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         Kaestner Abraham:     more books (37)
  1. Elegieen (E-Book-Sammlung (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kästner, 2010-09-01
  2. Erlaeuterungen Ueber Die Kaestnerische Analysis Der Unendlichen (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, Karl Christian Von Langsdorf, 2010-03-22
  3. Anmerkungen über die Markscheidekunst: Nebst einer Abhandlung von ... (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2010-06-23
  4. Anfangsgrunde Der Analysis Endlicher Grossen (1794) (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2009-06-13
  5. Sinngedichte (E-Book-Sammlung (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kästner, 2010-09-01
  6. Geschichte Der Mathematik: Seit Der Wiederherstellung Der Wissenschaften Bis an Das Ende des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, V.2 (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2009-04-27
  7. Gedichte (Gold Collection) (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kästner, 2010-06-19
  8. Anfangsgruende Der Arithmetik: Geometrie Ebenen Und Sphaerischen Trigonometrie, Und Perspectiv. (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2009-04-27
  9. Anmerkungen über die markscheidekunst: Nebst einer abhandlung von höhenmessungen durch das barometer (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 1775-01-01
  10. Oden und Lieder (E-Book-Sammlung (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kästner, 2010-09-01
  11. Geschichte der mathematik: Seit der wiederherstellung der wissenschaften bis an das ende des achtzehnten jahrhunderts (German Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 1796-01-01
  12. In Optica Quaedam Boerhavii Et Halleri Commentatur (1785) (Latin Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2010-09-10
  13. Dissertationes Mathematicae Et Physicae (1771) (Latin Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2010-09-10
  14. Dissertationes Mathematicae Et Physicae (1771) (Latin Edition) by Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner, 2010-09-10

Translate this page kaestner, abraham Gotthelf. geb. 1719 in Leipzig gest. 1800 in Göttingen.Mathematiker, Naturforscher, Astronom, Dichter. 1746 Prof. in Leipzig,

22. Miniaturbilder Zur Porträt-Galerie + PORTRAIT-ANTIQUARIAT KLAUS HILLE / BERLIN
Translate this page GALERIE kaestner, abraham Gotthelf. xx, kaestner, abraham Gotthelf. xx,Brustbild nach rechts. xx. STAHLSTICH. xx. ohne Adresse, um 1850

23. Studio Fuer Alte Deutsche Literatur: Aufklaerung - Autoren - Abraham Gotthelf Ka
Translate this page Aufklaerung, abraham Gotthelf Kästner geb. 27.9.1719 Leipzig gest. 20.6.1800 Göttingen.Biographie Mathematik in Göttingen abraham Gotthelf Kästner
geb. 27.9.1719 Leipzig
Biographie "De theoria radicum in aequationibus" Lessing "Aequationium speciosarum resolutio Newtoniana per series" "Anfangsgründe der Analysis endlicher Größen" "Geschichte der Mathematik" Gottsched selbst. Der junge Kästner war offenkundig von Gottscheds Standpunkt sehr eingenommen, Vernunft und Regelmäßigkeit von der Dichtung zu fordern. Der scharfe Verstand Kästners trat auch sofort für Gottsched ein, als es galt, die "Schweizer" ( Bodmer und Breitinger "Belustigungen des Verstandes und Witzes" erschienen, weitgehend hervorgetan. Später, in den 50er Jahren, nahm Kästner an der Arbeit der "Gesellschaft der freyen Künste" in Leipzig, Gottscheds Altersgründung, teil. Es ist wohl nur aus der wissenschaftlichen Vielseitigkeit und bemerkenswerten Regsamkeit Kästners zu erklären, dass er nebenher an den "Göttingischen Gelehrten Anzeigen" und der "Allgemeinen Deutschen Bibliothek"

