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         Kantorovich Leonid:     more detail
  1. Wassily W. Leontief, Leonid V. Kantorovich, Tjalling C. Koopmans and J. Richard N. Stone (Pioneering Papers of the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics) by Howard R. Vane, Chris Mulhearn, 2009-04-09
  2. CONVERSATIONS WITH GREAT ECONOMISTS: Friedrich A. Hayek, John Hicks, Nicholas Kaldor, Leonid V.Kantorovich, Joan Robinson, Paul A.Samuelson, Jan Tinbergen by Diego Pizano, 2009-09-23
  3. KANTOROVICH, LEONID VITALIYEVICH: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Russian History</i> by MARTIN C. SPECHLER, 2004
  4. Functional Analysis by Leonid Vitalevich Kantorovich, 1982-06
  5. Leonid Vitalevich Kantorovich, 1912-1986 (Materialy k biobibliografii uchenykh SSSR) (Russian Edition)
  6. Functional Analysis, Optimization, and Mathematical Economics: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to the Memory of Leonid Vital'evick Kantorovitch

81. [math/0503035] Kantorovich Metric:initial History And Little-known Applications
90th annyversary of leonid.V.kantorovich which was at St.Petersbutrg EulerInternational Mathematical Institute in January 2004.
Mathematics, abstract
From: Anatoly Vershik [ view email ] Date ( ): Wed, 2 Mar 2005 11:33:36 GMT (14kb) Date (revised ): Thu, 3 Mar 2005 17:09:27 GMT (14kb) Date (revised ): Fri, 4 Mar 2005 07:55:57 GMT (14kb) Date (revised v4): Sat, 5 Mar 2005 17:08:00 GMT (14kb)
Kantorovich metric:initial history and little-known applications
Authors: A.Vershik
Comments: 14p. Refs.30
Subj-class: Functional Analysis; History and Overview
Journ Math. Sci (2005)
The short history of L.Kantorovich's transport problem and his metric in the framework of his activity in mathmatics and economics during a long and difficult period. We did not mention the recent impetuious developement of application of the transport probelm to differential equations etc., and concentrated on three applications not known to wide audience - in measure and ergodic theory, and metric geometry and classification of mertric spaces with measures.
This is a detale version of the talk of author on the Conference devoted to
90-th annyversary of Leonid.V.Kantorovich which was at St.Petersbutrg Euler International Mathematical Institute in January 2004.

82. Jewish Computer & Information Scientists
leonid kantorovich; Mitchell Kapor; Richard Karp; John Kemeny; Alexander Khinchine5; Leonard Kleinrock; Zvi Kohavi; Saul Kripke; Solomon Kullback
  • Leonard Adleman Paul Baran Richard Bellman Manuel Blum
    Georg Cantor Noam Chomsky George Dantzig Martin Davis
    Peter Elias Robert Fano Edward Feigenbaum
    Edward Fredkin
    William Friedman Solomon Golomb
    Stephen Grossberg Martin Hellman Amos Joel, Jr.
    William Kahan
    Robert Kahn
    Richard Karp
    John Kemeny Leonard Kleinrock Raymond Kurzweil Leslie Lamport Rolf Landauer Leonid Levin John McCarthy Marvin Minsky Joel Moses John von Neumann Max Newman Seymour Papert Mark Pinsker Emil Post Hilary Putnam Michael Rabin Adi Shamir Herbert Simon Gustave Solomon Peter Swerling Leo Szilard Alfred Tarski Stanislaw Ulam Leslie Valiant Andrew Viterbi Abraham Wald Norbert Wiener Avi Wigderson Jacob Wolfowitz Stephen Wolfram
  • Harold Abelson Norman Abramson Leonard Adleman Berni Alder Noga Alon Saul Amarel Kenneth Appel Michael Arbib Paul Baran Yehoshua Bar-Hillel Richard Bellman Paul Benioff Toby Berger Hans Berliner Eli Biham Max Black Lenore Blum Manuel Blum Dan Bricklin Sergey Brin Julian Bussgang Georg Cantor Gregory Chaitin Jule Charney Noam Chomsky Alexandre Chorin George B. Dantzig

