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61. Lemniscate To Langlands by robert P. langlands . After Gauss and before langlands came, of course, Abel.For an excellent account of how Abel followed up Gauss s hint on the http://log24.com/log04/0117.htm | |
62. 21ST CENTURY BRITISH SCULPTURE Video Archive 910000000003 releases publications contact us visiting information working with us.Sixty Minutes with langlands and Bell and robert Hopper Duration 004536 http://www.sculpture.org.uk/video/910000000003 |
63. 21ST CENTURY BRITISH SCULPTURE Langlands And Bell langlands and Bell Portfolio Turner Prize Exhibition 2004. video. Sixty Minuteswith langlands and Bell and robert Hopper http://www.sculpture.org.uk/artists/LanglandsAndBell |
64. Langlands Program - Definition Of Langlands Program In Encyclopedia It was proposed by robert langlands beginning in 1967. ContentsshowTocToggle( show , hide )1 Connection with number theory2 The. http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Langlands_program | |
65. Crosses L langlands, robert W, Cpl. AIF Cpl. robert W langlands. 2nd/22nd. AIF. Montevideo.1943. langlands, Terrance Edward, 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt. Terrance Edward http://www.gsv.org.au/crosses/CrossesL.htm | |
66. Horsham; Cemetery Index Frame LANE, LANG, langlands, LANGLEY, LAVERY, LAWES Wife of William (1277); mthrof robert, Ada, Jean, Art, Mervyn Eileen http://members.datafast.net.au/marrtronics/HORSHAMI.HTM | |
67. More Information The langlands Program, launched by robert langlands in the late 60 s, ties togetherseemingly unrelated objects in number theory, algebraic geometry, http://www.math.northwestern.edu/langlands/index_moreinfo.htm | |
68. Vice-rectorat Exécutif robert P. langlands amorce ses études universitaires à Au fil des ans, robert P. langlands conçoit un programme mathématique qui http://www.rec.ulaval.ca/rectorat/Honneuretdistinctions/docteurshonoriscausa/Not | |
69. Gut -- ELetters For Langlands Et Al., 53 (11) 1610-1616 goodlad{at}cancer.org.uk?subject=Re%3A+Defective+denominators+2 robert A Goodlad R A. Defective denominators electronic response to langlands SJ, http://gut.bmjjournals.com/cgi/eletters/53/11/1610 | |
70. Wonders Of Numbers John, 4 Kovalevskaya, Sofia, 6971 Kurchan array, 237 La Pileta, 9 langlandsPhilosophy, 76, 311-312 langlands, robert, 86-87 langlands Functoriality, http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/noodlead.html | |
71. Queensland Rugby League Scott Sipple, David Baildon, robert Thompson tries; John Wilshere 2 goals; robertThompson field goal. 11, Central, langlands Park, L, 1644 http://queensland.rleague.com/results/2001/stats-eas.php | |
72. Fields Institute - Conference On Automorphic Forms And The Trace Formula robert langlands, IAS Erez Lapid, The Hebrew University Gerard Laumon, Universityof Paris, Orsay Werner Muller, University of Bonn http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/programs/scientific/04-05/arthurconf/ | |
73. Fields Institute -Missing Data langlands, robert, Institute of Advanced Study. Lapid, Erez, Hebrew Universityof Jerusalem. Laumon, Gerard, Université ParisSud http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/programs/scientific/04-05/arthurconf/attendees/ | |
74. Untitled Document Professor robert langlands was the first speaker and gave the first of two talks . After lunch, robert langlands gave his second talk (a continuation of http://www.lms.ac.uk/newsletter/332/332_02.html | |
75. GENUKI - Glamis Heads Of Family, 1834 John Greenhill sen, John Johnston, William Gibson, robert McDOnald William Heigh,John langlands, William Gibson, John Doig. John Barnet http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/sct/ANS/Glamis/289phf.html | |
76. Names Index Page langlands, Peter (ABT 1826ABT 1871) langlands, robert langlands, ShonaElizabeth (ABT 1988-) langlands, Thomas Angus (ABT 1954-) http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/skyring-homestead/html/names5.htm | |
77. Citebase - Conformal Invariance In Two-dimensional Percolation G/A, 60 robert langlands, PHILIPPE POULIOT, AND YVAN SAINTAUBINF2, Scaling,universality and renormalization group theory, Critical Phenomena (FJW Hahne, http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?id=oai:arXiv.org:math/9401222 |
78. Citebase - Critical Percolation In Finite Geometries 58langlands, robert; Pouliot, Philippe; SaintAubin, Yvan (1993-12-31) langlands et al. considered two crossing probabilities, pi_h and pi_{hv}, http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?id=oai:arXiv.org:hep-th/9111026 |
79. ½ÅÂøµµ¼2004³â3¿ù equations satisfied by Eisenstein series 5, langlands, robert P.,1936 Base Change for GL(2) no.96, langlands, robert P.,1936, Princeton Univ. Press http://www.math.snu.ac.kr/lib/html/newly_publish04_03.htm | |
80. Langlands, R.P.: Base Change For GL(2). (AM-96). robert P. langlands. Paper 1980 $42.00 / £26.95 ISBN 0691-08272-3 248 pp.Shopping Cart. Series. Annals of Mathematics Studies http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/titles/574.html | |
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