24. Mathematik In Göttingen: Abraham Gotthelf Kästner
seiner Zeit der beste Mathematiker und unter den Mathematikern seiner Zeit
Mathematische Fakultät
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Updates: letztes: 20.02.2002 jp                                 [ verantwortlich
zurück zur Fakultät
Abraham Gotthelf Kästner
Aus: Heyne's Lobrede auf Kästner. Der berühmte Christian Gottlob Heyne in Göttingen hielt Kästner ein Elogium in der Sozietät der Wissenschaften, das viele treffende und auch noch für unsere Zeit nützliche Bemerkungen an die Erinnerung dieses hervorragenden Mannes anknüpft und deshalb die allgemeine Verbreitung verdient. Es folgt hier deutlich (nach Schlichtegrolls Retrolog auf das Jahr 1800, Gotha 1806). Das lateinische Original findet sich in Commentationes Soc. Gott, T. XV. "Niemals hätte ich geglaubt, daß ich nach der Totenfeier unseres Gatterer, der als Kollege bei der Universität und als Mitglied dieser Sozietät mein unmittelbarer Nachbar und mein engverbundener Freund war, nun auch noch unsern Kästner, meinen Landsmann und Kollegen bei der Universität und in dieser besonderen Verbindung, auch noch überleben und hier zu seinem Andenken sprechen würde. Zwar schien dies dem Naturgesetz gemäß, da er zehn Jahre älter war als ich; aber seine festere Gesundheit, seine größere Geisteslebhaftigkeit ließen mich nicht hoffen, daß ich ihm mit gleichen Schritten folgen würde. Doch worauf dürfte man wohl bei der Hinfälligkeit des menschlichen Lebens rechnen, das nicht durch Zufall oder durch das mit seinem Scharfsinn zu ergründende Gesetz der menschlichen Schicksale oft unversehens und gegen Erwartung vereitelt werden könnte? Das ist eben auch die Ursache, die uns bei der Unmöglichkeit, künftige Schicksale voraus zu sehen, bewegen muß, unbesorgt für die Zukunft nur für den heutigen Tag zu leben, indem wir jeden Tag so ansehen, als sei er ein ganzes Leben.

25. Riemann For Anti-Dummies, Part 26 IDEAS CAST SHADOWS, TOO It Can
to the 1970 republication of abraham kaestner s Geschichte der Mathematik . It is precisely kaestner s disrespect for these sophists for which he
Riemann for Anti-Dummies, Part 26 IDEAS CAST SHADOWS, TOO It can be a source of confusion for the naive, and a means of deception of the wicked, to restrict the meaning of Plato's metaphor of the cave, to those objects that originate outside of one's skin. As all great scientists have come to know, ideas cast shadows, too. A true scientist never mistakes the shadows for the idea, seeking instead to discover the idea from between the shadows. Those who merely manipulate shadows are called sophists. This defines the clear distinction between the concept of the complex domain of Gauss and Riemann, and the sophistry of Euler, Lagrange and D'Alembert. The former understood complex numbers as a simple case of a hierarchy of multiply extended magnitudes, or as Gauss called them, "shadows of shadows." The latter considered complex numbers, "impossible," but susceptible to complicated, but ultimately meaningless, symbolic manipulation, whose very complexity is intended to obscure its trickery. A passion for sophistry pervades modern academia, as exemplified by J. E. Hofmann, who penned the forward to the 1970 republication of Abraham Kaestner's "Geschichte der Mathematik." As LaRouche indicated in footnote 42 of his new piece, "At the End of a Delusion," Hofmann complains that Kaestner did not show sufficient respect for the achievements of the great mathematicians of his time Euler, Lagrange, and D'Alembert. It is precisely Kaestner's disrespect for these sophists for which he deserves our great admiration and respect today. As the history of the discovery of the complex domain demonstrates, Hofmann's blunder is not only a matter of a lack of comprehension of the subject, it is also indicative of the illiteracy of modern academia.

26. Riemann For Anti-Dummies Part 11 TRANSCENDING EUCLID It Is Crucial
abraham Gotthelf kaestner, who had come from Leipzig in 1750, and under whom Initially, he thought kaestner was a dull old man, but, I have since
Riemann for Anti-Dummies Part 11 TRANSCENDING EUCLID It is crucial for anti-dummies to always bear in mind the groundwork for all modern science, that Nicholas of Cusa teaches us in "On Learned Ignorance": The irony is, that if the universe conformed to perfect mathematical rules, it would not be discoverable. As Kepler describes this process in the "Harmonies of the World": "... [U]nless the Earth, our domicile, measured out the annual circle, midway between the other spheres changing from place to place, from station never would human cognition have worked its way to the true intervals of the planets, and to the other things dependent from them, and never would it have constituted astronomy." Cusa's method had opened the door, not only to Kepler's revolutionary discoveries, but, to the revolutionary discoveries of Fermat, who abandoned the path of shortest distance for the path of least time; J.S. Bach, who rejected abstract mathematical notions of musical intervals, creating the well-tempered system through his compositions; and Leibniz, who created the mathematics of non-constant curvature, that he called the infinitesimal calculus, to name but a few. It was through this doorway, that the 18-year old Gauss walked on March 30, 1796, when he made his first entry into his scientific notebook his discovery of the constructability of the 17-sided polygon. For more than 2000 years, it was believed that it were impossible to construct a 17-sided regular polygon with straight-edge and compass. On this day, Gauss recalled, after much hard work, the possibility of such a construction appeared to him all at once.

