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61. Southwestern Suburbs **COOK, RICHARD Y. - WYNNEMERE - BURNS, CM JR **WALSH, PHIL. J. GLADSTONE - F,H44 bio Walsh, philip jourdain (1847-93) mGallagher merchant, drygoods, instalments - b Ireland http://www.brynmawr.edu/iconog/wh/nnsw.html | |
62. Conspiracy Nation In his essay, The Nature of Mathematics, philip EB jourdain describes thestrange way in which mathematics has developed. For centuries mathematicians http://www.shout.net/~bigred/Funmon.htm | |
63. The Kalam Cosmological Argument: The Question Of The Metaphyasical Possibility O philip EB jourdain (New York Dover Publications, 1955); Joseph Breuer, Quoted in introduction by philip EB jourdain in Cantor, Contributions, 74. http://philoonline.org/library/guminski_5_2.htm | |
64. Atomism And Infinite Divisibility - Notes And References To Chapter 4 philip EB jourdain, (np, England Open Court Publishing Company, 1915; reprinted., New York Dover Publications, 1955). text; Williams, pp. http://www.xenodochy.org/rekphd/notes/notesch4.html | |
65. Atomism And Infinite Divisbility - Bibliography Translated by philip EB jourdain, np England Open Court Publishing Company,1915; reprint, New York Dover Publications, 1955. Chappell, Vere. http://www.xenodochy.org/rekphd/bibliography.html | |
66. Kleene Math Library New Books - July 2003 TO THE FOUNDING OF THE THEORY OF TRANSFINITE NUMBERS, by Georg Cantor; tr., andprovided with an introduction and notes, by philip EB jourdain. http://math.library.wisc.edu/newbooks/2003-07.htm | |
67. Russell S Modified Realism Jan Dejnozka This Paper Summarizes My I also cite Russell s letter of January 1, 1906 to philip jourdain. Russell writes.What was wrong was assuming individuals which have no being. http://www.members.tripod.com/~Jan_Dejnozka/russell.html | |
68. MathFiction This short story begins with a quote from philip EB jourdain s essay The Natureof Mathematics . In the quote, he explains how in the process of carrying http://math.cofc.edu/faculty/kasman/MATHFICT/search.php?orderby=title&go=yes&top |
69. PHILIP NERI - LoveToKnow Article On PHILIP NERI philip was sent to his father s childless brother Romolo, a merchant at San 1866); jourdain de Ia Passardire, LOragozre de St Ph. de Neri (1880); http://59.1911encyclopedia.org/N/NE/NERI_PHILIP.htm | |
70. Ernst Waldfried Josef Wenzel Mach (www.whonamedit.com) English translations and annotations by philip EB jourdain, ChicagoLondon, 1911.Die Geschichte der Flüssigkeit. Die Symmetrie. Prague, 1872. http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/2696.html | |
71. Whiz Kids (an Episode Guide) b 5 Oct 83 pc 83497 w philip DeGuere Bob Shayne d Corey Allen Richard Minchenberg North , jourdain Fremin Brenda Maguire http://epguides.com/WhizKids/guide.shtml | |
72. FOOTNOTES-- Schiller Institute --Bertrand Russell - Evil Man"- FIDELIO, L. LaRou trans. by philip EB jourdain (New York Dover Publications, 1955). None ofwhat Cauchyapologist jourdain represents as corrections of Cantor s work http://www.schillerinstitute.org/fid_91-96/943b-c_footnotes-2-3.html | |
73. THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING COMPANY RECORDS some correspondence with F. Max Müller, an early contributor to The Open Court,and also some with philip EB jourdain, the London editor of The Monist. http://www.lib.siu.edu/spcol/inventory/SC027.html | |
74. The Kalam Cosmological Argument: The Question Of The Metaphysical Possibility Of philip EB jourdain (New York Dover Publications Inc., 1955); 29 Quoted inintroduction by philip EB jourdain in Cantor, Contributions, 74. http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/arnold_guminski/kalam.shtml | |
75. Georg Cantor Translate this page English translation by philip EB jourdain in Contributions to the Founding ofthe Theory of Transfinite Numbers, 1952, Dover publications (originally Open http://www.dean.usma.edu/math/people/rickey/hm/cantor.htm | |
76. Liberty Magazine You cite jourdain s The Nature of Mathematics to show that the statement s be beyond the Law of Logic which was the subject of philip jourdain s book. http://www.libertymagazine.org/article/articleview/125/1/46/ | |
77. Alibris: Mathematics Number Theory by Cantor, Georg, and jourdain, philip E (Translated by) The famous articles,18957, that founded a new branch of mathematics. Translated with 82-page http://www.alibris.com/search/books/subject/Mathematics Number Theory/page/2 | |
78. Alibris: Browse Books By ISBN 0294197398 Dear Queen 0294201956 Dear Russell, dear jourdain a commentaryon Russell s logic, based on his correspondence with philip jourdain http://www.alibris.com/books/isbns/3291 | |
79. Adrian Dale MAY - Dean Franklin MAY Child Peter jourdain Birth 29 MAR 1943, enrolled as,Red Lake,Chippewa,7/8 Father philip MAY; Mother Margaret Mary Blush SUMNER; Birth 3 JUN 1959, http://www.ojibwe.info/RedLake/HTML/people/p00000ik.htm | |
80. NEJM -- Sign In To the Editor The articles by Lallemant et al. and jourdain et al. (July 15issue)1,2 highlight a philip.goulder@ndm.ox.ac.uk. Natasha Blanckenberg, MD http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/351/19/2013 | |
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