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21. IASC President - Prof. Maurice George Kendall Prof. maurice George kendall. kendall. Sir maurice kendall (19071983) Presidentof the IASC (1979-1981) London, UK. http://www.iasc-isi.org/IASC-Presidents/M_G_Kendall.html |
22. EPA - Online Library System Bibliography Main Title, Advanced theory of statistics {by} maurice kendall and Alan Stuart.Personal Author, kendall, maurice G. Publisher, Hafner Publ. Co. http://cave.epa.gov/cgi/nph-bwcgis/BASIS/ncat/lib/ncat/EDW?W=LB='EJEM' AND DB='O |
23. Alibris: Grant Kendall Bibliography of statistical literature. 19401949, 1940-1949 more books likethis by kendall, maurice, Sir, and Doig, Alison Grant buy used from $49.84! http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Kendall, Grant | |
24. Alibris: Anthony O'Hagan by O Hagan, Anthony, and kendall, maurice G. This new edition responds to thedevelopments and advances that have taken place in this area over the last few http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/O'Hagan, Anthony | |
25. Authors Starting With K, Page 10: Vintage Books Author(s) kendall, maurice, Sir; Edited by Stuart, Alan, D.Sc.; Title StatisticsTheory And Practice Selected Papers By Sir maurice kendall (19071983); http://www.vintage-books.com/Ench/enchk10.htm | |
26. Basic Library List-Statistics kendall, maurice; Stuart, Alan; and Ord, J. Keith. kendall, maurice.Multivariate Analysis, New York, NY Macmillan, 1980. Second Edition. http://www.maa.org/BLL/statistics.htm | |
27. Basic Library List-Reference kendall, maurice and Doig, AG Bibliography of Statistical Literature New York,NY Hafner Press, 1965. Lancaster, HO Bibliography of Statistical http://www.maa.org/BLL/reference.htm | |
28. British Academy Fellows Archive Record for kendall, Sir maurice (06/09/190729/03/1983). Specialisms socialstatistics. Appointments Chairman of Scientific Control Systems Ltd 1967-71; http://www.britac.ac.uk/fellowship/archive.asp?fellowsID=1744 |
29. SUN SOLAR SYSTEM 1998 Franz-Ludwig Deubner US$112 / £70 Priority 2 1994 kendall, maurice, kendall s Advanced Theory ofStatistics, Volume 2b Bayesian Inference 6th ed, Ed Oxford Univ. http://www.inaoep.mx/~preprint/biblio_order00.txt |
30. Lautreamont And Sade -- Maurice Blanchot Stuart Kendall Michelle Kendall by maurice Blanchot,. Translated by Stuart kendall and Michelle kendall In Lautréamont and Sade, originally published in 1949, maurice Blanchot http://www.frontlist.com/detail/0804750351 | |
31. Books By Maurice Blanchot by maurice Blanchot,. Translated by Stuart kendall and Michelle kendall.Stanford University Press , paper , 200 pages. Due/Published August 2004 http://www.frontlist.com/author/31434 | |
32. Lautréamont And Sade - Maurice Blanchot, Translated By Stuart Kendall And Miche maurice Blanchot, Translated by Stuart kendall and Michelle kendall. 2004 200 pp.ISBN 0804742332 cloth. ISBN 0804750351 paper http://www.sup.org/book.cgi?book_id=4233 5035 |
33. Content Online - Lautréamont And Sade - Maurice Blanchot, Translated By Stuart maurice Blanchot, Translated by Stuart kendall and Michelle kendall 2004.ISBN 0804742332 cloth ($50.00). ISBN 0804750351 paper ($19.95) http://www.sup.org/ancillary.cgi?isbn=0804750351&item=Table of Contents.htm |
34. (Maurice Lewman Memories - RR Watch) maurice Lewman Memories My grandfather, Harry E. kendall, worked for therailroad, I believe in Madison County, and he had received a pocket watch, http://madisonrails.railfan.net/lewman21_watch.html | |
35. Library Of Cagliari I.N.F.N. Site kendall, maurice G C. Griffin, 1952, London 2 v. (xii, 457 ; vii, 521 p.), 27 cm.Location 35/KEN Inventory BIBFIS IF 3933/1 IF 3933/2 http://www.ca.infn.it/cgi-bin/scanlib_it.pl?Author=&Title=&Output=full&Select=wh |
36. The Encyclopedia Of Statistics In Behavioral Science kendall, maurice George Kolmogorov, Andrey Nikolaevich Laplace, Pierre Simon (Marquisde) Lord, Frederic Mather Mahalanobis, Prasanta Chandra Markov, Andrei http://www.wiley.com/legacy/wileychi/eosbs/articles.html | |
37. EDU 8371 - Educational Research kendall, maurice G. (1982). A dictionary of statistical terms. London; New YorkPublished for the International Statistical Institute by Longman. http://www.dowling.edu/library/course/edu8731.shtml | |
38. Dowling College Library - Course Guides - EDU 6504 Literacy Research kendall, maurice G. (1982). A dictionary of statistical terms. New York Publishedfor the International Statistical Institute by Longman. http://www.dowling.edu/library/course/edu9860.shtm | |
39. Hard Sciences Books Author, kendall, maurice G. Buckland, William R. Ask a question View otherbooks by kendall, maurice G. Buckland, William R. http://www.michaelsbooks.com/q_Hard-Sciences_2.html | |
40. KRFL - Knute Rockne Football League - Novogate.com 1930 kendall maurice Morris, RB, Sea kendall selects maurice Morris, RB,Sea. kendall passes until the 100K rounds. http://www.novogate.com/board/2236/212834-1.html | |
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