83. Jewish Economists
Lord Nicholas Kaldor; leonid kantorovich; Lawrence Klein; Paul Krugman Michal Kalecki; leonid kantorovich; Leon Keyserling; Israel Kirzner
  • George Akerlof Kenneth Arrow Lord Peter (P. T.) Bauer Gary Becker George Dantzig Robert Fogel Milton Friedman Alan Greenspan Zvi Griliches John Harsanyi Hendrik Houthakker Lord Richard Kahn Daniel Kahneman Lord Nicholas Kaldor Leonid Kantorovich Lawrence Klein Paul Krugman Simon Kuznets Wassily Leontief Harry Markowitz Jacob Marschak Karl Marx Merton Miller Ludwig von Mises Franco Modigliani John von Neumann David Ricardo Murray Rothbard Paul Samuelson Myron Scholes Herbert Simon Robert Solow Joseph Stiglitz Jacob Viner Abraham Wald
  • Albert Aftalion George Akerlof Kenneth Arrow Robert Aumann Robert Axelrod Lord Thomas Balogh Paul Baran Otto Bauer Lord Peter (P. T.) Bauer William Baumol Gary Becker Abram Bergson Mark Blaug Alan Blinder Martin Bronfenbrenner Arthur Burns George Dantzig Harold Demsetz Peter Diamond Aaron Director Evsey Domar Joseph Dorfman Robert Dorfman Otto Eckstein Robert Eisner Stanley Engerman Richard Epstein Solomon Fabricant Martin Feldstein Willian Fellner Stanley Fischer Franklin Fisher Robert Fogel Jacob Frenkel
    Milton Friedman Alexander Gerschenkron Arthur Goldberger Alan Greenspan Zvi Griliches Sanford Grossman Frank Hahn John Harsanyi Jerry Hausman Eli Heckscher Robert Heilbroner Elhanan Helpman
    Rudolf Hilferding Jack Hirschleifer Albert O. Hirschman

84. Citebase - Kantorovich Metricinitial History And Little-known
G/A, 16 leonid Vitalievich KantorovichMan and Scientist, vol. 1, Novosibirsk (2002).G/A, 17 D. Ornstein, Ergodic Theory, Randomness, and Dynamical

85. University Of Chicago News: Nobel Laureates
with leonid kantorovich “for their contributions to the theory of optimum allocationof resources.” Friedrich August von Hayek
University of Chicago News: Resources
University of Chicago Economic Sciences Nobel Laureates In 1968, the Sveriges Riksbank (Bank of Sweden) instituted the Prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize. Twenty-three of the fifty Nobel Laureates in Economics have been faculty members, students or researchers at the University of Chicago.
Edward C. Prescott

Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Economics , 1978-79; Professor in the Department of Economics, 1998-99. The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 2004
James J. Heckman

Associate Professor in the Department of Economics , 1973-77; Professor, 1977-85; Henry Schultz Professor in Economics, 1985-95, and in the Harris School of Public Policy , 1990-95; Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor in Economics and Public Policy, 1995-present. The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 2000
Daniel L. McFadden

Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Economics The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 2000
Robert A. Mundell

86. Oxford University Press: Functional Analysis, Optimization, And Mathematical Eco
This is a collection of papers on the work of leonid kantorovich, a Russianmathematician and economist, and a leading contributor to the fields of
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Functional Analysis, Optimization, and Mathematical Economics
A Collection of Papers Dedicated to the Memory of Leonid Vital'evick Kantorovitch Edited by Lev J. Leifman
With a foreword by Wassily Leontief Add to Cart hardback 360 pages Jul 1990, Out of Stock
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This is a collection of papers on the work of Leonid Kantorovich, a Russian mathematician and economist, and a leading contributor to the fields of optimization and mathematical economics. Kantorovich invented linear programming then applied this theory to optimal macroeconomic planning in a socialist economy, for which he received the Nobel Prize. The book is dedicated to the memory of Kantorovich, who died in 1986. It contains original contributions from several researchers in the USSR never before available in the U.S. It is organized in a logical sequence, from mathematics to the applications of the theories to concrete problems. The work is fully illustrated.
Product Details

87. Business As (Un)usual. Notes On The Westernization Of Economic Sciences In Easte
Indeed, the single Nobel Prize won by leonid kantorovich many, many years ago (andshared by Tjalling Koopmans), the rare occasions in which the oeuvre of
you are here: Knowledge Base Home Full Text Archive Article 1 on Economics skip to table of content Partners Sitemap Imprint ... Links you are here: Knowledge Base Home Full Text Archive Article 1 on Economics
Business as (Un)usual. Notes on the Westernization of Economic Sciences in Eastern Europe
J¡nos M¡ty¡s Kov¡cs
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[1]  This talk is about complexity, irony, and praise. During the past two decades, I have published a few papers on unexploited opportunities, I mean, on chances to westernize that economists have missed in Eastern Europe.

