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61. Nat' Academies Press, Biographical Memoirs V.75 (1998) Biographical Memoirs VOLUME 75 stephen COLE kleene January 5, 1909January 25,1994 BY SAUNDERS MAC LANE STEVE kleene, A YANKEE from Maine, http://www.nap.edu/books/0309062950/html/154.html | |
62. Nat' Academies Press, Biographical Memoirs V.75 (1998) 138153, stephen Cole kleene, pp. 154-163, Robert B. Leighton, pp. 164-189,Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider, pp. 190-213, Otto E. Neugebauer, pp. http://www.nap.edu/openbook/0309062950/html/ | |
63. Complete Author Bibliography Dawson1986 Gödel, Kurt., Feferman, Solomon (editorin-chief), Dawson, John W.Jr., kleene, stephen C., Moore, Gregory H., Solovay, Robert M., http://nfocentrale.net/orcmid/readings/authors.htm | |
64. DBLP: Stephen Cole Kleene 8, stephen Cole kleene Origins of Recursive Function Theory FOCS 1979 371382.1978. 7, stephen Cole kleene An Addendum to The Work of Kurt Gödel. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/k/Kleene:Stephen_Cole. | |
65. Citebase - Beware Of The G\ Odel- Wette Paradox kleene, stephen Cole, Introduction to Metamathematics. Van Nostrand. G/A, kleene,1952 Company, Princeton, New Jersey, 1952. http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?id=oai:arXiv.org:math/0110094 |
66. Etext Center: Services Regular expressions trace back to the work of an American mathematician by thename of stephen kleene (one of the most influential figures in the http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/services/helpsheets/unix/regex.html | |
67. Computability And Complexity kleene, stephen C., 1935, A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic, kleene, stephen C., 1950, Introduction to Metamathematics, Van Nostrand, http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/computability/ | |
68. Stephen Cole Kleene Translate this page stephen Cole kleene Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen Online-Philosophenlexikon. http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/kleene.htm | |
69. Articles - Stephen Cole Kleene under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License Source Original textfrom the article in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia stephen Cole kleene. http://www.1-electric.com/articles/Stephen_Cole_Kleene | |
70. Kleene Star - Dicionário Internet kleene star. text (Or kleene closure , named after stephen kleene) Thepostfix * operator used in regular expressions, Extended BackusNaur Form, http://www.hostgold.com.br/hospedagem-sites/o_que_e/Kleene star |
71. Manucorp.com - Encyclopédie : Stephen Cole Kleene Translate this page Accueil \ Encyclopédie stephen Cole kleene kleene est mieux connu pouravoir fondé la branche de la logique mathématique connu sous le nom de théorie http://www.manucorp.com/encyclopedie/Stephen_Cole_Kleene | |
72. Interrogation DORIS WEB : OCLC_W3=3930 Translate this page Auteur, kleene, stephen Cole. Titre, Logique mathematique. Editeur, Jacques Gabay.Lieu de publication, Paris. Date de copyright, 1987 http://www.loria.fr/cgi-bin/DorisWeb/bibvisu?OCLC_W3=3930 |
73. Interrogation AUTEUR:4102 Translate this page AUTEUR kleene, stephen Cole. 1 réponse. Logique mathematique - kleene, stephenCole - Jacques Gabay - 1987. http://www.loria.fr/cgi-bin/DorisWeb/bibrebond?AUTEUR:4102 |
74. AquaFacts kleene, Steve. 1989. A medical marvel the diving seal. Sea Frontiers.Vol. Reeves, Randall R., Brent S. Stewart and stephen Leatherwood. 1992. http://www.vanaqua.org/education/aquafacts/harbourseals.html | |
75. Agent Paradigms And Knowbots / Agenten Paradigmen Und Knowbots 1971, JEHOPCROFT/ JDULLMAN 1979, kleene, stephen C. 1988, M.MINSKY 1967,AMTURING 19367) Für eine Theoriebildung, die daran interessiert ist, http://www.inm.de/kip/general/paradigms.html | |
76. Stephen Cole Science Fiction News And Reviews. Buy / Find Scifi DVDs, Videos, Bo Previous STEP Next stephen Jobs stephen Cole kleene . stephen kleenehttp//burks.brighton.ac.uk/burks/foldoc/84/111.htm. 5. Matthew Ward stephen Cole http://www.scifind.co.uk/search-Stephen Cole.html | |
77. Kleene kleene, stephen C. Origins of Recursive Function Theory § Abstract in Annalsof the History of Computing IEEE 3(1) January 1981 § http://hopl.murdoch.edu.au/showlanguage.prx?exp=7051&language=Kleene |
78. Stal.aanderaa Hao.wang John.addison Stephen.kleene Len.adleman stal.aanderaa hao.wang john.addison stephen.kleene len.adleman manuel.blum al.ahojohn.hopcroft howard.aiken elchaffee helmut.alt kurt.mehlhorn dana.angluin http://www.cs.duke.edu/courses/spring04/cps100/assign/extratree/data/family.in | |
79. Stephen Cole Kleene Godel 175, kleene, stephen C. 1936, 1956, 1965, 1975. 76, Kochen, Simon (includesdiscussion notes), 19651975. 77, Kondø, Motokiti, 1961-1963. Kreisel, Georg http://www.algebra.com/algebra/about/history/Stephen-Cole-Kleene.wikipedia | |
80. Church3-5 8, kleene, stephen C. 9, kleene, stephen C. and Post, Emil L. 10, Knaster, B.and Kuratowski, C. 11, Kneser, Hellmuth. 12, Koenigsberger, Leo and Zeuner, http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/church/church3-5.html | |
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