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         Landau Lev:     more books (40)
  1. Lev Davidovich Landau and His Impact on Contemporary Theoretical Physics (Horizons in World Physics)
  2. Course of Theoretical Physics : Mechanics by Lev Davidovich Landau, 1982-01-01
  3. Lev Landau: Roman-biografiia [Lev Landau: Novel-biography] by Maiia Bessarab, 2008
  4. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Faculty: Lev Landau, Igor Tamm, Sergey Korolyov, Alexander Prokhorov, Mikhail Lavrentyev
  5. Azerbaijani People by Religion: Azerbaijani Bahá'ís, Azerbaijani Jews, Azerbaijani Muslims, Azerbaijani Atheists, Lev Landau, Zecharia Sitchin
  6. Moscow State University Faculty: Andrey Kolmogorov, Mikhail Lomonosov, Vladimir Arnold, Pavel Samuilovich Urysohn, Lev Landau, Igor Tamm
  7. Russian Nobel Laureates: Mikhail Gorbachev, Ivan Pavlov, Andrei Sakharov, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Boris Pasternak, Zhores Alferov, Lev Landau
  8. Russian Physicists: Andrei Sakharov, Mikhail Lomonosov, George Gamow, Igor Dmitriyevich Novikov, Zhores Alferov, Lev Landau, Igor Tamm
  9. Naissance à Bakou: Garry Kasparov, Mstislav Rostropovitch, Lev Landau, Georges Candilis, Ilham Aliev, Ayaz Mütllibov, Avraam Aslanbegov (French Edition)
  10. Biography - Landau, Lev Davidovich (1908-1968): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  11. Jews and Judaism in Azerbaijan: Azerbaijani Jews, Khazars, Lev Landau, Leo Iv the Khazar, Zecharia Sitchin, List of Azeris, Kuzari
  12. Azerbaijani Jews: Lev Landau, Zecharia Sitchin, List of Azeris, Mountain Jews, Juhuri Language, Mirza Khazar, Subbotniks, Lev Nussimbaum
  13. Recipients of the Order of Lenin: Nikita Khrushchev, Andrei Sakharov, Georgy Zhukov, Lev Landau, Alexander Prokhorov, Hovhannes Bagramyan
  14. Physicien Russe: Andreï Sakharov, Lev Landau, Yakov Perelman, Iakov Zeldovitch, Andreï Kolmogorov, Igor Kourtchatov, Otto Schmidt, George Gamow (French Edition)

61. Lev Landau: Physicist And Revolutionary (June 2002) - Physics World - PhysicsWeb
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June 2002
Lev Landau: physicist and revolutionary
Feature: June 2002 A near-fatal accident 40 years ago robbed theoretical physics of one its greatest minds. Although Lev Landau was never to work again, he was awarded the Nobel prize later that year and his legacy lives on to this day. Landau requires no introduction. He is too well known, although not quite as well understood. Several generations of theoretical physicists learned their trade by struggling through the 10 volumes of his famous Course of Theoretical Physics - known colloquially as Landau and Lifshitz - which Landau supervised, although he did not write a single word. Several dozen physicists - some absolutely first-class - continued to identify themselves as members of the Landau school long after they became scientists in their own right. About a dozen landmark results in physics bear his name. If one were to choose his most important breakthroughs, these would probably be his theory of phase transitions (1937), the theory of superfluidity in liquid helium (1941), the Ginzburg-Landau phenomenological theory of superconductivity (1950) and the Landau "Fermi-liquid" theory (1956). But his fame is certainly much greater than these concrete results alone might suggest - even if one were to include other formulae, such as the Landau diamagnetism of free electrons (1930) or Landau damping in plasmas (1946).

62. JCA: Education: Lev Landau
Education lev Davidovich landau. lev landau. Born 1908 (Baku, Azerbaijan, Russian Empire). Died 1968 (Moscow, USSR), Education/Positions
JCA : Education: Lev Davidovich Landau
Lev Landau Born: 1908 (Baku, Azerbaijan, Russian Empire) Died: 1968 (Moscow, USSR) Education/Positions:
  • 1927 - PhD from Leningrad State University
  • 1932 - Head of Theory Division of the Ukrainian Technical Institute
  • 1935 - Head of Physics at Kharkov Gorky State University
  • 1937 - Head of the Theory Division of the Physical Institute of the (USSR) Academy of Sciences
  • Nobel Prize for Physics in 1962
Research Fields:
  • Landau's work covers all branches of theoretical physics, ranging from fluid mechanics to quantum field theory. A large portion of his papers refers to the theory of the condensed state. Pioneered studies on gases, especially his development of a mathematical theory of superfluidity that accounts for the properties of liquid helium II
  • Famous quote: Cosmologists are often in error, but never in doubt
  • The Nobel Laureates entry:
  • 63. Library Of Cagliari I.N.F.N. Site
    landau, lev Davidovich Lifshitz, Evgenii Mikhailovich Butterworth-Heinemann, 1987, Oxford etc. xii, 539 p., 24 cm Location 120/LAN