88. UNM Physics And Astronomy Department Web Site
kantorovich, LV (leonid Vital�evich), Functional analysis in normed spaces byLV kantorovich and GP Aikov, In, MA 4601. Kaplan, Irving, Nuclear Physics

89. Janus: The Papers Of John Richard Nicholas Stone
JRNS/3/1/74, Correspondence between leonid kantorovich and JRNS. Originationkantorovich, leonid. 1 envelope; paper. 19661986

90. Optimisation De Chargement - Le Professeur Kantorovich Avec Le Dr. Eberhard Kumm
leonid Vitaliyevich kantorovich, L image montrele professeur leonid kantorovich (gauche) en 1976 avec Eberhard Kummerow
Le professeur Kantorovich avec le Dr. Eberhard Kummerow :
En voici plus . Il s'agit de M. le professeur Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich , qui a reçu en 1975 le prix Nobel pour sa "contributions to the theory of optimum allocation of resources" . L'image montre le professeur Leonid Kantorovich (gauche) en 1976 avec Eberhard Kummerow (droite) en train d'analyser des calcules d'optimisation, dans le domaine de la production. Ces calcules ont été obtenus en utilisant la méthode complexe , une forme d'optimisation qui représente une évolution dans le dévelopement des travaux du professeur Kantorovich. La méthode complexe à été développée par le Dr. Kummerow et le professor Lassmann. La méthode complexe ne permet pas seulement de trouver la solution optimal d'un problème, mais permet aussi de trouver les paramètres dont les changements influence (+/-) le résultat final d'une manière positive. Dr.oec. habil. Eberhard "Ebbi" Kummerow est aujourd'hui le résponsable de la recherche et du développement dans notre institut. Menu: Retour à la page d'acceuil Page d'acceuil en allemand A propos de nous Références...

91. University Of Washington /All Locations
leonid kantorovich Wikipedialeonid kantorovich. As a Wikipedia. Eaconamaiche Duais Nobel Duais Nobel annan Eaconomacachd L V Leonid Vitalev

92. Ôîòîãàëåðåÿ Ëåîíèä Âèòàëüåâè÷ Êàíòîðîâè÷ (L
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  • Quotes of Ken Hudgins

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  • 93. Ëåîíèä Âèòàëüåâè÷ Êàíòîðîâè÷ (Leonid Kantorovich)
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  • Quotes of Ken Hudgins
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  • 94. New Zealand Mathematical Societu Newsletter Number 93, April 2005
    13 kantorovich, leonid Vitalyevich, A new method of solving of some classes of 14 kantorovich, leonid Vitalyevich, On the translocation of masses,
    Newsletters Index Centrefolds Index Number 93 April 2005 NEWSLETTER OF THE NEW ZEALAND MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY (INC.) Contents PUBLISHER’S NOTICE


    Mathematicians and light bulbs ISSN 0110-0025 CENTREFOLD BOB LONG Robert Stephen Long is a very good candidate for a long-service medal for his contributions to mathematics in this country, and his career illustrates with great clarity the development of the subject in the past half-century. With the retirement of Sadler, and the arrival of Derek Lawden as HoD, the atmosphere if not the resources for research improved a great deal, and through the 1960s Bob wrote and published a series of papers, largely on one of the topics that Lawden had pioneered, that of orbital transfer. He was promoted to a readership in 1968. Throughout his time in the department, Bob took more than his share of administrative work, and of the teaching of first-year and engineering mathematics courses, and is rightly remembered for his patience and thoroughness. On his retirement at the end of the 1980s, Bob became involved in (perhaps "was inveigled into" suits the case better) the NZ International Mathematical Olympiad movement, and set up the weekly coaching sessions which are open to candidate olympians in Christchurch. He is still in charge, and the number of this country's best young mathematicians who have passed through his hands, and who owe a real debt to him for patient instruction, encouragement and inspiration, grows by the year.

    95. El Premio Nobel Economía: Leonid Witaljewitsch Kantorowitsch
    la teoría de la asignación óptima de recursos


    Home ... Economía Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich
    (Rusia) ''Por sus contribuciones a la teoría de la asignación óptima de recursos"
    ( compartido con Tjalling C. Koopmans

    96. ÊÀÍÒÎÐÎÂÈ×, Ëåîíèä. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêîé ïð
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    97. Biography-center - Letter K
    Kant, Immanuel www.islandof-freedom.c om/KANT.HTM; kantorovich,
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