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Lexell Anders: more detail |
81. RYDMAN vaikuttaneiden osuus tässä 16 huipun joukossa on huomattava mukaan ovatpäässeet Friedrich WA Argelander, anders Johann lexell ja Yrjö Väisälä. http://www.tsv.fi/ttapaht/004/rydman.htm | |
82. Helsingin Yliopisto anders, Andreij vai Andreaus. Vuonna 1775 lexell nimitettiin Kuninkaallisen Turun anders Johan lexell. http//sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/anders_Johan_lexell. http://www.helsinki.fi/yliopistonhistoria/oivallukset/1_oivallus.htm | |
83. Helsingin Yliopiston Opettaja- Ja Virkamiesmatrikkeli 1640-1809 /Filosofinen Tie lexell, anders Johan (* 1740 1784), matematiikka. 1764. Calonius, Matthias (*1737 1817), talousoppi. 1764. Selen, Johan (* 1727 1781), http://www.helsinki.fi/keskusarkisto/virkamiehet_2/filosofinentdk.htm | |
84. Viatrigo Translate this page Da Rússia, o astrônomo sueco anders lexell alertou Herschel que este não haviadescoberto apenas mais um cometa, mas um novo planeta do sistema solar. http://www.cnpt.embrapa.br/informativo/viatrigo/viatrigo10.htm | |
85. Friedrich Wihelm (detto William) Herschel anders lexell (1740-1784) affrontò i calcoli e trovòche il nuovo corpo celeste orbitava a una distanza doppia di quella del più http://digilander.libero.it/andromedda/personaggi-herschel.htm | |
86. Observatoriemuseet anders lexell Bertil Lindblad Carl von Linné Knut Lundmark Alfred E. Nobel JohannesR. Rydberg Carl W. Scheele Arne W. Tiselius E. Hugo von Zeipel http://www.observatoriet.kva.se/svenska/utstallningar/tillfalliga/manen/ | |
87. Välkommen Till Adobe GoLive 5 Göran lexell, Sammankallande anders andersson och Mattias lexell. Tillbaka. http://www.gnestabygden.d.se/b_lunda/new files/omforen.html |
88. C&T Jovem - Página Inicial Translate this page Da Rússia, o astrônomo sueco anders lexell alertou Herschel que este haviadescoberto não apenas um cometa, mas um novo planeta do sistema solar. http://ctjovem.mct.gov.br/index.php?action=/content/view&cod_objeto=19296&Portal |
89. Bd22.html lexell, anders Johan, 174084, 670 Leyell, se Leijell Leyonancker, se ävenLeijonancker o Lejonanker Leyonancker, Daniel (Young), 1627-88, 452 http://www.sblexikon.se/bd22.html | |
90. Uranus â Wikipedia Pietarilainen anders Johan lexell puolestaan ehdotti Yrjö IIIn Neptunusta jaIsonBritannian Neptunusta, Daniel Bernoulli Hypercroniusta ja Transaturnista http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranus | |
91. The Neptune File - Tom Standage - Penguin UK anders lexell. A celebrated mathematician and astronomer from St Petersburg,Russia, decided to try a different approach. Instead of deriving a parabolic http://www.penguin.co.uk:8000/nf/Book/BookDisplay/0,,0_0140294643,00.html?sym=EX |
92. WhoWasThere Reply anders lexell was 40 this year and would die in a further 4 years. Carl FriedrichHindenburg was 39 this year and would die in a further 28 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1780 |
93. WhoWasThere Reply anders lexell was born this year and would die in a further 44 years. There were78 mathematicians in our archive alive in the year 1740. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1740 |
94. Biographical Notes lexell, anders Johan (17401784). Swedish. Astronomer, mathematician. Professor ofastronomy at St Petersburg. He succeded Leonard Euler as professor of http://www.c18.rutgers.edu/pr/lc/bio.html | |
95. SWEDEN.SE - Sweden And St Petersburg The natural historian Erik Laxman (173796) and astronomer anders JohanLexell (1740-84), both Swedish Finns, were ordinary members, while Carl Linnaeus and http://www.sweden.se/templates/cs/Print_Article____5735.aspx | |
96. Afstande I Solsystemet Mange andre astronomer målte på Venuspassagen; bl.a. kan nævnes, at finnen AndersJohan lexell, der sammen med Leonard Euler opholdt sig i Sct. Petersborg, http://www.rundetaarn.dk/dansk/observatorium/afstsolsys.htm | |
97. Le Catalogue Messier http://www.astro-rennes.com/initiation/catalogue_messier.php | |
98. Zanimljivosti O Uranu Da je u pitanju planeta utvrdio je finski matematicar Andres Leksel (AndersLexell, 17401784) nekoliko meseci nakon sto je Hersel uocio objekat na nebu. http://www.astronomija.co.yu/suncsist/planete/Uran/zanimljivosti.htm | |
99. ASTRONOMIE - SYSTÈME SOLAIRE - SYSTÈME SOLAIRE - 6 26-10-1366 (3,4). Halley 10-4-837 (5). Biela (3D/Biela) période 6,62 années, http://www.quid.fr/2005/07_13.htm | |
100. JANNET Person Page Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.aerith.net/JANNET/person.html |
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