27. Bruce Randall Donald -- Lineage
Advisor, abraham Gotthelf kaestner 3,4,6. 13, abraham Gotthelf kaestner, Degree,Doctorate 5 (Ph.D. 6) **. Institution, Universit?Leipzig 4,5,6

was my great -grand Advisor
Academic Lineage
From Eric Paulos's investigations "Seems like a silly thing but I was curious one day so I traced it back as far as I could. Updates to this as I learn more. Individuals are listed in the form (Name / Place of PhD / Date of PhD). I traced it by hand back to 1954 but through the genius of the Theory of Computation Ph.D. Genealogy Database and The TCS Genealogy I was able to go back to 1856. Very nice. Things get really interesting because Franz Neumann was influenced by Euler and Kirchhoff was one of his students. Also, Carl Neumann was a friend of Ludwig Otto Hesse and studied Riemann surfaces." I have not constructed a lineage for my postdocs but that would be interesting to do. Camerarius? / Tubingen / 1687
Christian August Hausen / Wittenberg Academy / 1713
Anraham Gotthelf Kaestner
/ Göttingen University / 1739
Johann Friedrich Pfaff
/ Göttingen University / 1788
Dissertation tite: Programma inaugurale in quo peculiarem differentialia investigandi rationem ex theoria functionum deducit
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss
/ Brunswick Collegium Carolinum / 1799
Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann
/ Göttingen University / 1849
Carl Gottfried Neumann

(Note: Carl was the son of Franz Neumann / Berlin / 1825)
William Edward Story / Leipzig / 1875 Solomon Lefschetz / Clark University, Worcester, MA / 1911

28. Academic Tree
kaestner, abraham Gotthelf (17191800) LLM, Leipzig, 1737. ò. Hausen, ChristianAugust (1693-1743) Dr. Phil., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg,
Ipeirotis, Panagiotis
PhD, Computer Science, Columbia University, 2004
Dissertation Title: Classifying and Searching Hidden-Web Text Databases Gravano, Luis
PhD, Computer Science, Stanford University, 1997
Dissertation Title: Querying Multiple Document Collections across the Internet Garcia-Molina, Hector
PhD, Computer Science, Stanford University, 1979
Dissertation Title: Performance of Update Algorithms for Replicated Data in a Distributed Database Wiederhold, Gio C M
PhD, Medical Information Science, University of California, San Francisco, 1976
Dissertation Title: Methods for the Design Analysis of Medical Data Base Systems Starkweather, John Amsden
PhD, Psychology, Northwestern University, 1955
Dissertation Title: Judgments of Content-Free Speech as Related to Some Aspects of Personality Duncan, Carl Porter PhD, Psychology, Brown University, 1947 Dissertation Title: The Effect of Electroshock Convulsions on Learning and Retention in The Rat Schlosberg, Harold

29. Richard Delaware Mathematics Genealogy And Erdos Number
1668 Mencke, Otto; 1685 Wichmannshausen, Johann; 1713 Hausen, Christian;1739 kaestner, abraham; 1786 Pfaff, Johann; 1799 Gauss, CF; 1812 Gerling, Christian
Richard Delaware
My Mathematics Genealogy,
and My Erdös Number

GO TO Richard Delaware Curriculum Vitae

GO TO Richard Delaware Home Page
Mathematics Genealogy Trees
The year listed is the year the Ph.D. was awarded. Tree 1: By major advisors:
  • 1668 Mencke, Otto
  • 1685 Wichmannshausen, Johann
  • 1713 Hausen, Christian
  • 1739 Kaestner, Abraham
  • 1786 Pfaff, Johann
  • 1799 Gauss, C. F.
  • 1812 Gerling, Christian
  • 1868 Klein, C. Felix
  • 1873 Lindemann, C. L. Ferdinand
  • 1885 Hilbert, David
  • 1911 Steinhaus, Hugo
  • 1921 Rajchman, Aleksander
  • 1923 Zygmund, Antoni
  • 1954 Waterman, Daniel
  • 1966 Solomon, Donald
  • 1973 Foran, James
  • Delaware, Richard

