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21. Bibliography Dear Russell, Dear jourdain. A commentary on Russell s logic, based on hiscorrespondence with philip jourdain. Duckworth, London. GrattanGuinness, I. (ed. http://www.hf.uio.no/filosofi/njpl/vol3no1/otherlog/node11.html | |
22. Quotes On Science philip EB jourdain (The Nature of Mathematics). The intellectual need is verystrong, and is as much a fact as hunger or thirst; sometimes it is even http://www.najaco.com/literature/quotes/science.htm | |
23. The Peirce Edition Project | Peirce's Correspondents Edward Jevons, W. Stanley Jodee, AH Johns Hopkins University Johnson, RUJohnson, Thomas M. Jones, MB jourdain, philip Edward Bertrand top http://www.iupui.edu/~peirce/peirce/lettersx.htm | |
24. The Silver Age Marvel Comics Cover Index Credits Page Jeanne Burch, Barry Pearl, Andy Lisk, Win Bent, Dan Cusimano, Bill jourdain,philip Johnson, Mark Arrand, Sandy Lee, Howard W, Greg H, Henry B, Eric Z, http://www.samcci.comics.org/sitecredits.htm | |
25. Mind -- Index By Author ( 1912, XXI[ 83]) jourdain, philip EB PDF jourdain, philip EB PDF. K. KNOX, HOWARD V. PDF.L. LAIRD, J. PDF LAIRD, J. PDF. M. M., PDF MACKENZIE, JS PDF http://mind.oxfordjournals.org/content/volXXI/issue83/aindex.dtl | |
26. Mind -- Index By Author ( 1913, XXII[ 87]) JOHNSTON, GA PDF JOHNSTON, GA PDF jourdain, philip EB PDF jourdain,philip EB PDF. L. LAIRD, J. PDF LOEIMER, WL PDF http://mind.oxfordjournals.org/content/volXXII/issue87/aindex.dtl | |
27. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals And Monogr (by jourdain, philip EB (philip Edward Bertrand)), 109, 1914. book. 79, Michigan Abhandlungen über VariationsRechnung (by Stäckel, Paul), 1894. book http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~rehmann/DML/dml_links_title_A.html | |
28. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals And Monogr jourdain, philip EB (philip Edward Bertrand) Rein analytischerBeweis des Lehrsatzes, dass zwischen je zwey Werthen, http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~rehmann/DML/dml_links_author_J.html | |
29. Review Of Philip E. B. Jourdain, , John C. Simms Review of philip EB jourdain, Selected Essays on the History of Set Theory andLogics (19061918). Source Rev. Mod. Log. 8, no. 3-4 (2000), 165191 http://projecteuclid.org/Dienst/UI/1.0/Display/euclid.rml/1081173783 | |
30. Arché TWiki . Main . FregeReplyJourdain Gottlob Frege, (Reply to) philip EB jourdain The Development of the Theoriesof Mathematical Logic and the Principles of Mathematics Gottlob Frege , http://weka.ucdavis.edu/~ahwiki/bin/view/Main/FregeReplyJourdain | |
31. Bertrand Russell GrattanGuinness, I. (1977) Dear Russell, Dear jourdain A Commentary on Russell s Based on His Correspondence with philip jourdain , New York Columbia http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/russell/ | |
32. The Galileo Project jourdain, philip EB, John Napier and the Tercentenary of the Invention ofLogarithms, Open Court, 28 (1914), 513520. Karlsen, Helge BJ, A 16th Century http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/buergi.html | |
33. The Galileo Project philip EB jourdain, John Napier and the Tercentenary of the Invention ofLogarithms, The Open Court, 28 (1914), 51320. http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/napier.html | |
34. Who's Who Of Shakepeare's World (10/1543 5/1607) English courtier and poet, a friend of Sir philip Sidney. Sylvester jourdain. ( - 1650) Traveler. He was shipwrecked with the http://users.erols.com/volker/Shakes/WhosWho.htm | |
35. Correspondência Matemática E Filosófica De Frege Translate this page 21.03.1904 - de Frege para philip EB jourdain 22.03.1904 - de philip EB jourdainpara Frege 13.11.1904 - de Frege para Bertrand Russell http://www.educ.fc.ul.pt/docentes/opombo/seminario/fregerussel/correspondencial. | |
36. BETA- Books We Like His Dark Materials Trilogy The Golden Compass / by philip PULLMAN by R jourdain, Robert jourdain ISBN 038078209X keywords music http://bookswelike.net/tag/materials | |
37. Freg-pl Anmerkungen zu philip EB jourdain The Development of the Theories of MathematicalLogic and the Principles of Mathematics Gottlob Frege http://phil.web.arizona.edu/faculty/harnish/teaching/phil467/frege_documents/fre | |
38. "Intensional" Aspects Of Names In Russell And Frege To cite the example from Freges letter to philip jourdain,10 the statement Afla 10 Letter to Phillip jourdain, Jan. 1914, The Frege Reader, pp. http://www.stevesachs.com/papers/paper_frege.html | |
39. October 2004 philip jourdain. 17 Paul Isaac Bernays, 18 Margaret Dusa McDuff, 19 DorisSchattschneider, 20 William Henry Young, 21 William Leonard Ferrar, 22 http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/October2004.html | |
40. Natural Theology > Essays > Is The Universe Divine? jourdain, philip EB, Introduction in George Cantor Contributions to the Foundingof the Theory of Transfinite Numbers , Dover 1955 Amazon back http://www.naturaltheology.net/Essays/researchDec99.html | |
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