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Krawtchouk Mikhail: more detail |
21. From Mailer@mailer.siam.org Mon Jul 14 192358 1997 Date Mon, 14 Report on VI International krawtchouk Conference (Kiev) 22. in Russian hisname is sounded mikhail Philippovich) krawtchouk was born on September 27, http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/JAT/DATA/OPSFNET/1997.04.fixed | |
22. OSU Math - Seminar Search Results Laplacian acting on pforms, together with the zeros of the krawtchouk MA417,mikhail Kogan MIT, Geometric Analysis Seminar http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/research/seminar.php?s=Geometric Analysis |
23. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page krawtchouk, mikhail (703*) Krein, Mark (1271*) Kreisel, Georg (550*) Kronecker,Leopold (2144*) Krull, Wolfgang (886*) Krylov, Aleksei (228*) http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
24. Famous Mathematicians With AK Translate this page Julius Konig Samuel Konig Leo Konigsberger Diederik Korteweg Aleksandr KotelnikovSofia Kovalevskaya Edna Kramer Christian Kramp mikhail krawtchouk http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_K.htm | |
25. WhoWasThere Reply mikhail krawtchouk was 48 this year and would die in a further 2 years.Carlo Bonferroni was 48 this year and would die in a further 20 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1940 |
26. WhoWasThere Reply mikhail krawtchouk was 28 this year and would die in a further 22 years.Carlo Bonferroni was 28 this year and would die in a further 40 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1920 |
27. Research Publications For 2001 Seneta E (2001) mikhailo Pylypovich Kravchuk (or krawtchouk), Statisticians of Mykhailo Ostrohrads kyi (mikhail Ostrogradsky), Honoring his bicentenary. http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/pubs/publist/pubs2001.html | |
28. Publication Search Results - Sydney Mathematics And Statistics Seneta E mikhailo Pylypovich Kravchuk (or krawtchouk), Statisticians of the Mykhailo Ostrohrads kyi (mikhail Ostrogradsky), Honoring his bicentenary, http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/s/pub-seek?aux=Seneta E&show=50 |
29. Famous Ukrainians Creator of krawtchouk polynomials. There have been several mathematical http//www.day.kiev.ua/DIGEST/1999/42/culture/cul1.htm; mikhail Tugan Baranovsky http://www2.uwindsor.ca/~hlynka/ukfam.html | |
30. Abstracts Title On integeral zeros of krawtchouk polynomials. krawtchouk polynomials maybe defined by mikhail Muzychuk, BarIlan U., Israel. Postscript version http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/Workshops/AssociationSchemes/abstract.html | |
31. Mathematics Authors/titles Jan 2005 Authors mikhail G. Katz, Stephane Sabourau Comments 13 pages, 1 figure Title Asymptotic analysis of the krawtchouk polynomials by the WKB method http://arxiv.org/list/math/0501 | |
32. Mostra Eventos Do País Selecionado Translate this page de Mykhailo Pilipovich krawtchouk (matemático ucraniano) Links deste tópico Fatos Ucrânia Nascimento de mikhail Vasilevich Ostrogradski (matemático http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad9.php?w=68 |
33. Man And Nature Outstanding Ukrainian Mathematician Academician M. Kravchuk (krawtchouk) (1892 mikhail B. Konashev. On the Road to the Evolutionary Synthesis National http://2005bj.ihns.ac.cn/symposia/scientificsection.htm |
34. MathBirthdays - September 2005 All day event, 1801 mikhail Vasilevich Ostrogradski mathBirthdays. Sat, Sep 24 All day event, 1892 Mykhailo Pilipovich krawtchouk mathBirthdays http://educationaltechnology.ca/dan/calendars/month.php?cal=mathBirthdays&getdat |
35. AAR AAS AAW ABB ABD ABH ABL ABN ABP ABS ACB ACL ACN ACP ACR ACS Kramkov Kranz Krasnit Krasnitskii krawtchouk Krebs Krishnaiah Krivenko Metivier Michaletzky Michel Mikha mikhail mikhailov Mikhajlov Mikhaleva http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/theoryprobabappl.sok | |
36. AAA AAB AAC AAE AAG AAL AAM AAO AAP AAS AAW ABA ABC ABD ABF ABH Kowalski Kr Krall Kratz krawtchouk Kre Kreiss Kreith Krejc Krejci Krener Miersemann Mihr Mika Mikami Mikeli Mikelic mikhail Mikl Miklav Miklavcic http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/siamjmathana.sok | |
37. Probability Abstract Service The measures obtained, eg the krawtchouk and Hahn ensembles, mikhail Gordinand Michel Weber As an extension of earlier papers on stationary sequences, http://www.economia.unimi.it/PAS/Letters/letter_60.shtml | |
38. Probability Abstract Service mikhail. A. Lifshits and Thomas Simon Let R be a symmetric astable uses certaindeterminantal point processes given by the extended krawtchouk kernel. http://www.economia.unimi.it/PAS/Letters/letter_75.shtml | |
39. LookSmart - Directory - Algebra Find out about the life of mathematician mikhail krawtchouk, whose work initiateda new stage in the theory of orthogonal polynomials. Largest Known Primes http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us328800/us56601/?&sn=10&se=33 |
40. Subject NA Digest, V. 96, 07 NA Digest Sunday, February 18 January 1996 mikhail Shashkov, Los Alamos National Laboratory 384 pages, Illinois) The Spectrum of Symmetric krawtchouk Matrices 121 Tuch Sang Leong http://www.netlib.org/na-digest/96/v96n07 | |
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