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41. List Of Prime Ministers Of Denmark -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article 1865, (Click link for more info and facts about christian Emil Kragjuel-Vind-Frijs)christian Emil Krag-juel-Vind-Frijs, 1817-1896 http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/l/li/list_of_prime_ministers_of_de | |
42. Anton, Christian & Morten 1929 The owners were not called Meilgaard, they were juel or juel Brockdorff. When NielsChristian emigrated to Copenhagen, he found that several bricklayers http://www.kinweb.com/pictures/meilgaard_ph/c001c.html | |
43. NIELS JUEL - LoveToKnow Article On NIELS JUEL was discharged by christian V., who gave the supreme command to juel. In thespring of 1678 juel put to sea with 84 ships carrying 2400 cannon, http://1.1911encyclopedia.org/J/JU/JUEL_NIELS.htm | |
44. Christian Trask - Bewitched In Salem, 1690? christian Trask, wife of John Trask, who lived on the Rial Side took her own lifeJune juel speculated that the suicide might have been the result of a http://dpsinfo.com/tree/trask/christiantrask.html | |
45. IC3610ExercisesBiblicalTheology Nysse, R. and D. juel. Interpretation for christian Ministry, Word And World,XIII (1993) 345355. The whole Fall 1993 issue of Word And World, (Vol. http://www.luthersem.edu/jboyce/IC3610/Syllabus2001.htm | |
46. Supplement Series VOLUME 3 The Quest for Jesus and the christian Faith (Contents) Edited byArland J. Hultgren, Donald H. juel, and Jack Dean Kingsbury http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Supplements.shtm | |
47. The Snoozeletter At Www.9TimeZones.com/s Kong Kristian (King christian Stood by the Tow ring Mast) is also a national Who stands gainst Denmark s christian in fray? Niels juel observ d the http://www.9timezones.com/s/ | |
48. The National Anthems Who stands gainst Denmark s christian ¦ in fray? Niels juel observ d thetempest s blow Now ! For your life! Aloft he bade the red flag go, http://www.ambwashington.um.dk/en/menu/InformationaboutDenmark/Culture/DanishNat | |
49. Jens Juel Online Jens juel Danish Painter, 17451802 Guide to pictures of works by Jens juel in art Niels Ryberg with his Son Johan christian and his Daughter-in-Law http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/juel_jens.html | |
50. Poetry Of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; Full-text; Complete Poetical Works Of Long Who braves of Denmark s christian The stroke? Nils juel gave heed to the tempest sroar, Now is the hour! He hoisted his bloodred flag once more, http://www.everypoet.com/archive/poetry/Henry_Wadsworth_Longfellow/longfellow_tr | |
51. King Christian - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - Kalliope Who braves of Denmark s christian. The stroke? 10, Nils juel gave heed to thetempest s roar,. Now is the hour! He hoisted his bloodred flag once more, http://www.kalliope.org/digt.pl?longdid=longfellow2001081801 |
52. Statsministeriet - Forside Til Statsministre Siden 1848 christian Albrecht Bluhme. 18641865. christian Emil Krag-juel-Vind-Frijs.1865-1870. Ludvig Holstein-Holsteinborg. 1870-1874. Christen Fonnesbech http://www.stm.dk/index.asp?o=4&n=1&s=1 |
53. Denmark Heads Later same year she married the new king christian I of Oldenborg and often After the death of her husband, Baron Jens Kragjuel-Vind of the Baronies to http://www.guide2womenleaders.com/denmark_heads.htm | |
54. Denmark Eccleastical Instutions Daughter of Privy Councillor christian Ludvig Stemann and widow of Count Carl juelBrockendorff to the Barony of Schellenborg and Stamhuset Thorseng, http://www.guide2womenleaders.com/Denmark_Eccleastical.htm | |
55. NT Theology Bibliography Richard Nysse and Donald juel, Interpretation for christian Ministry. Word andWorld 13 (1993) 345355. John Reumann, Variety and Unity in New Testament http://bpeterson.faculty.ltss.edu/NT_Theology/Bibliography.htm |
56. Valdemarsslot - The Castle However, Valdemar christian never moved in. He was killed in battle in Poland in1656. In 1678 the naval hero, Admiral Niels juel, was given title to the http://www.valdemarsslot.dk/index.php?page=64 |
57. Valdemarsslot - Slottet Valdemars Slot blev bygget af Kong christian d. IV i årene fra 1639 til 1644,efter tegninger af den kongelige juelSlægten i 11 led på Valdemarsslot http://www.valdemarsslot.dk/index.php?page=13 |
58. Oplysninger Om Enkelte Forfattere Nicolai christian Levin Abrahams (17981870) Niels juel Arge (1920-1995).radiodirektør f. i Tórshavn. 0000 Krak Kraks Blå Bog http://www.litteraturpriser.dk/aut/an.htm | |
59. Little River Methodist Church Cemetery juel, christian Alonzo 20 Apr 1896 5 Apr 1963; juel, Ella Jewel w/o christianAlonzo juel? 6 Oct 1897 - 22 Apr 1842; juel, Sandee Renee 2 Jan 1969 http://www.hchsonline.org/cemetery/little.html | |
60. Christian Century: Rhetorically Speaking Full text of the article, Rhetorically speaking from christian Century, Keifert and juel conclude by suggesting that seminaries are entering a time of http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1058/is_4_122/ai_n11842275 | |
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