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         Konig Denes:     more detail
  1. Theory of Finite and Infinite Graphs by Denes König, 1990-01-01
  2. Theorie der Endlichen und Unendlichen Graphen: Kombinatorische Topologie der Streckenkomplexe by Denes Konig, 1950-01-01
  3. Theorie der Endlichen und Unendlichen Graphen: Kombinatorische Topologie der Streckenkomplexe [Hardcover] by Denes Konig, 1950
  4. Theorie Der Endlichen Und Unen by Denes Konig, 2001-05-16
  5. Theorie der endlichen und unendlichen Graphen (Teubner-Archiv zur Mathematik) (German Edition) by Denes König, 1986-01-01
  7. Theorie Der Endlichen Und Unendlichen GR by Denes Konig, 1936

61. Kígyósi Híradó - Újkígyós
Takácsy Dénes esperesplébános a plébánia létesítésének és a templom egy Az elso plébános, konig Ferenc Ókígyósról járt át, és ilyenkor idosebb Gera

62. Dr. Koncz Gábor
A XX. század elso felében élt Mihály Dénes a hangosfilm Vályi Gyula (18551913) a komplex függvénytanban, konig Dénes (1884-1944) a gráfelméletben,
Dr. Koncz Gábor
Kulturális hozomány: mit kínál Magyarország az Európai Uniónak?
Az európai polgár naponta találkozhat a magyar kultúra üzeneteivel, még akkor is, ha ki sem mozdul lakóhelyérõl. Magyar találmány a gyufa, a C-vitamin, a golyóstoll, a film, a porlasztó, a floppy… A médiában sincs nap magyar eredetû zene nélkül… Kötetek tölthetõk meg a magyar találmányokkal; a szentek, képzõmûvészek, zenészek, táncosok, írók, filmesek, fotósok, tudósok és csodabogarak neveivel. Ám a sokszínûség szivárványa felelõsségre int; válaszolni kell a kérdésekre: mit üzen a múlt; melyek a jellemzõ produktumok , és hogyan lehet Magyarország eu-tópia , tehát kívánatos, jó hely az EU-ban?
Üzenõ múlt
Aligha felejtette el, és nehezen bocsátotta meg a mûvelt Nyugat , hogy a IX-X. század fordulóján, a Kárpát-medencébe érkezett ( Attila rettegett emlékû - „Isten ostora”- hun király rokonságát is vállaló) nomád magyarok, pusztító hadjáratokban kalandozták be Európát. Nem mentség, hogy a feudális széttagoltság küzdelmeiben a fejedelmek és királyok egymás ellen kérték is és használták is a harci segítséget. A nyugati államszervezésben éppen a magyar kalandozások ellenhatásaként erõsödtek fel a központosító törekvések. A magyar államalapítás óta eltelt ezer év tragédiákkal terhes történelme miatt, ám egyáltalán nem rezignáltan énekeljük a Himnuszban , hogy „ megbûnhõdte már e nép a múltat s jövendõt ”. Bár népdalaink, irodalmunk jó része bánatos, mégsem bús nép a magyar: kultúrájával nemcsak magmaradt, de perspektivikus, alkotó

63. 18. Jahrhundert Geschichte Der Mathematik Mathematik Bücher
Translate this page von denes König. Leonhard Euler von Rüdiger Thiele, Numerical Simulation of Compressible Euler Flows. A GAMM Workshop. von Alain Dervieux. Das Maß der Welt

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Theory and Applications of Euler Nonviscous Fluid Flows

von Radyadour K. Zeytounian Leonhard Euler.
von Emil A. Fellmann Briefe an eine deutsche Prinzessin über verschiedene Gegenstände aus der Physik und Philosophie.
von Leonhard Euler Philosophical Essay on Probabilities. Translated from the fifth French edition of 1825 (Sources in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Vol. 13)
von Pierre-Simon Laplace Reciprocity Laws. From Euler to Eisenstein (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
von Franz Lemmermeyer Die Geburt des Meters.
von Denis Guedj D' Alembert linguiste
von Alexia Steinhauser Die Zahl e. Geschichte und Geschichten. von Eli Maor Abhandlung über Dynamik. von Jean LeRond d' Alembert Einleitung zur Enzyklopädie (1751) von Jean LeRond d' Alembert Deutsch Taschenbücher, Nr.59, Ecken, Flächen, Kanten von Ju. A. Saskin Zur Theorie komplexer Funktionen. ( 1768-1783). von Leonhard Euler Philosophischer Versuch über die Wahrscheinlichkeit. von Pierre S. de Laplace Numerische Simulation technischer Feuerungen unter Anwendung eines Probabilistischen Euler Lagrange Verfahrens und eines Strahlungsmodells mit der Boundary Element Methode von Selahattin Kurtoglu Numerical integration of Euler flow by means of multidimensional wave digital principles von Michael Fries Theorie der endlichen und unendlichen Graphen.

