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21. Stephen Cole Kleene - Linix Encyclopedia http//math.library.wisc.edu/biblio.htmdeStephen Cole Kleene eoStephenKLEENE frStephen Cole Kleene slStephen Cole Kleene uk ? http://web.linix.ca/pedia/index.php/S._C._Kleene | |
22. Stephen Cole Kleene: Information From Answers.com CIRSkleene stephen C., Introduction to Metamathematics, North Holland, 6ème édition,1971. KNUTH Donald E., The TeXbook, Addison Wesley, 1984. http://www.answers.com/topic/stephen-cole-kleene | |
23. Kafatos Menas Nadeau Robert CONSCIOUS UNIVERSE (Springer Verlag kleene stephen INTRODUCTION TO METAMATHEMATICS (NorthHolland, 1964). Kleene sthree-valued logic was conceived to accomodate undediced mathematical http://www.thymos.com/mind/k.html | |
24. BIBLIO kleene stephen, INTRODUCTION TO METAMATHEMATICS, NorthHolland, 1964 Kosslyn Stephen, GHOSTS IN THE MIND S MACHINE, W. Norton, 1983 http://www-gth.die.upm.es/~macias/doc/pubs/aircenter99/www.aircenter.net/tk.html |
25. Editions Jacques Gabay - Stephen C. KLEENE Translate this page Reprints Encyclopedie des sciences Mathematiques, Abel, Borel, Fourier, Galois,Gauss, Hilbert, Lagrange, Laplace, Maxwell, Molk, Newton, Poincare, http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Bio.asp?NP=KLEENE Stephen C. |
26. Stephen Cole Kleene - Wikipédia, L Encyclopédie Libre Et Gratuite Translate this page Stephen Cole Kleene Kleene est mieux connu pour avoir fondé la branche de lalogique mathématique connu sous le nom de théorie de la récursion ensemble http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Cole_Kleene |
27. Bibliografia kleene stephen C.. Introducción a la metamatemática. Tecnos. 1974; Odifreddi,Piergiorgio. Classical Recursion Theory. North Holland. http://usuarios.lycos.es/ebool/bibliografia.html | |
28. Stephen Kleene - BlueRider.com Professor Stephen Cole Kleene (190901-05 - 1994-01-26) /steev n (kohl) klay nee/An American mathematician whose work at the University of http://stephen kleene.bluerider.com/wordsearch/Stephen Kleene |
29. Stephen Cole Kleene - Wikipedia Translate this page Stephen Cole Kleene Kleene erlangte 1934 unter der Anleitung von Alonzo Churchseinen Doktortitel in Mathematik an der Princeton University. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Cole_Kleene | |
30. Stephen Cole Kleene - Wikipedija Stephen Cole Kleene, ameriki matematik, castnik in logik, Kleene je tudiralna Kolidu Amherst (Amherst College), kjer je diplomiral leta 1930. http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Cole_Kleene |
31. Stephen Kleene Stephen Kleene. Doctorate from Princeton University in 1934 Adviser Alonzo ChurchStudents. John Addison (University of Wisconsin, 1955) http://sigact.acm.org/cgi-bin/genealogy.cgi?file=database-K.html&from=Kleene,Ste |
32. Kleene Biography of stephen C kleene (19091994) stephen C kleene studied for hisfirst degree at Amherst College. He went on to receive a doctorate from http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Kleene.html | |
33. References For Kleene References for the biography of stephen C kleene. A biographical sketch ofstephen C kleene, The kleene Symposium, Stud. Logic Foundations Math 101 http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Kleene.html | |
34. Stephen Kleene From FOLDOC kleene, stephen Cole . stephen kleene. person Professor stephen Colekleene (190901-05 - 1994-01-26) /steev n (kohl) klay nee/ An American http://foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?Kleene, Stephen Cole |
35. Kleene, Stephen Cole kleene, stephen Cole. (b. Jan. 5, 1909, Hartford, Conn., USd. Jan. 25, 1994,Madison, Wis.), Index American mathematician and logician whose work on http://www.cs.auc.dk/~luca/FS2/kleene-britannica.html | |
36. Kleene, Stephen Cole -- Encyclopædia Britannica kleene, stephen Cole American mathematician and logician whose work on recursiontheory helped lay the foundations of theoretical computer science. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9001456 | |
37. Encyclopædia Britannica Topic kleene, stephen Cole. Encyclopædia Britannica Related Articles.automata theory Go to Index Browse List of Abbreviations http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic?idxStructId=319950&typeId=13 |
38. Kleene, Stephen Cole - Computing Reference - ELook.org Previous Terms, Terms Containing kleene, stephen Cole, Next Terms . KL1 Klamath KLB kleene closure kleene star KlererMay System http://www.elook.org/computing/kleene,-stephen-cole.htm | |
39. Stephen Kleene - Computing Reference - ELook.org person Professor stephen Cole kleene (190901-05 - 1994-01-26) /steev n (kohl)klay nee/ Previous Terms, Terms Containing stephen kleene, Next Terms http://www.elook.org/computing/stephen-kleene.htm | |
40. Stephen Kleene From FOLDOC kleene, stephen Cole . stephen kleene. person Professor stephen Colekleene (190901-05 - 1994-01-26) /steev n (kohl) klay nee/ An American http://www.instantweb.com/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?Kleene, Stephen Cole |
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