    64. Université De Cergy-Pontoise - Centre National De La Recherche
    landau, lev Davidovitch; LIFCHITZ, E. Physique théorique. 2, Théorie des champs. Cote 01055. landau, lev Davidovitch; LIFCHITZ, E. Physique théorique.
    Université de Cergy-Pontoise - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
    Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation
    (UMR 8089) mail Gay Lussac, Neuville sur Oise, 95031 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex, France
    Bibliothèque du LPTM
    Liste des ouvrages au 15 juin 2005
    Classement par auteurs
    A B C D ... Z A ABLOWITZ, Mark J.; SEGUR Harvey.
    Solitons and the Inverse Scattering Transform. Cote : AHO, Alfred; ULMAN Jeffrey.
    Concepts fondamentaux de l'informatique. Cote : AMIT, Daniel J.
    Field theory, the renormalization group, and critical phenomena. Revised Second Edition. Cote : ANDERSEN, Hans Henrik.
    Small particles and inorganic clusters: proceedingd of the ISSPIC 8, Copenhagen 1996. Cote : ANDERSSON, Christopher.
    GPRS and 3G Wireless Applications. The ultimate guide to maximizing mobile Internet technologies. Cote : ARFKEN, George.
    Mathematical methods for physicists. Third Edition. Cote : ARNAUDON, Daniel; AVAN, Jean; FRAPPAT, Luc; RAGOUCY, Eric (Guest Editors).
    Journal of Physics A. Mathematical and General, 37(2). Special issue on recent advances in the theory of quantum integrable systems. Cote : ASHCROFT, Neil W.; MERMIN, N. David.

    65. - Biografia De Landau, Lev Davidovich
    Translate this page landau, lev Davidovich. (Bakú, Azerbaiján, 1908-Moscú, 1968) Físico ruso. De padre ingeniero y madre médica, pronto se le encaminó hacia la ciencia.
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    Landau, Lev Davidovich

    66. Landau
    landau, lev Davidovic. (19081968). Jeden z ruských geniálních fyziku, který dokázal vystudovat vysokou školu dríve, než vrstevníci složili maturitu.
    Landau, Lev Davidoviè
    Jeden z ruských geniálních fyzikù, který dokázal vystudovat vysokou školu døíve, než vrstevníci složili maturitu. Jako první dokázal matematicky popsat co jsou to magnetické domény a v èem spoèívá mechanika kvantových stavù. zabýval se usilovnì stavy hmoty pøi extrémnì nízkých teplotách. Pøedpovìdìl supravodivé vlastnosti He-3. Po experimentálním potvrzení dostal v roce 1962 Nobelovu cenu. Spolu s Lifschitzem napsali mnohadílný kurs teoretické fyziky, který se stal jedním z nejlepších na svìtì. Po Landauovi je pojmenována Landauova teorie fázových pøechodù druhého druhu. V roce 1962 mìl vážnou automobilovou nehodu, kterou jen tak tak pøežil, ale posledních 6 let byl upoután na lùžko a nebyl schopen pronést jediného slova.

    67. Lev Davidovich Landau Click Here For Full Size Picture (b. Jan. 22
    lev Davidovich landau In Kharkov landau began to build a Soviet school of theoretical physics, so that Kharkov soon became the centre of theoretical
    Lev Davidovich Landau Click here for full size picture (b. Jan. 22, 1908, Baku, Azerbaijan, Russian Empired. April 1, 1968, Moscow), Soviet physicist who worked in such fields as low-temperature physics, atomic and nuclear physics, and solid-state, stellar-energy, and plasma physics. Several physics terms bear his name. He was awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize for Physics. Landau had science-oriented parents. His father was an engineer who worked in the Baku oil industry and his mother a doctor who had at one time done physiological research. Landau was graduated at 13 from the Gymnasium and, because he was too young to go to the university, attended the Baku Economical Technical School. He matriculated in 1922 at Baku University, studying physics and chemistry, and transferred in 1924 to the Leningrad State University, which at that time was the centre of Soviet physics. Graduating in 1927, he continued research at the Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute. Niels Bohr In 1932 Landau went to Kharkov to become the head of the Theoretical Division of the Ukrainian Physico-Technical Institute, a position he combined in 1935 with that of head of the Department of General Physics at the Kharkov A.M. Gorky State University. In Kharkov Landau began to build a Soviet school of theoretical physics, so that Kharkov soon became the centre of theoretical physics in the U.S.S.R. It was also in Kharkov that, with his friend and former student, E.M. Lifshits, he started to write the well-known Course of Theoretical Physics, a set of nine volumes that together span the whole of the subject. His great interest in the teaching of physics is also shown in his plans for a "Course of General Physics" and even a series "Physics for Everybody."