64. Erdös P. 1986
denes König recht gut und berichteten ihm über Mit dem Beitrag von Tibor Gallai denes König - Ein biographischer Abriß.

Erdös, Paul
Geleitwort Auszug)
"Tibor Gallai und ich kannten Denes König recht gut und berichteten ihm über die Resultate unserer ersten graphentheoretischen Untersuchungen. Wir hörten als Studenten des ersten Semesters seine Vorlesung, die eine große Wirkung auf die Gestaltung unseres gesamten wissenschaftlichen Lebens haben sollte. Deshalb begrüßen wir und alle anderen Freunde der Graphentheorie es sehr, daß der Teubner-Verlag den fünfzigsten Jahrestag des Erscheinens der ersten Auflage zum Anlaß genommen hat, das Buch - mit einem kommentierenden Anhang und mit einer Biographie von Denes König versehen - in der Reihe "TEUBNER-ARCHIV zur Mathematik" neu herauszugeben.
Der Zeitpunkt konnte nicht günstiger gewählt werden, jährt sich doch 1986 auch die Geburtsstunde der Graphentheorie - die Niederschrift der berühmten Untersuchungen Leonhard Eulers zum Königsberger Brückenproblem - und zwar zum zweihundertfünfzigsten Male. Mögen von dieser Neuauflage ebenso wertvolle Impulse ausgehen wie vom Original.
Budapest, August 1985

65. Konig_Denes
Dénes König Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDenes König, Theorie der endlichen und unendlichen Graphen, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig, 1936. The first graph theory textbook.
Born: 21 Sept 1884 in Budapest, Hungary
Died: 19 Oct 1944 in Budapest, Hungary Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Version for printing
was the son of Minkowski 's lectures on the four colour problem. These lectures contributed to his growing interest in graph theory, on which he lectured in Budapest from 1911. His book, Theorie der endlichen und unendlichen Graphen, was published in 1936, and was a major factor in the growth of interest in graph theory worldwide. It was eventually translated into English under the title Theory of finite and infinite graphs (translated by R McCoart), Birkhauser, 1990; this also contains a biographical sketch by Tibor Gallai. Philip Hall Frobenius seems to have led to some hostility between the two men. Article by: Ian Anderson, Glasgow A Reference (One book/article) Mathematicians born in the same country Other Web sites Mathematical Genealogy Project
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History Topics

Societies, honours, etc.

66. Königs Lemma – König's Lemma
Dénes König – Ein biographischer Abriß .
Oder "In a geometric tree with finitely many arrows leading from each vertex, if there are arbitrarily long finite partial paths, then there is an infinite path."
Kleene 1968, S. 302.
Ein endlich-verzweigender nicht-endlicher Baum besitzt einen nicht-endlichen Ast.
von endlichem Grade
Links Encylopedia Information Portal Literatur
, A. James, Stephen G. Simpson 1999: "Separation and Weak Konig's Lemma". The Journal of Symbolic Logic Kleene , Stephen Cole 1968: Mathematical Logic . New York: Wiley, 1968. Acta Litterarum ac Scientiarum Regiae Universitatis Hungaricae Francisco-Josephinae. Sectio Scientiarum Mathematicarum 3. Szeged. S. 121-130 Theorie der endlichen und unendlichen Graphen . Mit einer Abhandlung von L. Euler. Sachs, Horst, Hg. Leipzig: Teubner. 348 Seiten. Teubner-Archiv zur Mathematik Bd. 6. Kohlenbach , Ulrich 1999: . Aarhus : BRICS, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Aarhus. 13 S. Simpson , Stephen G., Kazuyuki Tanaka , Takeshi Yamazaki Annals of Pure and Applied Logic

67. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Dénes König
According to our current online database, Dénes König has 1 students and 19 descendants. We welcome any additional information.

68. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Dénes König
If you have Mathematics Subject Classifications to submit for an entire group of individuals (for instance all those that worked under a particular advisor)

69. König's Lemma: Information From
König s lemma There is also a theorem of set theory called König s theorem . König s lemma or König s infinity lemma is a theorem in graph theory due.
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Best of Web Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping K¶nig's lemma Wikipedia K¶nig's lemma This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see Best of the Web Some good "K¶nig's lemma" pages on the web: Math Mentioned In K¶nig's lemma is mentioned in the following topics: Gyula K¶nig K¶nig Denes K¶nig K¶nig's theorem ... List of mathematical topics (K) List of mathematical proofs List of graph theory topics Wikipedia information about K¶nig's lemma This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License . It uses material from the Wikipedia article "K¶nig's lemma" More from Wikipedia Your Ad Here Jump to: Wikipedia Best of Web Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Send this page Print this page Link to this page Tell me about: Home About Tell a Friend Buzz ... Site Map

70. Accented Hungarian Characters
König Dénes ? (son of Gyula), 1883–1944. Haar Alfréd, 1885–1933. Fekete Mihály, Michael, 1886–1957. Riesz Marcell, Marcel (brother of Frigyes)
(Hungarian) characters with double acute accents
many browsers won't show them properly
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The four characters below don't have (named) entity references, so you need to use character references: for more character sets used for Windows, see e.g., and for Alan Wood’s Unicode Resources, visit names are in Hungarian format: Family names precede Given names
the starred names use double acute accents the true given names are used; names in square brackets afterwards are alternative names often used in Western literature Bolyai Farkas [Wolfgang] [Johann] Farkas Gyula [Julius] [Julius] Riesz Frigyes [Frederic] [Leopold] (son of Gyula) [Michael] Riesz Marcell [Marcel] (brother of Frigyes) [George] [John von Neumann] [Paul] [Paul] is unreliable about Hungarian diacritical marks (e.g., on

71. Referenced Names
König, Dénes (Hungarian; 18841944). Laczkovich, Miklós (Hungarian; 1948-). Lagrange, Joseph-Louis (Italian; 1736-1813) born as Giuseppe Lodovico Lagrangia
Referenced names
The source for most references is the excellent site Visit also the main page and the following pages there: History Topics Index and A Time Line of Mathematicians Abel, Niels Henrik (Norwegian; 1802-1829) Bernstein, Felix (German; 1878-1956)
[born in Bolya, Transylvania, Austrian Empire, now Sibiu, Romania] Cantor, Georg (born in St. Petersburg, Russia but lived in Germany; 1845-1918) [Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor] Cauchy, Augustin (French; 1789-1857) [Augustin Louis Cauchy] Dehn, Max (German; 1878-1952) [Max Wilhelm Dehn] Euler, Leonhard (Swiss; 1707-1783) [He mostly worked in St. Petersburg, Russia, and in Berlin, Prussia]
[He introduced the notations e and i Fermat, Pierre de (French; 1601-1665) Gerwien, P?. (Prussian; 18-18)
[His lecture "The Problems of Mathematics" on 2nd ICM, 1900 Paris contains his famous 23 problems.] Lagrange, Joseph-Louis (Italian; 1736-1813) [born as Giuseppe Lodovico Lagrangia]

72. Logikai Fejtörõ
65 oldal, A/5, fuzve Ára 89 Ft. A kiadás alapjául König Dénes Mathematikai mulatságok címu muve szolgált (Lampel R. Könyvkereskedés, Budapest, 1905).
Könyvek listája
Recenzió a könyvrõl
Ízelítõ a könyvbõl
Mathematikai multságok 1-2.
KÕNIG Dénes Elfogyott
1. kötet
ISBN: 963 754 603
65 oldal, A/5, fûzve
Ára: 69 Ft
2. kötet
ISBN: 963 754 603
65 oldal, A/5, fûzve Ára: 89 Ft A kiadás alapjául König Dénes Mathematikai mulatságok címû mûve szolgált (Lampel R. Könyvkereskedés, Budapest, 1905).

