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61. Owen Gingerich - CiS-St Edmunds Public Lecture passing remark may have provided the basis for a few comments made by theEnglish astronomer john keill in a Latin textbook he published in 1718 12. http://www.st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk/cis/gingerich/lecture3.html | |
62. Hexameral_Idiom reviews like john keill s Examination of the Theories of Burnet and Whiston, Although keill disavowed any and all Theories, and Murray declined to http://homepage.mac.com/kvmagruder/B/criteria.html | |
63. Title List Works by Arbuthnot, john, john keill, and Martin Strong. Essay on the Usefulnessof Mathematical Learning, in a Letter from a Gentleman in the City to his http://digital.libraries.ou.edu/histsci/author.asp?author=Arbuthnot, John, John |
64. Historical Astronomical Posts In Britain And Ireland john Caswell (or Carswell) (d.1712), 17081712. john keill, FRS (1671-1721),1712-1721. Rev. James Bradley, FRS (1692-1762), 1721-1742 http://brynjones.members.beeb.net/histastron/posts_gbi/posts_gbi.html | |
65. The National Archives | Search Other Archives | Accessions To Repositories | Maj john keill (16711721), Scottish mathematician and astronomer lectures oncatoptics, dioptics, hydrostatica etc, noted by john Ivory, Oxford c1710 (Add http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/accessions/1995/95returns/95ac12.htm | |
66. -- MONAS.nl -- Sd - Freemasonry On the university of Oxford (UK) he quickly promoted from student to teacher,following up john keill (16711721) who taught the revolutionary theories of http://www.monas.nl/think/sdmasonry.htm | |
67. BSHM: Gazetteer -- E john keill (16711721) was born here and was a student of David Gregory here.In 1691, David was elected Savilian Professor of Astronomy. He and keill went http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/bshm/zingaz/E.html | |
68. BSHM: Abstracts -- G Guicciardini, Niccolò, Johann Bernoulli, john keill and the inverse problem ofcentral forces, Annals of science 52 (1995), 537575 http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/bshm/abstracts/G.html | |
69. The Shakespeare Theatre Of New Jersey The Princeton Packet names KING john and OTHELLO top choices Among the nineprofessional productions cited by Ms. keill as the best of 2003, she noted http://www.njshakespeare.org/past/2003/2003.html | |
70. Index - Palatines Of Olde Ulster Wm., 00 keill, john, 00 Keiseler, Peter, 00 Keller, Frank, 00 Kelmer, Philip, 00Kerner, Nicolaus, 00 Kiel, George Wm., 00 Kings Town Katsbaan, http://www.hopefarm.com/palindex.htm | |
71. Newton Vs. Leibniz Also, he referred to one of Newton s colleagues, john keill, as In October1708 john keill, a young admirer of Newton, upped the anti when he published http://courses.science.fau.edu/~rjordan/phy1931/NEWTON/newton.htm | |
72. Kessinger Publishing's Rare Reprints keill, john, 1 Book. Keim, Albert, 2 Books. Keim, De B. Randolph, 1 Book. Keitel,Adolph, 2 Books. Keith, Alexander, 1 Book. Keith, Joseph Joel, 1 Book http://www.kessingerpub.com/searchresults_author.php?Letter=K |
73. Isaac Newton Philosophical Writings - Cambridge University Press keill, john xxix. Kepler, Johannes 106. Koyré, Alexandre xxxiv, xxxv. Kuhn, Thomasxii. Lami, François 114. law ix, 28, 30, 42, 44, 47, 49, 52, 57, 78, 79, http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521538483&ss=ind |
74. CENDA - Publicaciones - Trabajos De Ascenso Translate this page Filosóficos de las Ciencia de la Naturaleza en la Modernidad john keill en de la filosofía natural contenidas en la obra del escocés john keill, http://www.cenda.usb.ve/publicaciones/trabajosdeascenso.php?id=1196 |
75. Martin Family Tree January 24, 1780, Perth. Married john keill 1805 in Perth. Children all bornDundee john Ower (1810), Christian (1811), Lecelia (1816), William (1821), http://www.reglus.freeserve.co.uk/ower.htm | |
76. Scientific American Digital Browse sometimes through john keill (Johann Bernoulli referred to keill as Newton stoady ), sometimes through a committee of the Royal Society. http://www.sciamdigital.com/browse.cfm?ITEMIDCHAR=3433839D-07E9-4B08-BFE1-4178D9 |
77. Zsoldos Endre: Kövesligethy Radó, Jókai Mór és Az Androméda-k hogy közkinccsé válásuk folyamata befejezodött.20 A következo fontos évszám1718, amikor john keill felvetette, hogy a három csillag valójában azonos, http://members.iif.hu/visontay/ponticulus/errata/zsoldos.html | |
78. Math.space - Kalkül Translate this page john keill, Markus Hering. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Siegfried Walther.Sir Isaac Newton, Bernd Birkhahn. Abraham de Moivre, Markus Hering http://math.space.or.at/kalkuel/ | |
79. Scientific Revolution - Westfall - DSB - Catalogue - RSW-DSB-RAH Religion Anglican; keill s brother john was closely allied with the high churchparty, and I suspect that he was also. 6. Scientific Disciplines Anatomy http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Home/resource-ref- | |
80. K AUTHOR keill, john TITLE Introductio ad veram physicam seu Lectiones physicaeURL http//gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?O=n094954 http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/bibliography/k.html | |
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