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41. KRFL - Knute Rockne Football League - Novogate.com 23.171 kendall maurice Morris, RB, Sea 35.282 kendall Sam Cowart, ILB,NYJ 36.283 Lone Star maurice Hicks, RB, SF http://www.novogate.com/board/2236/212405-1.html | |
42. Confidence Intervals For VaR By David Campbell kendall, maurice G., and Alan Stuart (1973) The Advanced Theory of Statistics.Volume 2 Inference and Relationship. Third edition. Griffin London. http://www.fenews.com/fen9/confidence.html | |
43. Bibliography kendall, maurice G. and Alan Stuart. 1963. The Advanced Theory of Statistics.Volume 1. London. Charles Griffin and Company Limited. Kruszynski, G. 1999. http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census01/Products/Reference/tech_rep/sampling/bi | |
44. Bibliographie Translate this page kendall, maurice George, Sir, et Alan STUART. 1963. The Advanced Theory ofStatistics, London, Charles Griffin and Company Limited, vol. 1. http://www12.statcan.ca/francais/census01/Products/Reference/tech_rep/sampling/b | |
45. Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics kendall, maurice George, 19071983, Statistics theory and practice selectedpapers by Sir maurice kendall, 1, QA 276 A12 K46 1984, Killam http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~dilcher/collwks.html | |
46. BookHq: Kendall's Advanced Theory Of Statistics By Maurice Kendall,Alan Stuart,J Compare 24 bookstores with 1 click. Save! Why pay more? Search for new and usedbooks, college textbooks for all subjects, medical/medicine/law included. http://www.bookhq.com/compare/0195209494.html | |
47. 62: Statistics Dated but useful kendall, maurice G.; Doig, Alison G., Bibliography of statisticalliterature in 3 volumes pre1940, 194049, 195058. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/index/62-XX.html | |
48. Oxford University Press: Probability & Statistics maurice kendall. $165.00 (04), In Stock. 0340614307 , hardback, Jun 1994 maurice kendall. $99.00 (04), In Stock. 0340662301 , hardback, Apr 1999 http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Mathematics/ProbabilityStatistics/ | |
49. United Nations Statistics Division - Common Database kendall, Sir maurice G., and William R. Buckland for the International StatisticalInstitute (1982). A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Fourth Edition http://first.sipri.org/www/first_un_eco.html | |
50. Annotated Statistics Book Reference List: kendall, maurice G. and Alan Stuart The advanced theory of statistics Volume IDistribution Theory 2nd edition London C. Griffin, 19631968 433 pages http://www.nmia.com/~tandberg/LinkedPages/Statistics/StatisticalReferences/Annot | |
51. Browse By Author: H - Project Gutenberg Being Impressions and Translations of maurice Hewlett (English); The FoolErrant (English) Hosmer, James kendall (18341927). The Last Leaf http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/h | |
52. Maurice Henry Vaughan Kendall (born 1894), Army Officer National Portrait Gallery, list of portraits for maurice Henry Vaughan kendallincluding maurice Henry Vaughan kendall by Bassano, maurice Henry Vaughan http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?LinkID=mp72386 |
53. All Author Selections In Mathematics Books At BizRate maurice D Ocagne maurice D. Weir maurice De Gosson maurice De Gosson maurice Eggen maurice Frechet maurice G. kendall maurice Stanley http://www.bizrate.com/buy/refine__att--100018,att100018--more,cat_id--8031.html | |
54. Business-Statistics kendall, maurice G. A Dictionary of Statistical Terms. 4th ed. New YorkInternational Statistical Institute, 1982. REF QA276.14.K46 1982 http://www.ccm.edu/library/biblio_business_statistics.htm | |
55. Analytic - Geometry - Science & Technology - Books - Wal-Mart kendall, maurice G. Paperback, Dover Publications, 2004, ISBN 0486439275.More Info. List price $7.95. Our Price $7.47. You Save $0.48 (6%) http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product_listing.gsp?cat=21984&path=0:3920:18865:1 |
56. Juli Kendall - Reading/Writing Workshop Journal Juli kendall, a readingwriting teacher/coach in Long Beach, California, maurice (who writes under the influence of football and Deion Sanders) http://www.middleweb.com/ReadWrkshp/JK72.html | |
57. Juli Kendall - Reading/Writing Workshop Journal Juli kendall, a readingwriting teacher/coach in Long Beach, California, There s no way that maurice is not going to finish writing his feature about http://www.middleweb.com/ReadWrkshp/JK56.html | |
58. Sources For The Math Symbols And Words Pages kendall, maurice G., and Alan Stuart. The Advanced Theory of Statistics, 3rdedition (in three volumes). New York Hafner Publishing Company, 1969. http://members.aol.com/jeff570/sources.html | |
59. Sciencefile kendall, maurice J. A Dictionary of Statistical Terms. 4th. ed. London Longman,1982. QA276.25 H37 1973. Basic Statistical Tables. http://www.library.fordham.edu/res_guid/Science/SCIENCE.htm | |
60. Bibliography kendall, maurice George, 19071983, Statistics theory and practice selectedpapers by Sir maurice kendall (1907-1983) / edited by Alan Stuatr http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=K& |
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