73. Read This: Briefly Noted
to end their book with material from 1936 because that was the date of publication of the first fulllength book about the subject (by Dénes König).
Read This!
The MAA Online book review column
Briefly Noted
Short Reviews by Fernando Q. Gouvêa
October 1999
Recently, a friend was complaining to me that all the good books go out of print. That, unfortunately, is often the case. Fortunately, however, every so often something really special is reissued, and then it's a time to celebrate. That's how I feel about Graph Theory 1736-1936 , a sourcebook that collects important articles about the subject over the 200 year period mentioned in the title. In the Preface, the authors explain that Euler's famous 1736 article about the bridges of Königsberg provided their starting point, and they chose to end their book with material from 1936 because that was the date of publication of the first full-length book about the subject (by Dénes König). In all, there are thirty-seven extracts from original sources, some of which were especially translated for this volume. There's a full bibliography, biographical notes on the authors, and even pictures of some of the mathematicians whose papers are included. If you're at all interested in the subject, this one is a must-have. Norman Macrae's book on the life (and, to some extent, the work) of

74. What's New In Mathematics :: Feature Column :: Mathematical Marriages
A rare photo of Dénes König, kindly provided by Filep László Dénes König, who helped reenergize the study of graphs (which was first investigated by
Mathematical Marriages
These theorems involve such intuitively appealing yet deep ideas that they serve as a metaphor for the marriage of the emotional and intellectual, examples of mathematics at its most transcendent.
Joseph Malkevitch
York College (CUNY)
malyc at
Mail to a friend Print this article 1. Introduction
Marriages are a time for high spirits, celebration, and warm feelings. Mathematics has a reputation of being an impersonal subject, with austere pleasures rather than a subject of high emotion or celebration. Yet, there is a body of mathematical results known as marriage theorems. Why marriage theorems? One reason is the playfulness and whimsey of mathematicians, who enjoy spinning out seemingly artificial tales and giving these tales names forming analogies or connections with everyday experiences. The other is that perhaps by serendipity, two of mathematics' marriage theorems are causes for celebration, high spirits, and warm feelings. These theorems involve such intuitively appealing yet deep ideas that they serve as a metaphor for the marriage of the emotional and intellectual, examples of mathematics at its most transcendent. The unexpected dividend in both cases is that ideas born of theoretical mathematics have shown many applied directions.
2. Philip Hall's Marriage Theorem

75. Kuhn
a hozzárendelési feladat megoldására kidolgozott egy algoritmust, amely két magyar matematikus, Egerváry Jeno és König Dénes eredményeire épül.
A Magyar Operációkutatási Társaság 1992. május 22-i közgyûlésén tiszteletbeli tagjává választotta H.W. Kuhn amerikai matematikust. A nemlineáéris programozás elméletében csak egy kicsit is jártas embernek nem idegen a Kuhn név. Az optimalitás szükséges feltételét megfogalmazó Karush-Kuhn-Tucker feltételt vélhetõen mindenki ismeri. Kevésbé ismert azonban Kuhn munkásságának magyar vonatkozása: a hozzárendelési feladat megoldására kidolgozott egy algoritmust, amely két magyar matematikus, Egerváry Jenõ és König Dénes eredményeire épül. Ezt a tényt örökítette meg Kuhn professzor azzal, hogy az említett algoritmust magyar módszernek keresztelte el.
Életrajzának rövid ismertetésével szeretnénk közelebb hozni Õt a magyar szakmai közvéleményhez.
Harold W. Kuhn életrajza Dr. Harold W. Kuhn a Princeton Egyetem matematikai közgazdaságtan professzora. Fõbb kutatási területei: lineáris és nemlineáris programozás, játékelmélet, kombinatorikus problémák, valamint a matematikai módszerek és technikák közgazdasági alkalmazásai. Santa Monicában (Kalifornia) született 1925. július 29-én. 1949-ben házasságot kötött Estelle Henkinnel. Három fiúgyermekük és öt fiúunokájuk van. Kuhn professzpr 1944-46-ban a U.S. Army tagja volt, szolgálati ideje alatt japán nyelvi képzést kapott az "Army language Program" keretében a Yale Egyetemen.

