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21. Leslie John Shellhase leslie john Shellhase (1924 2002). Leslie Shellhase was born on January 12, 1924 in Hardy, Nebraska. He received his AB degree from Midland College in http://www.naswfoundation.org/pioneers/s/shellhase.htm | |
22. Newman, Leslie John William - Bright Sparcs Biographical Entry Newman, leslie john William Bright Sparcs Biographical entry, Bright Sparcs is a biographical, bibliographical and archival database of Australian http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/biogs/P001861b.htm | |
23. Clendinnen, Leslie John - Bright Sparcs Biographical Entry Clendinnen, leslie john Bright Sparcs Biographical entry, Bright Sparcs is a biographical, bibliographical and archival database of Australian scientists http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/biogs/P001040b.htm | |
24. The Collection Of Dodd, Leslie John, 1902-, LSE Student Held At The British Libr Notes on lecture courses attended at the London School of Economics. Essays and exercises. Note for extracts from Dodd s diary see Beveridge Supplement 4/9 http://library-2.lse.ac.uk/archives/handlists/CollMisc0458/CollMisc0458.html | |
25. Lohmann International Associates, Tokyo leslie john Lohmann, FSA, FCIA, CCP Canadian Pension Actuaries, United States Enrolled Actuaries and Employee Benefit Consultants Serving the International http://www.japan.co.jp/~llohmann/ |
26. Leslie John PALMER - Notices - Smh.com.au PALMER, leslie john (Mick). Passed away June 20, 2005, late of Westleigh. Much loved husband of Joan, devoted father and fatherin-law of Jenniferand Simon, http://notices.smh.com.au/previewnoticevisitor.aspx?nid=3417 |
27. World War II Ex Raf - Aircrew Notice Board Page 20 1284701 Flight Sergeant (Pilot) leslie john Collis. Son of Joseph Benjamin and Edith Collis; husband of Constance Mary Collis, of Sidcup, Kent. http://www.worldwar2exraf.co.uk/Aircrewnoticeboard20.htm | |
28. Obituary: Leslie John (Jack) McPhillips (1910-2004) Title Obituary leslie john (Jack) McPhillips (19102004) to announce the death on August 19 at 94 years of age of leslie john (Jack) McPhillips. http://agitprop.org.au/lefthistory/20040825_jack_mcphillips_obit.php | |
29. Directory Of Expertise: Expert Name And Details Title Name, Prof leslie john Francis. Department(s), Theology Religious Studies. Language, English. Work Email, ljfrancis@bangor.ac.uk. Home Email http://www.bangor.ac.uk/news/expertise/name.php?enumb=141 |
30. Then She Turns Then she turns, Theme The Land Artist leslie john WRIGHT Birth/Death 1951 Title Then she turns Credit Line National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. http://www.nga.gov.au/federation/Detail.cfm?WorkID=11451 |
31. Federation: Search Results 1 Records Found, Query Time: 47ms 1 Records Found Query Time531ms. leslie john WRIGHT, Then she turns, 97.1331, 1996, National Gallery of Australia. http://www.nga.gov.au/federation/Main.cfm?ArtistID=177 |
32. McLeod, Alexander John And Leslie John ~ At Akheva.com A site dedicated to the Anzacs of World WWar One. List your research interest here. http://com2.akheva.com/banzacresearch.fsoldierresearchandinterest.t100 | |
33. Leslie Comrie - Enpsychlopedia slleslie john Comrie. Retrieved from http//www.psychcentral. com/psypsych/Leslie_Comrie . Categories Astronomer stubs 1893 births 1950 deaths New http://psychcentral.com/psypsych/Leslie_Comrie | |
34. R-MC Women's Soccer 2001: Leslie John leslie john. leslie john. Position GK. Year Freshman. Height 58. Hometown Bethesda, MD. High School Walt Whitman http://www.rmc.edu/athletics/soccer/womens/players/2001/Leslie John.asp | |
35. CITATION: Oriole Patricia Beaty V Leslie John Pilton [2003] NTMC 069 leslie john PILTON. TITLE OF COURT Local Court. JURISDICTION Local Court leslie john PILTON Defendant / Applicant. REASONS FOR DECISION http://www.nt.gov.au/ntsc/doc/judgements/2003/ntmc/ntmc069.htm | |
36. Encyclopedia Of Astronomy And Astrophysics » Comrie, Leslie John (1893â195 Comrie, leslie john (18931950). DOI 10.1888/0333750888/3546; Published November 2000. Icon Full text (PDF, 16K) http://eaa.iop.org/index.cfm?action=summary&doc=eaa/3546@eaa-xml |
37. Breeder Page NAME leslie john LOCATION VT EMAIL lesliejohn3@hotmail.com URL. HISTORY PRIMARY BREED Gldn Ret OTHER BREED 1 OTHER BREED 2 YRS BREEDING PRIMARY 2 http://www.infodog.com/brag/breepage/b127834.htm | |
38. Be An Actuary - Speakers List By Subject leslie john Lohmann Jim McKay Robin W. Michaelson John O. Nigh Cathy O Bright Ikram Shakir leslie john Lohmann C. Ian Markham Patrick Ring Ikram Shakir http://www.beanactuary.org/counselors/speak_subj.cfm | |
39. Genealogy Data Kernke, leslie john Birth 5 Mar 1912 Death ABT 1986 Gender Male Parents. Father Kernke, John Edward Mother Sylvester, Eva Ann http://www.kernke.com/g2w_031b/html/dat12.html | |
40. Portail Des Antiquaires Français - Leslie John KLINKER http://www.antiquaires.com/Annuaire/Aquitaine/LeslieJohnKLINKER | |
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