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61. AIM Reprint Library: Translate this page Listing for klein, felix. Viewing Page 1 2. Binare Formen mit verschwindenden Covarianten(Gordan P.) klein, felix http://www.aimath.org/library/library.cgi?database=reprints;mode=display;BrowseT |
62. UW Libraries - Database Search Translate this page klein, felix, 1849-1925 (8) Muller, CH (Conrad Heinrich), b. 1878. Click here to see record details, Ausgewahlte Kapitel aus der Theorie der linearen http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=author&ID=291935 |
63. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Relevant Books klein, felix Vorlesungen über das Ikosaeder und die Auflosung der klein, felix ER Hedrick, Translator Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/books/k.html | |
64. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals And Monogr klein, felix Lectures on the ikosahedron and the solution of 50, Cornell klein, felix Über die elliptischen Normalcurven der N10 http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~rehmann/DML/dml_links_author_K.html | |
65. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals And Monogr Translate this page Ferdinand Lindemann, mit einem Vorworte von felix klein. Mit einem Einführungswort von felix klein und 187 Figuren im Text. (by Enriques, Federigo), 374 http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~rehmann/DML/dml_links_title_V.html | |
66. FELIX KLEIN'S GEOMETRIC ABSTRACTION BY GROUPS According to felix klein A space S is coordinatized by (x_1, x_2, , x_n), ie, there is a bijective map between the points of S and the coordinates. http://graham.main.nc.us/~bhammel/MATH/geomdef.html | |
67. Call For Nominations For The Felix Klein Prize Call for Nominations for the felix klein Prize. Principal Guidelines. The prize, established in 1999 by the EMS and the endowing organisation, the Institute http://emis.kaist.ac.kr/tmp.html | |
68. @ARTICLE{AhlforsBers, AUTHOR = Lars Ahlfors And Lipman Bers AUTHOR = klein, felix , TITLE = {\ U}ber eine {A}rt von {R}iemannschen PAGES = 398416 , YEAR = 1876 } @BOOK{klein2, AUTHOR = klein, felix , http://www.math.fsu.edu/~seppala/seminar.sp02/ref.bib |
69. Pure And Applied Geometry - Polyhedral Models Of Klein's Quartic Polyhedral Models of felix klein s Quartic. Polyhedral Embedding of felix klein´s Quartic with tetrahedral symmetry. felix klein s quartic, also called http://www.math.uni-siegen.de/wills/klein/ | |
70. ICMI Awards For 2003: THE ICMI FELIX KLEIN MEDAL THE ICMI felix klein MEDAL FOR 2003. Citation for the 2003 ICMI felix klein Medal to Guy Brousseau. Guy Brousseau. The first felix klein Medal of the http://www.mathunion.org/Organization/ICMI/Awards/2003/BrousseauCitation.html | |
71. LIBRIS Nyförvärvslista Elementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint / felix klein. New York, 1932-1939. - 2 vol. klein, felix, 1849-1925. Elementary mathematics from an http://www.ub.uu.se/linne/ang/okt04a.htm | |
72. A Guide To The George Bruce Halsted Papers, 1722-(1810-1936)-1997 klein, felix. On Riemann s theory of algebraic functions and their integrals a klein, felix. Zur Theorie der Kummer schen Fläche und der zugehörigen http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00340/cah-00340.html | |
73. Mathematik In Göttingen: Felix Klein Translate this page felix klein. Wenige große Mathematiker sind zugleich auch begabte Organisatoren in eigener Sache. Die Mathematik in Göttingen hatte das Glück, http://www.math.uni-goettingen.de/Personen/Bedeutende_Mathematiker/klein.html | |
74. American Mathematical Monthly, The: Indra's Pearls: The Vision Of Felix Klein Full text of the article, Indra s Pearls The Vision of felix klein from American Mathematical Monthly, The, a publication in the field of Reference http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3742/is_200308/ai_n9300823 | |
75. Résultat De La Recherche 9 Documents Répondent à La Requête. felix klein Voir la notice Consulter la notice http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/catalog.php?MA=Klein et christian |
76. About "Felix Klein's Geometric Abstraction By Groups" , Some notes on a most general definition of geometry, first elucidated by felix klein,......felix klein s Geometric Abstraction by Groups http://mathforum.org/library/view/12128.html | |
77. Citation For The 2003 ICMI Felix Klein Medal To Guy Brousseau Translate this page La première médaille felix klein de la Commission Internationale de lEnseignement des Mathématiques est décernée au professeur Guy Brousseau. http://www.ardm.asso.fr/BrousseaucitationFR.htm | |
78. The ICMI Felix Klein And Hans Freudenthal Awards For 2003 Translate this page Les médailles ICMI felix klein et Hans Freudenthal pour 2003 La médaille felix klein pour 2003 est décernée à Guy Brousseau, professeur émérite à lIUFM http://www.ardm.asso.fr/brousseau_icmi.htm | |
79. Catalogue Of The Catholic Central Library klein, felix. class 232.95. Shelf KLE. accession No 30061. tr by WP Baines. Longmans, Green, 1932. xi, 363p. APOSTLES JESUS CHRIST. Life and teaching http://www.catholic-library.org.uk/catalogue/search_results.php?action=find_subj |
80. KLEIN, Christian Felix, Vergleichende Betrachtungen über Neuere Geometrische Fo 8vo (223 x 137 mm), pp 48; library stamp and deaccession note on title, a good, clean copy in modern boards. £1550 br br First edition of the Erlangen http://www.polybiblio.com/watbooks/2381.html | |
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