76. - The Julius Petersen Graph Theory Centennial
Matching theory a sampler from Dénes König to the present (MD Plummer). We shall have to evolve (P. Hein). On a conjecture of Gallai concerning complete
Home Site map Regional Sites Advanced Product Search ... The Julius Petersen Graph Theory Centennial Book information Product description Author information and services Ordering information Bibliographic and ordering information Conditions of sale Book related information Submit your book proposal Other books in same subject area About Elsevier Select your view THE JULIUS PETERSEN GRAPH THEORY CENTENNIAL
Edited by
L.D. Andersen
J. Bang-Jensen
T.R. Jensen
G. Sabidussi
C. Thomassen
B. Toft
P.D. Vestergaard
Included in series

Topics in Discrete Mathematics, 6
Description Acta Mathematica , volume 15 (1891), stands at the beginning of graph theory as we know it today. The Danish group of graph theorists decided in 1985 to mark the 150th birthday of Petersen in 1989, as well as the centennial of his paper. It was felt that the occasion called for a presentation of Petersen's famous paper in its historical context and, in a wider sense, of Petersen's life and work as a whole. However, the readily available information about Julius Petersen amounted to very little (not even a full bibliography existed) and virtually nothing was known about the circumstances that led him to write his famous paper. The study of Petersen's life and work has resulted in several papers, in particular a biography, a bibliography, an annotated edition of the letters surrounding Petersen's paper of 1891, an analysis of Petersen's paper and an annotated edition of parts of Petersen's correspondence with Sylow on Galois theory. The first four of these papers, together with a survey of matching theory, form the first part of this book. In addition to these five special papers, there are papers submitted in the celebration of the Petersen centennial.

77. Graph Theory White Pages Michael D. Plummer
96 (1991) 8199 05C10 (05C70); Matching theory-a sampler from Dénes König to the present. Discrete Math. 100 (1992) 177-219 05C70 (68R10)
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to get to the new data.

78. Practical Foundations Of Mathematics
A variant of this result is (Dénes) König s lemma (1928). A tree is an oriented graph with a distinguished node (its root) from which to each node there is
Practical Foundations of Mathematics
Paul Taylor
Induction and Recursion
After the connectives x and +, the next thing we want to salvage from set theory is the system of natural numbers, equipped not only with arithmetic but also with induction and recursion. The latter have a long history in number theory, but the idioms are readily transferred to lists, trees and recursive programs. Set theory itself, with the axiom of foundation, admits a more general notion of induction on the relation, of which transfinite iteration is a useful special case. Another similar, also rather disorderly, form of induction is that needed to prove properties of self-calling programs. These will be our starting point. Induction and recursion are often confused in symbolic logic, but the difference between them is another one between propositions and types: we prove theorems by induction, but construct programs by recursion. The two are linked by the General Recursion Theorem (it is not enough ``to prove by induction that p x ) is defined,'' as this wrongly treats existence as a predicate).

79. Das Virtuelle Bücherregal NRW
König, Dénes 3.988.527 Koenig, Ernest Diplomat 12.857.409 König, Eva 12.830.946 13.242.674
Ein freundliches Angebot des Hochschulbibliothekszentrums des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Koenen, Hendrik J.
Koenig, Gottfried Michael
Koenig, Hertha
Florian Seiffert
HBZ , Stand: 08.08.2002

80. December 13, 2004 (Monday)
Dénes König, the father of the Hungarian method Zsuzsanna Libor. 1230 am 200 pm Lunch. 200 pm - 400 pm Parallel Session 6B (Chairperson M. Hujter)
Final Program
December 13, 2004 (Monday)
Section A.
8:30 am - 9:00 am Opening and Introduction 9:00 am - 10:00 am Plenary Session 1 (Chairperson: T. Terlaky Nonlinear Optimization at Watson.
Andrew R. Conn 10:00 am - 10:30 am Coffee break 10:30 am - 12:00 am Parallel Session 1A (Chairperson: T. Rapcsák Approximation algorithm for the mixed fractional packing and covering problem.
Klaus Jansen
Improved approximation algorithms for scheduling malleable tasks with precedence constraints.
Hu Zhang
Primal-dual algorithms for data depth.
Vera Rosta
12:00 am - 1:30 pm Lunch 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Plenary Session 2 (Chairperson: S. Komlósi An SQP method for semidenfinite programming.
Florian Jarre, Christoph Vogelbusch, Roland W. Freund
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Plenary Session 3 (Chairperson: J. Mayer Complete search for constrained global optimization.
Arnold Neumaier 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm Coffee break 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Parallel Session 2A (Chairperson: A. Neumaier Design and implementation of spreadsheet algorithms in production man- agement. Zoltán Kovács Reducing the complexity of capacity analysis in flexible manufacturing systems by operation type based aggregation.

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