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Levytsky Volodymyr: more detail |
61. Chernobyl - Tschernobyl - Information Deputy Director editor-in-chief volodymyr Tyshchenko phone +380 (44) 244-51-73, Head of the Center Oleh levytsky (044) 216-81-90 ivc@chii.mns.gov.ua http://www.chernobyl.info/en/Strategy/Partner/chernobylinterinform | |
62. VirtualTourist.com - Klod5's Ukraine Travelogue - Ukraine - Presentation Part II such as Dmytro levytsky, moved to Russia in search of training and wider such as the statues of Saint volodymyr (Vladimir) and the cossack leader http://members.virtualtourist.com/m/tt/34b06/ | |
63. CTW: Abstract View The Holy Script got widely spread in Ukraine after volodymyr, son of Svyatoslavand the Grand I.Puliuy and I.Nechuylevytsky appeared in Vienna in 1903. http://www.ctw-congress.de/scripts/abs-view/abstract.php?id=19954&topic=145&inkl |
64. St. John The Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church John Zuck (1923) Lev levytsky (19231924) Evstachij Sydoriak (1925-1934) Christopher Rogalski Wasyl Hrynkiw Ivan Mazuryk volodymyr Kucaj Stepan Kuklich http://www.stjohnthebaptistucc.com/clergy.htm | |
65. Flygbolaget Aerosvit such as Dmytro levytsky, moved to Russia in search of training and wider In 988, during the reign of volodymyr I (Vladimir I; also known as Saint http://www.aerosvitairlines.se/swe/hurman_kontinenter/ | |
66. Famous Ukrainians http//www.artnet.com/library/06/0610/T061013.asp; Myron levytsky. http//www.oca.org/Feastsand-Saints/Oct-27.html nestor2; volodymyr the Great. http://www2.uwindsor.ca/~hlynka/ukfam.html | |
67. H-Net Review: Elizabeth Luchka Haigh In the 1890s, both the novelist Ivan Nechuilevytsky and the journalist Borys In 1920, in The Rebirth of a Nation , volodymyr Vynnychenko regretted that http://www.h-net.msu.edu/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=29302895863555 |
68. Agapit ¹ 5-6 These are the book sings of veterinaries I.levytsky from Warsaw and A.Travynsky fromLviv Exlibrises by volodymyr Masyk were very popular in his times. http://www2.histomed.kiev.ua/agapit/ag56/ag56-71e.html | |
69. Agapit ¹ 5-6 A stamp dedicated to volodymyr Filatov (18751956), of the Psalter and Gospelinto the Ukrainian (together with I.Nechuilevytsky and P.Kulish). http://www2.histomed.kiev.ua/agapit/ag56/ag56-63e.html | |
70. Welcome To Ukraine historians and artists Roman Selsky, Leopold levytsky, Roman Turyn, KarlZvirynsky, Illarion and Vira Sventsitsky, Roman Lypka, volodymyr Vuytsyk, http://www.wumag.kiev.ua/index2.php?param=pgs20051/78 |
71. Untitled Document Viktor levytsky, the head of the Spetsmebli Board of Directors says This fair Vitaliy and volodymyr Klychko have indeed created a sensation by winning http://www.wumag.kiev.ua/wumag_old/archiv/4_99/news_1.htm | |
72. Soviet Genocide And Mass Murder: References Kosyk, volodymyr. CONCENTRATION CAMPS IN THE USSR. London Ukrainian Publishers levytsky, Boris. THE USES OF TERROR THE SOVIET SECRET POLICE 19171970. http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/USSR.REFERENCES.HTM | |
73. A Monument To The Heroic Past "ÄÅÍÜ" from the outstanding scholar Academician Orest levytsky and such prominentscholars as Dmytro volodymyr the Great, the Radiant Sun of UkraineRus http://www.day.kiev.ua/145728/ | |
74. Lviv - Lvov - Lwow - Lemberg. Notable People - Biographies, Links, Photos. L Stanislaw Lem volodymyr levytsky Johann Lhotsky Lotka Alfred James JanLukasiewicz M Alexandra Marinina Alexius Meinong Ludwig von Mises http://www.lvov.us/famous-people/ | |
75. Tariff Reform And Communal Services Enterprises Restructuring Project Svyatotska Valentyna, Romanyuk Olga, levytsky Anton, Slobodenyuk Igor, The elected Supervisory Board has Khomko volodymyr, Timoshenko Nadya and http://tariffreform.padco.kiev.ua/eng/NEWS/MDI/meeting-MDI-eng.html | |
76. 28 Verkhovna Radas formand volodymyr Lytvyn har uventet rejst en kritik af de lovforslag levytsky said it was significant that Canada was the first western http://www.danskukrainsk.dk/1-30 juni 2003.htm | |
77. 30 Den hidtidige leder af partiet, volodymyr Seminozhenko, Marco levytsky, editorof Canada s largest Ukrainian newspaper, the biweekly, Edmontonbased http://www.danskukrainsk.dk/arkiv_0403_2.htm | |
78. Pro Helvetia - TB2002 - Aktivitäten Nach Abteilungen - Pro Helvetia Kyiv Translate this page National Sinfonie Orchester, volodymyr Sirenko, Kyiv «Echanges Concert» Konzert Myroslav levytsky, Kalush Internationales Musikfestival Autumn Jam. http://www3.pro-helvetia.ch/report02/dept/result.asp?lang=de&sk=orig&qo=13 |
79. Disclaimer - Electronic Collection Modest levytsky The bad road. The Terrible night / Tr. by JA Lesia A translation of volodymyr Sosiura s poem Love Ukraine is included in the http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/200/300/cius-rr-h/rr19-h/rr19.html | |
80. Home the Ukrainian National Republic (UNR), Andriy levytsky and Stepan Vytvytsky; After Archbishop Antony withdrew his candidacy, Fr. volodymyr Romaniuk http://saveouruoc.com/disruptiveconduct.html | |
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