Tree 2: By major advisors up to Klein,
then again major advisors
above Klein's second advisor, Lipschitz:
  • 1650 Weigel, Erhard
  • 1666 Leibniz, Gottfried
  • - Bernoulli, Jacob
  • 1694 Bernoulli, Johann
  • 1726 Euler, Leonhard
  • - Lagrange, Joseph L.
  • - Poisson, Simeon
  • 1827 Dirichlet, Gustav
  • 1853 Lipschitz, Rudolf
  • 1868 Klein, C. Felix
  • 1873 Lindemann, C. L. Ferdinand
  • 1885 Hilbert, David
  • 1911 Steinhaus, Hugo

30. Also Available At Http// March
Pfaff s advisor was abraham kaestner. This is as far back as I can go, and kaestneris my only ancestor that I d never heard of. He wrote a 4volume history

31. Week166
Pfaff s advisor was abraham kaestner. I d never heard of him before now. He wrotea 4volume history of mathematics, but his most important work was on
March 27, 2001
This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics (Week 166)
John Baez
Do you know this number? They say that mathematics is not really about numbers, and they're right. But sometimes it's fun to play around with the darn things! Given any positive number you can work out its continued fraction expansion, like this: sqrt(2) = 1 + 1 - 2 + 1 2 + 1 - 2 + 1 2 + 1 2 + 1 . . . But normally it won't look so pretty! A number is rational if and only if the continued fraction stops after finitely many steps. If its continued fraction expansion eventually repeats, like this: sqrt(3) = 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 2 + 1 - 1 + 1 2 + 1 1 + 1 . . . then it satisfies a quadratic equation with integer coefficients. So the continued fraction expansion of e can't ever repeat... but it's cute nonetheless:

32. Konstantin Igudesman
abraham Gotthelf kaestner Ph.D. UniversitÄt Leipzig 1739 Advisor 1 abrahamkaestner kaestner has already appeared above as the advisor of Pfaff.
Konstantin Igudesman

General Information



Konstantin Igudesman and his academic forefathers
The following information (incipient from Sergei P. Finikov) is an excerpt from the material that can be found at the homepage of The Mathematics Genealogy Project. The intent of this project is to compile information about ALL the mathematicians of the world. By searching, e.g., for Last Name "Finikov" at" one can find Finikov's entry. By clicking on Finikov's name (almost) all his Ph.D. students are listed alphabetically, and his Ph.D. advisor (Dmitri Egorov) is displayed. By clicking on "Dmitri Egorov" one can find his advisor (Nicolai Bugaev) and so on. The list of doctoral father, doctoral grandfather, doctoral great grandfather, etc. below has been collected from the wonderful data repository of the Mathematics Genealogy Project. Konstantin Igudesman
Ph.D. Kazan State University 2000

33. Limsoon's Academic Genealogy
abraham Gotthelf kaestner, PhD 1739, Universitat Leipzig 5 kaestner wasinterested in poetry in addition to mathematics. His teacher in that field was
Limsoon's academic genealogy
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it. Limsoon Wong , PhD 1994, University of Pennsylvania
Peter Buneman, PhD 1970, University of Warwick
Erik Christopher Zeeman
, PhD 1955, University of Cambridge
Sir Erik (born February 4 1925), is a mathematician known for work in geometric topology and singularity theory. He was born in Aarhus, Denmark, and received a B.A. and Ph. D. from the University of Cambridge. After working at Cambridge, as well as the University of Chicago, Princeton and the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, he founded the Mathematics Department and Mathematics Research Centre at the University of Warwick in 1964.

