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Lexell Anders: more detail |
41. Tähtitieteen Vaiheita Helsingin Yliopistossa anders Johan lexell syntyi Turussa 1740. Hän osoitti opiskellessaan poikkeuksellistalahjakkuutta. Vuonna 1763 lexell nimitettiin Akatemian matematiikan http://www.astro.helsinki.fi/vaiheet/3.html | |
42. Boise Astronomical Society - Charles Messier & Viewing List Comet named after anders lexell calculated its orbit. · November 26 Age 40,married MarieFrancoise de Vermauchampt. 22. 1771 http://www.boiseastro.org/articles/messier.htm | |
43. Uranus Finally, an astronomer from Russia named anders lexell determined that it mustbe a planet by calculating its orbit. 5 William Herschel had discovered http://www.edhelper.com/ReadingComprehension_33_57.html | |
44. Biographies_L lexell, anders Johan (17401784) Lewis, Thomas Liais, Emmanuel Lind, Hans Lindenau,Bernhard August von Lindhagen, Arvid Lindstedt, A. Linsser, Carl http://cometography.com/biographies/bio_l.html | |
45. Lexell A. J. anders Johan lexell (174084) oli suomalainen tähtitieteilijä ja matemaatikko . 364-365, 455. anders lexell, Tähdet ja avaruus 5/84, s. 186-187 http://www.ursa.fi/extra/kosmos/l/lexell.html | |
46. Esitelmä Tähtitieteen Historiasta Suomalainen anders Johan lexell (174084) oli Turun akatemiassa matematiikandosenttina vuodesta 1763. Hänellä oli toimi Pietarin tiedeakatemiassa vuodesta http://www.ursa.fi/yhd/komeetta/tapio.htm | |
47. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results The site provides a biography of the astronomer anders lexell (17401784).The site is part of the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psibrowse.pl?limit=0&toplevel=policy&subj |
48. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results anders Johan lexell Born 24 Dec 1740 in Äbo, Sweden (now Turku, Finland) Died11 Dec 1784 in St Petersburg, Russia Click the picture above to see a larger http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=475&term1=b |
49. Ãåíåðàëüíîå êîíñóëüñòâî Øâåöèè historian Erik Laxman (173796) and astronomer anders Johan lexell (1740-84), As assistant to Euler the Elder (1707-83), lexell made important http://www.sweden.spb.ru/paths_eng.htm | |
50. Indian Academy Of Sciences - Archive The Marketing of Grapes in India AKY, 566. India Meteorological Department - TPB,567. Centenaries - lexell, anders Johann (1740-1784), 568 http://www.ias.ac.in/j_archive/currsci/9/vol9contents.html |
51. Anders Lexell Université Montpellier II Translate this page anders lexell (1740-1784). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1459 |
52. Famous Finns — Virtual Finland anders Chydenius, socially engaged writer Ragnar Granit, Nobel Prize in biophysic anders Johan lexell, mathematician Ernst Lindelöf, mathematician http://virtual.finland.fi/People/famous_finns.asp | |
53. Riddarfjärdsregattan Eller Varför Man Inte Matar Fisk Lars lexell/anders Karlsson Gunilla Berg/Erik Kallin Jan Ringdahl/Bo RingdahlPeter Johansson/Lars Reinius, 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12), Ebbe Rosén/Olle Wenrup http://hem.passagen.se/waterat/riddarn82.htm | |
54. 505 NM -83 S 7296 anders Karlsson/Lars lexell 2020-21-7-17-4 96 18. L 7049 Tom Sjöman/PerStrömman 12-10-19-14-18-14 98 19. L 7467 George Gebhard/Andreas Siponen http://hem.passagen.se/waterat/505nordics-helsinki83.htm | |
55. Lund Virtual Medical Journal Authors Larsson Lund, Maria and Nordlund, anders and Nygård, Louise and lexell,Jan and Bernspång, Birgitta Year 2005 http://lvmj.medfak.lu.se/view/year/2005-04.html | |
56. Le Guide Du Ciel / Phénomènes Au Jour Le Jour Translate this page Le 1er juillet 1770, la comète lexell est passée à 2,3 millions de kilomètres dela Terre mais elle porte le nom du Suédois anders lexell qui, en 1779, http://www.leguideduciel.net/ephemerides/jpj200507.htm |
57. AF2025 V3c16-3a Planetary Defense Catastrophic Health (Ch 3a) Nearly a century later, in 1777, anders lexell showed that the comet observedseven years earlier had made what is still the record confirmed closest http://www.fas.org/spp/military/docops/usaf/2025/v3c16/v3c16-3a.htm |
58. Lexell A. J. anders Johan lexell (174084) oli suomalainen tähtitieteilijä ja matemaatikko.lexell tutki differentiaali- ja integraalilaskentaa ja http://www.funet.fi/pub/astro/html/kosmos/l/lexell_a.html | |
59. Al Día - Tablas De Contenido De Revistas Especializadas Autor/es Maria Larsson Lund anders Nordlund - Louise Nygard - Jan lexell -Birgitta Título PERCEPTIONS OF PARTICIPATION AND PREDICTORS OF PERCEIVED http://www.al-dia.cl/sistema/tablas/listar.asp?r=2682 |
60. FinnLinks - Famous Finns Category anders lexell (17401784) made major contributions to spherical geometry andtrigonometry. Updated Sun 9 Apr 2000; Christine Lahti, actress Biography http://www.genealogia.fi/finnlinks/show.php?cid=24 |
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