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21. 1220: Information From Answers.com The Arithmetica of jordanus nemorarius (aka Jordanus de Nemore) most likely b.Borgentreich (Germany), c. 1190, d. at sea, 1260 (some sources say February http://www.answers.com/topic/1220 | |
22. 1260: Information From Answers.com includes a method for the trisection of an angle that is probably owed tojordanus nemorarius; in any case, it produces only an approximation. http://www.answers.com/topic/1260 | |
23. The Math Forum - Math Library - Golden Ratio/Fibonacci Learn about the lives of Fibonacci and other important mathematicians LeonardoFibonacci, Édouard Lucas, Jacques Binet, jordanus nemorarius. http://mathforum.org/library/topics/golden_ratio/ | |
24. Math Forum Electronic Newsletter learn about the lives of Fibonacci and other mathematicians (Edouard Lucas,Jacques Binet, jordanus nemorarius); and explore some applications of the http://mathforum.org/electronic.newsletter/mf.intnews4.38.html | |
25. Die Traktate De Proportionibus Von Jordanus Nemorarius And Translate this page Next Page Last Page Go to Page. Image version. Die Traktate De Proportionibusvon jordanus nemorarius and Campanus. Page 193. HLL BUSARD *. http://tidsskrift.kb.dk/centaurus/showtext.pl?indgang&ar_id=373 |
26. Die Traktate De Proportionibus Von Jordanus Nemorarius And Translate this page Last Page Go to Page. Image version. Die Traktate De Proportionibus von JordanusNemorarius and Campanus. Page 194. * Venlo, Herungerstraat 123, Niederlande. http://tidsskrift.kb.dk/centaurus/showtext.pl?ar_id=373&page=194 |
27. CHRONOLOGY OF MATHEMATICIANS -1100 CHOU-PEI -585 THALES OF MILETUS 1260 jordanus nemorarius ARITHMETICA. 1270 WILLIAM OF MOERBEKE TRANSLATION OFARCHIMEDES. 1274 DEATH OF NASIR EDDIN. 1303 CHU SHI KIE PASCAL TRIANGLE http://users.adelphia.net/~mathhomeworkhelp/timeline.html | |
28. Griechischer Geist Aus Basler Pressen: Griechischer Geist Aus Basler Pressen: 2m 2mmr Anfang der Schrift von jordanus nemorarius. Vollansicht http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/pic/gg0287_009_txt.htm | |
29. GG 287 - Griechischer Geist Aus Basler Pressen Translate this page der lateinischen Übersetzung des Planisphaeriums des Ptolemaeus aus demArabischen, von Rudolf von Brügge. 2mmr Anfang der Schrift von jordanus nemorarius. http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/hi/higg0287.htm | |
30. Medieval Mathematics Two Figures From The Later Middle Ages Figures like Jordanus de Nemore (referred to as either Jordanus or Nemorarius), strong likelihood that the works of another author, jordanus nemorarius, http://www.math.rutgers.edu/courses/436/Honors02/medieval.html | |
31. TIMELINE 13th CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE In this decade, jordanus nemorarius is the first to use letters to representalgebraic variables, as explained in his treatise, the Arithmetica. http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline13.html | |
32. References For Jordanus References for jordanus nemorarius. Biography Articles HLL Busard, TheArithmetica of jordanus nemorarius, in SS Demidov et al. (eds http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/~DZAF5B.htm |
33. Earliest Uses Of Symbols For Variables jordanus nemorarius (12251260) used letters to replace numbers. Christoff Rudolffused the letters a, c, and d to represent numbers, although not in http://members.aol.com/jeff570/variables.html | |
34. PSIgate Timeline - Physics 631250 jordanus nemorarius makes advances in the field of medieval physics,particularly statics. 641269 Petrus de Marincourt describes a compass with a http://www.psigate.ac.uk/newsite/physics_timeline.html |
35. PSIgate Timeline - Science From 1 - 1600 1250phys jordanus nemorarius makes advances in the field of medieval physics,particularly statics. 1252ast Alfonsine astronomical tables published; http://www.psigate.ac.uk/newsite/science_timeline2.html |
36. References For Jordanus References for jordanus nemorarius. Version for printing Articles HLL Busard,The Arithmetica of jordanus nemorarius, in SS Demidov et al. http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/References/Jordanus.html | |
37. ELEMENTARY PROBLEMS AND CHINESE MATHEMATICS In the Middle Ages in Europe, from the De Numeris Datis of jordanus nemorarius (1225 AD) as follow If there should be four munbers in proportion and http://www.mcs.csuhayward.edu/~malek/Mathlinks/Chinesemath.html | |
38. WebQuest: Algebra Adventures In The Middle Ages jordanus nemorarius SCIPIONE DEL FERRO. NICOLE OF ORESME NICCOLO TARTAGLIA.REGIOMONTANUS GIROLAMO CARDANO. LUDOVICO FERRARI RAFAEL BOMBELLI. FRANCOIS VIETE http://michelle_sinclair.tripod.com/mes.htm | |
39. Physics Time-Line To 1799 1225 jordanus nemorarius, mechanics of lever and composition of motion 1250Albertus Magnus, isolation of arsenic 1260 Roger Bacon, empiricism http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Sciences/Physics/aboutphysics/physicstimelin | |
40. Math History - Middle Ages About 1225, jordanus nemorarius writes on astronomy. In mathematics he usesletters in an early form of algebraic notation. http://lahabra.seniorhigh.net/pages/teachers/pages/math/timeline/MmiddleAges.htm | |
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