
61. University Of Dundee : External Relations : Press Office sir james Black is the first recipient in the University s history of an Honorary Currently Professor of Climate Modelling and Director of the lighthill http://www.dundee.ac.uk/pressreleases/prmay05/honorarydegrees.html | |
62. Mechanics Colloquia 1 lighthill, sir james 1979 Waves and hydrodynamic loading. Proc. 2nd Int.Conf. on the Behavoiur of Offshore Structures. Vol 1 pp 140. http://www-mech.eng.cam.ac.uk/mechanics/seminars/abstracts/rainey.shtml | |
63. Towards More Balanced Inquiry And Response In Psychological Health The 1986 apology came through the late sir james lighthill, What sir jameslighthill says in the above apology is very relevant to our view of the http://www.goodshare.org/restore.htm | |
64. World Scientific edited by sir james lighthill; Dialogues on Modern Physics by Mendel Sachs;Dual Resonance Models and Superstrings by PH Frampton; Dynamics of Negative Ions http://www.worldscibooks.com/offers.shtml |
65. Transactions Of The Wessex Institute sir james lighthill and modern fluid mechanics A memorial tri Development ofa numerical model to simulate wave induced fl. http://library.witpress.com/pages/listpapers.asp?q_bid=108 |
66. Fluid Mechanics Of Ciliary Propulsion By John Blake Dedicated to the memory of sir james lighthill John Blake School of Mathematicsand Statistics The University of Birmingham Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, http://www.ima.umn.edu/biology/wkshp_abstracts/blake1.html | |
67. IN BRIEF sir james lighthill, brilliant mathematician who foresaw the use of communicationssatellites and space shuttles, has died aged 74. http://www.ercim.org/publication/Ercim_News/enw35/inbrief35.html | |
68. Archives - The IEE Ernest Orlando, AM PhD    FM 1952 .46 LEETE, Mr. Ernest       HF1954 .47 lighthill, sir james, FRS      HF 1984  Recorded 17 May 1985. http://www.iee.org/TheIEE/Research/Archives/FindingAids/Films/index.cfm | |
69. To Biographies - The IEE FA Cortez Leigh. sir james lighthill. james Bowman Lindsay. Oliver Lodge.Augusta Ada, Countess of Lovelace. Francis Lydall. Arnold Lynch. Albert John Lynch http://www.iee.org/TheIEE/Research/Archives/FindingAids/Biographies/index.cfm | |
70. IngentaConnect The Source Of Aerodynamic Noise The theory of Aerodynamic Noise was established by sir james lighthill in 1952.The beauty of lighthill s treatment was that he based this theory on the http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mscp/ijaa/2003/00000002/F0020003/art00004 | |
71. University Of Liverpool 1961 sir Michael james lighthill, DSc 1997 Lin Chingjiang, LLD 2002 ProfessorWenyi Lin, LLD 1987 Samson Lipton, MD 1928 John Edensor Littlewood, DSc http://www.liv.ac.uk/commsec/calendar/hongrads1.htm |
72. Research Intelligence: Home Page, Issue 4 include Britain s first aerodynamics scientist, Dr FW Lanchester, and a formerdirector of the Royal Aeronautical Society, sir james lighthill . http://www.liv.ac.uk/researchintelligence/issue4/ | |
73. Calendar Of The University Of Essex - Former Chancellors, Vice-Chancellors, Emer Professor sir Michael james lighthill, BA DSc, FRAeS FRS (1967) Professor RichardLipsey, BA MA PhD, Order of Canada, FRSC, Fellow Econometric Society http://www.essex.ac.uk/academic/docs/cal/former.shtm | |
74. School Of Mathematics And Statistics Microbiological fluid mechanics a tribute to sir james lighthill, Math Meth . sir james lighthill 192498, Math Meth. Appl. Sci., 24, 1307- 1310. http://www.res.bham.ac.uk/publications/researchpubs/2001data/mathsstats.htm | |
75. LRB | Letters From Vol. 21 No. 19 Heathcote Williams, in his review of Roger Deakin s Waterlog (LRB, 19 August),says that sir james lighthill swam around Sark in a peculiar swimming style http://www.lrb.co.uk/v21/n19/letters.html | |
76. Directorate For Research And Academic Affairs Victor Brailovsky, sir james lighthill. Ilona Feher, George P. Schultz. Martin D.Kamen, Meir Shamgar. Helen Kimmelman (Kimmel), Frank H. Westheimer http://www.weizmann.ac.il/acadaff/Scientific_Activities/current/Academic_Affairs | |
77. Squeaky-Clean Limerick Entries For July '98 The poet comments, sir james lighthill was applying his own theory to a swimaround the Channel Island of Sark last Friday when he didn t quite make it http://www.webcom.com/~erique/limerick/1998/nice798.html | |
78. Sir M. James Lighthill sir M. james lighthill. I think the subject I became interested in above all sir M. james lighthill tragically drowned in July 1998 while swimming in http://www.lucasianchair.org/lucasianchair.org/lighthill.html | |
79. The Lighthill Path sir M(ichael) james lighthill is a pioneer in the field of the aerodynamics ofhigh speed aircraft and missiles. He contributed to the theory of jet noise http://www.lucasianchair.org/lucasianchair.org/lighthill-interview.html | |
80. Bioline International Official Site (site Up-dated Regularly) {STRONG}{P}sir james lighthill 19241998{/FONT}{/STRONG} {/P} {P}JuliaMarton-Lefevre{/P} {P}A great deal will have been written about sir james lighthill s http://www.bioline.org.br/abstract?id=nl98003&lang=en |
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