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101. Jones, William Henry, Buganda (now Uganda), Anglican jones, william Henry c. 1840 to 1904 Anglican Buganda (now Uganda). Anglican clergyman in East Africa. A Yao from the Malawi area, jones was one of the many http://www.dacb.org/stories/uganda/jones2_williamh.html | |
102. Genealogy Data jones, David James Death died age 3 jones, Edith May jones, william Stanley jones, Alfred Ronald jones, Alice Mary jones, Frederick Newton http://www.ains.net.au/~gerlach/dat48.htm | |
103. Jones, William Ernest - Bright Sparcs Biographical Entry jones, william Ernest Bright Sparcs Biographical entry, Bright Sparcs is a biographical, bibliographical and archival database of Australian scientists http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/biogs/P001086b.htm | |
104. Jones, William Lewis - Bright Sparcs Biographical Entry jones, william Lewis Bright Sparcs Biographical entry, Bright Sparcs is a biographical, bibliographical and archival database of Australian scientists http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/biogs/P002955b.htm | |
105. JONES, William - Biographical Information jones, william, (1760 1831). jones, william, a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1760; completed academic studies; http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=J000258 |
106. A Look At William Jones Robert jones Executor of the Last Will Testament of william jones decd. Whereas by Complaint made against william jones of divers misdemeaners it is http://www.sallysfamilyplace.com/Neighbors/joneswill1650.htm | |
107. William David And Emma Varner Jones Family Family of william David jones and Emma Blanche Varner jones gathered in Jul 1952 william David jones worked for LEF C and later owned and operated three http://www.familyoldphotos.com/pa/2w/william_and_emma_varner_jones_fa.htm | |
108. Jones, William Edward jones, william Edward. Company G Private Aug 30, 1861. Appointed Chaplain Nov 16, 1861. Transferred to Phillip s Legion, Georgia Cavalry, Nov, 1863. http://www.mindspring.com/~jcherepy/22d_ga/h603.html | |
109. Peel's Prairie Provinces - Alberta Folklore And Local History Collection Titles Classified under jones, william. Billy jones. Browse Subject Headings Starting with. All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y http://folklore.library.ualberta.ca/srchSubjectKeyword.cfm?Subject_ID=324&Subjec |
110. Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825 - Jones, William (1823) To Jones, William (P jones, william. Per Hebe , 1820; two convicts of this name by this ship. 1822 Aug 3. Attached to the Lumber Yard. On return of proceedings of the Bench of http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/indexes/colsec/ij/F29c_jo-ju-17.htm | |
111. Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825 - Jones, Thomas (Per "Henry") To Jones, Will jones, william. nd. In index to land grants in Van Diemen s Land (Fiche 3262; jones, william. Not fully identified; several persons of the same name on http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/indexes/colsec/ij/F29c_jo-ju-16.htm | |
112. Osmosis Jones - William Shatner - Bobby Farrelly - Bill Murray We talk to writer Marc Hyman, animation directors Piet Kroon and Tom Sito, codirector Bobby Farrelly and stars william Shatner and Bill Murray at the http://actionadventure.about.com/library/weekly/2001/aa081101c.htm | |
113. JONES, William He is a son of william H. and Esther A. (Smith) jones, both of Worcester county, william H. jones passed his boyhood in his native township. http://maley.net/transcription/Sketches/jones_william.htm | |
114. Book Review The Journal Of American History, 92.1 The william Clark and the Shaping of the West. By Landon Y. jones. (New York Hill and Wang, 2004. xii, 394 pp. $25.00, ISBN 08090-3041-1.) http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/jah/92.1/br_29.html | |
115. NMGW | Art Collections On-line jones, william. Born 1744, unknown location active in UK,. Died fl.1747, ,. (No image available). NMW A 4937 Hon. Margaret Duncombe (bc1700) http://www.nmgw.ac.uk/www.php/art/online/?action=show_works&item=421&type=artist |
116. Genealogy Data jones, william Griffiths Birth 28 Mar 1869 Tailem Bend, South Australia jones, Arthur Leslie jones, Fredrick william Birth 1901 Death 1905 Durban http://www.jigrah.co.uk/gedcom/dat50.html | |
117. Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 Items Between Jones, William And Jones, Civil War Veterans Card File, 18611866 Items Between jones, william and jones, william. View Archive Card Key Return to Letter Index http://www.digitalarchives.state.pa.us/archive.asp?view=ArchiveItems&ArchiveID=1 |
118. PA National Guard Veterans' Card File, 1867-1921 Items Between Jones, William An PA National Guard Veterans Card File, 18671921 Items Between jones, william and jones, william I. Return to Letter Index Return to J Indexes. Search http://www.digitalarchives.state.pa.us/archive.asp?view=ArchiveItems&ArchiveID=2 |
119. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Jones, U To Z jones, william B. of Kentucky. US District Attorney for the Western jones, william J. also known as Bill jones of Jefferson City, Cole County, Mo. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/jones9.html | |
120. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Jones, A To B jones, Bill See william J. jones; jones, Bill (b. 1949) of California. Born in Coalinga, Fresno County, Calif., December 20, 1949. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/jones1.html | |
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