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61. Britton Biography of john Britton (19271994) john leslie Britton john Britton entered Beverley Grammar School in 1939 and he completed his school education http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Britton.html | |
62. John STANLEY: Six Concertos For Organ/Harpsichord. CD Full description of CD content, illustration, and music samples. Historic 1764 organ. Little Orchestra of London, leslie Jones. http://www.baroquecds.com/01Web.html | |
63. Wallenfeldt.com - Because Dissent IS American john and leslie. Includes news, photos, a message board and favorite links. http://wallenfeldt.com | |
64. BBC - I Love Blue Peter - John Leslie Presenter Biography I Love Blue Peter Presenters - john leslie biography. http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/classic/bluepeter/presenters/leslie.shtml | |
65. The Illustration Of Tristram Shandy, 1760-1996 History of the illustration of Tristram Shandy. Artists include Hogarth, Cruikshank, Michael Angelo Rooker, C.R. leslie, john Austen, john Baldessari and Martin Rowson. http://www.aellam.net/ts/ | |
66. Leslie, John. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 leslie, john. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/le/Leslie.html | |
67. The Parsons Dance Company : Composers Short biographies prepared by the Parsons Dance Company. Includes john Corigliano, Morton Gould, David Linton, john Mackey, Milton Nascimento, Richard Peaslee, Tony Powell, Michael Raye, leslie Stuck, and Dr. Billy Taylor. http://www.parsonsdance.org/biography/composers.html | |
68. §15. John Leslie. VII. Reformation And Renascence In Scotland. Vol. 3. Renascen Vol. 3. Renascence and Reformation. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. 190721. http://www.bartleby.com/213/0715.html | |
69. Hills' Family History Descendants of john leslie Hills (b.1847) and wife Edith Maria Tillson, London, ENG. http://members.iinet.net.au/~ericah/ | |
70. Roy Boyd Gallery Chicago, IL contemporary art gallery representing artists from both coasts and internationally. Artist represented include Anne Wilson, William Conger, Markus Linnenbrink, Marlena Novak, Frank Piatek, john Pittman, john ReuterPacyna, Jonathan Thomas, leslie Wolfe, and Dan Ziembo. http://www.royboydgallery.com | |
71. Leslie, John -- Encyclopædia Britannica leslie, john Scottish Roman Catholic bishop and historian and an adviser of Mary Stuart, queen of Scots. He was involved in plots to overthrow the http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9047907 |
72. John Leslie - Alain Pinel Realtors Featuring Los Gatos neighborhoods and developments. Includes agent background. http://www.losgatoshomes.net/ | |
73. Austin Real Estate - John & Leslie Chatham Serves all of Austin. http://www.sellingaustin.com/ | |
74. Lleida.Com / Cinema / Pel·lícula Sinopsi d'aquesta pel·lcula dirigida per Sofia Coppola i protagonitzada per James Woods, Kathleen Turner, Kirsten Dunst, john Hartnett, Hannah Hall, Chelsea Swain, A. J. Cook, leslie Hayman, Danny De Vito, Scott Glenn i Jonathan Tucker. http://cat.lleida.com/cinema/pelicula.html?pelicula=00013 |
75. BGT - Leslie, John john leslie, Honorary Research Associate. john F. leslie. Position. Honorary Research Associate. Email. jfl@plantpath.ksu.edu. Phone. +1785-532-1363 http://www.rbgsyd.gov.au/organisation_businesses/our_people/research_associates/ | |
76. IMS: William Shakespeare, HarperAudio Sir john Gielgud reads the sonnets, accompanied by music performed by the Elizabethan Consort of Viols and the Taylor Consort of Recorders, leslie Pearson, Conductor. http://town.hall.org/Archives/radio/IMS/HarperAudio/020994_harp_ITH.html | |
77. 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles, Boer War Statistical details, brief history, profiles of leslie Maygar, Private Mark Lowenthal, john Frederick Martin and Private Percy Dargie. Historical photographs and a list of archival sources for further research. http://users.netconnect.com.au/~ianmac/vicrifle.html | |
78. Significant Scots - John Leslie leslie, john, bishop of Ross, and distinguished for his indefatigable exertions in behalf of queen Mary, was born in 1526, being the son of Gavin leslie, http://www.electricscotland.com/history/other/leslie_john1.htm | |
79. Significant Scots - John Leslie leslie, john, bishop of Clogher, was born at Balquhain, in the north of Scotland, after the middle of the sixteenth century. He was of an ancient and highly http://www.electricscotland.com/history/other/leslie_john.htm | |
80. Leslie, John (RCS Artist Discography) leslie, john. Original Releases. Date Source, Label Number, V, Titles { References to LP/CD List}, As By, Matrix Numbers. 1956/Feb. or earlier (Bb est. http://rcs.law.emory.edu/rcs/artists/l/lesl5000.htm | |
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