    68. Freedman Catalogue Lookup: Artist Landau, Boris And Genia Lev
    Title Batkhones (landaulev) ? (-?) Title Kinder Yorn (lev-landau) ?

    69. Freedman Catalogue Lookup: Artist Landau, B., G. Lev, Y. Magid
    Look up artist landau, B., G. lev, Y. Magid. Name landau, B., G. lev, Y. Magid. Tracks with this artist. Title There Are All Sorts Of PeopleYId

    70. Gennady Gorelik
    lev landau, Prosocialist Prisoner of the Soviet State. Gennady Gorelik Alexander Akhiezer s Recollections of lev Davidovich landau (June 1994,
    Lev Landau, Prosocialist Prisoner of the Soviet State Gennady Gorelik
    (Physics Today, May 1995, p. 11-15) Anti-Stalin and prosocialist leaflet
    A view from the West

    From the KGB archives

    Atomic and hydrogen bombs

    Alexander Akhiezer's "Recollections of Lev Davidovich Landau" (June 1994, page 35) painted an impressive portrait of the famous Russian theorist. However, two important elements could be added to this picture: the nature of Landau's arrest in 1938 and his participation in the Soviet atomic project. The opportunity to fill in these gaps has been provided by the downfall of Soviet socialism, which resulted in the opening of secret state archives and an increased willingness of former atomic scientists to discuss certain key aspects of their work. Based on my investigations in the Soviet archives, including the KGB archives, and on my oral history research on the Soviet atomic project, I would like to comment on these two aspects of Landau's biography.
    Anti-Stalin and prosocialist leaflet First, how real were the "anti-Soviet activities and . . . counterrevolutionary leaflet" that Akhiezer reports as charges leveled against Landau by the Soviet authorities?

    71. First Steps Of Quantum Gravity And The Planck Values
    Abrikosov, Alexei, landau, lev, and Khalatnikov, Isaac (1954). Asimptoticheskoe vyrazhenie dlya landau, lev (1955). On the Quantum Theory of Fields.
    First Steps of Quantum Gravity and the Planck Values, by Gennady Gorelik Studies in the history of general relativity. [Einstein Studies. Vol.3].
    Eds. Jean Eisenstaedt, A.J. Kox.
    Boston: Birkhaeuser, 1992. P.364-379.
    1. The Birth of the Planck Values

    2. Gravitation and Quanta

    3. Bronstein and His Way to Quantum Gravity

    "... an essential difference between quantum electrodynamics and the quantum theory of the gravitational field."
    ... References Every contemporary discussion of quantum gravity inevitably includes the so-called Planck values, which are combinations of three fundamental constants: c (the velocity of light), G (the gravitational constant), and h (Planck's constant): x pl c x G y h z where the exponents x, y, z are rational numbers. Depending upon the choice of x, y, z the Planck values can have any dimensionality—length, time, density, and so forth. Today, the Planck values are connected with the quantum limits of general relativity (GR). Such an interpretation of these values is reached in different ways—from arguments within the framework of tentative variants of quantum-gravitational theory to simple dimensional considerations. Because the latter approach does not require any complex theoretical constructions, one can surmise that the quantum-gravitational role of the Planck values may have been known to Planck himself. In reality, however, Planck introduced his

    72. Lev Davidovich Landau -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article
    lev Davidovich landau. Categories Russian physicists, Soviet physicists, Nobel Prize in lev Davidovich landau (´? ´? ?´?) (January 22,
    Lev Davidovich Landau
    [Categories: Russian physicists, Soviet physicists, Nobel Prize in Physics winners, 1968 deaths, 1908 births]
    Lev Davidovich Landau (An elected governmental council in a Communist country (especially one that is a member of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)) Soviet (A scientist trained in physics) physicist and winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics whose broad field of work included the theory of (The disappearance of electrical resistance at very low temperatures) superconductivity and (Click link for more info and facts about superfluidity) superfluidity (A relativistic quantum theory of the electromagnetic interactions of photons and electrons and muons) quantum electrodynamics (The branch of physics that studies the internal structure of atomic nuclei) nuclear physics and (The branch of physics that studies subatomic particles and their interactions) particle physics . He developed the theory of (Click link for more info and facts about second order phase transition) second order phase transition s. Among many physical effects named after Landau are