Shuan Wylie, PhD 1937, Princeton University
Solomon Lefschetz
, PhD 1911, Clark University
William Edward Story, PhD 1875, Universitat Leipzig
Carl Gottfried Neumann
Christian Felix Klein Carl Gottfried Neumann , Dr. phil 1856, Universitat Konigsberg
Ludwig Otto Hesse
, Dr. phil 1840, Universitat Konigsberg
Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, PhD 1825, Humbolt-Universitat zu Berlin

34. Rare Mathematics Titles
kaestner, abraham Go, Geschichte der Mathematik seit Wiederherst, 1796. Lagrange,JL, Theorie des fonctions analytiques, contena, 1797
From: A Treatise of the System of the World.
By Isaac Newton. London, 1728.
Date Author
Index Library Catalog Fine, Oronce, Orontii Finaei Delphinatis, regii mathemat Archimedes. Archimedis opera non nvlla Euclid. De gli Elementi d'Euclide libri quindici Vicentino, Silvio Be Quattro libri geometrici Oughtred, William, Arithmeticae in numeris et speciebus insti Potter, Francis, An interpretation of the number 666. Bassi, D. Giulio. Dell' arimmetica pratica Vossius, Gerardus Jo Gerardi Ioannis Vossii De qvatvor artibvs Vlacq, Adriaan. Tables de sinus tangentes, secantes: et de Ward, Seth, Idea trigonometriae demonstratae : in usum Angeli, Stefano degl Problemata geometrica sexaginta. Circa con Euclid. Euclid's elements of geometry / In XV. Bo Barrow, Isaac, Lectio reverendi et doctissimi viri D. Isa Euclid. Euclidis Elementorum libri XV breviter dem Davila y Heredia, An Demostrar la inteligencia de Archimedes, q Ozanam, Jacques, Tables des sinus, tangentes et secantes; e Euclid.

35. Rare Astronomy Titles
kaestner, abraham Go, Geschichte der Mathematik seit Wiederherst, 1796. Keill, John,An examination of the reflections on the t, 1699
From: The Mathematical and Philosophical Works
of the Right Reverend John Wilkins. London, 1708.
(Listed in General
Author Date
Index Library Catalog Ali ibn Abi al-Rijal Albohazen Haly filii Abenragel libri De ju Bailly, Jean Sylvain Histoire de l'astronomie moderne depuis la Bailly, Jean Sylvain Histoire de l'astronomie moderne depuis la Baxter, Andrew, Matho : or, The cosmotheoria puerilis, a d Bonatti, Guido, Guidonis Bonati foroliviensis mathematici Burritt, Elijah H. Atlas designed to illustrate the Geography Copernicus, Nicolaus Nicolai Copernici Torinensis. Astronomia i Costard, George, A letter to Martin Folkes, esq., president Curson, H. The theory of sciences illustrated; or, Th Delmedigo, Joseph So Elim : Ma`yan ganim : Hukot shamayim : Gev Ewing, John, A plain elementary and practical system of Ferguson, James, Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton' Ferguson, James, Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton' Ferguson, James, The young gentleman and lady's astronomy, Fontenelle Conversations on the plurality of worlds.

36. Bibliography
kaestner, abraham Gotthelf, 17191800, Philosophisch-mathematische Abhandlungen,Halle, Bey Johann Jacob Gebauer, 1807

37. History Of Astronomy: Persons (K)
Kästner kaestner, abraham Gotthelf (17191800). Short biography andreferences (MacTutor Hist. Math.) Crater Kästner (lunar feature)
History of Astronomy Persons
History of Astronomy: Persons (K)
Deutsche Fassung

38. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On May 5, 1999
Kästner kaestner, abraham Gotthelf (17191800). Short biography and references Crater Kästner (lunar feature). Krylov, Aleksej Nikolaevich (1863-1945)
History of Astronomy What's new
History of Astronomy:
What's new at this site on May 5, 1999
Some URLs have been updated.
Welcome / About
History of astronomy

39. John Locke Bibliography Name/Title Index K
kaestner, abraham Gotthelf. 1765. (ed.) Oeuvres philosophiques latines françoisesde feu Mr. de Leibnitz. 1790. “Über die geometrischen Axiome.”

40. Kaestner
Translate this page Kästner, abraham Gotthelf, deutscher Mathematiker * 27. 9. 1719 Leipzig, † 20.6. 1800 Göttingen. Arbeitsgebiete Grundlagen der Geometrie
Zurück zur Übersicht Biografien Kästner , Abraham Gotthelf, deutscher Mathematiker
Arbeitsgebiete: Grundlagen der Geometrie Kästner lehrte seit 1756 in Göttingen.

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