    73. AAS Database - Browse - List
    50, landau, lev Davidovich, 19081968 See landau, LD(lev Davidovich),1908-1968. 50, landau, Lew, 1908-1968 See landau, LD(lev Davidovich),1908-1968.
    AAS database - Browse - AUTHOR list - ALL DOCUMENTS
    The numbers in the list below indicate the number of documents listed under a term.
    To display the documents, click on an eye . To move up or down the list, click on the arrow. Landau, Ioan D. Landau, L. D. (Lev Davidovich), 1908-1968. Landau, Lev Davidovich, 1908-1968
    See: Landau, L. D.(Lev Davidovich),1908-1968. Landau, Lew, 1908-1968
    See: Landau, L. D.(Lev Davidovich),1908-1968. Landau, Lew Dawidowitsch, 1908-1968
    See: Landau, L. D.(Lev Davidovich),1908-1968. Landau Memorial Conference (1988 : Tel Aviv, Israel) Landau, Ralph Landau, Rubin H. Landau, Susan Landau, Yoan D. Landauer, Thomas K. Lande, Alfred

    74. Jhproject
    landau, lev Davidovich (19081968). Soviet theoretical physicist; Nobel laureate; transfused theoretical physics from Western Europe into the USSR in the
    Time Stars Black Holes ... Sources
    I've decided to list some of the most important scientists who worked on the topics I discuss on this web site. So please take your time to read at least those few words I put together for you and please honor these men's work. And remember, they are legends...
    Bardeen, James Maxwell (b. 1939)
    American theoretical physicist; showed that many or most black holes in our Universe should be rapidly spinning and, with Petterson, predicted the influence of the holes' spins on surrounding accretion disks; with Carter and Hawking, discovered the four laws of black-hole mechanics.
    Scroll to
    Bohr, Niels Hendrik David
    Danish theoretical physicist; Nobel laureate; one of the founders of quantum mechanics; mentor for many of the leading physicists of the middle twentieth century, including Lev Landau and John Wheeler; tried to save Landau from prison; with Wheeler developed the theory of nuclear fission.
    Einstein, Albert

    75. Lev Davidovich Landau - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    lev Davidovich landau Wikipedia, the free encyclopedialev Davidovich landau (´? ´? ?´?) was born on 22nd January 1908 in Baku, in the family of a petroleum engineer who worked on the Baku oil
    Wikimedia needs your help in its 21-day fund drive. See our fundraising page
    You did it! Nearly US$220,000 has been raised . Thank you for your generosity!
    Lev Davidovich Landau
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    Lev Davidovich Landau January 22 April 1 ) was a prominent Soviet physicist and winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics whose broad field of work included the theory of superconductivity and superfluidity quantum electrodynamics nuclear physics and particle physics . He developed the theory of second order phase transitions . Among many physical effects named after Landau are Landau pole and Landau damping . He co-authored, with Evgenii Lifschitz , a beloved series of physics texts which are still widely used as of 2005.
    “In fact, usually it was sufficient for him to know just the guiding ideas of a study in order to reproduce all its findings.”
    Lev Davidovich Landau (Ле́в Дави́дович Ланда́у) was born on 22nd January 1908 in Baku, in the family of a petroleum engineer who worked on the Baku oil fields. His mother was a physician and at one time had engaged in scientific work on physiology. Recognized early as a child prodigy , Landau completed his school course at the age of 13. Even then he already was attracted by the exact sciences, and his mathematical ability manifested itself very early. He studied mathematical analysis on his own and later he used to say he hardly remembered a time when he did not know differentiation and integration.

    76. Interrogation AUTEUR:808
    landau, lev D. - 2e ed. r - Mir - 1990 Physique theorique. T. 9 - landau, lev D. - Mir - 1990.

    77. MSN Encarta - Landau, Lev Davidovitch
    Translate this page landau, lev Davidovitch (1908-1968), physicien soviétique connu pour ses travaux d’avant-garde, Plus de résultats pour landau, lev Davidovitch
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      Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif et un guide du Web. En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Landau, Lev Davidovitch Landau, Lev Davidovitch (1908-1968), physicien sovi©tique connu pour ses travaux d’avant-garde, qui couvrent pratiquement tous les domaines de la... M©dias Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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    78. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Yachine Lev
    lev landau, lev Davidovitch ( The Nobel Foundation)
    fdbkURL="/encnet/refpages/search.aspx?q=Yachine+Lev#bottom"; errmsg1="Please select a rating."; errmsg2="Please select a reason for your rating.";

    79. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge
    landau, Saul landau, lev Davidovicg - OT ZAiS3BJ,3 oZItl j OT ZAiS3BJ,3 oZItl j -

    80. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge
    landau, lev Davidovic Hrsg. landau, lev Davidovic Hrsg. 1980 landau.lev DavidoviSHyd landau.lev DavidoviSHyd - landau, lev DavidovicJ.

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