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21. Vaughan Jones - Slider (Redirected from Vaughan FR Jones). Vaughan Frederick Randal Jones (born 31December 1952) is a New Zealand mathematician, known for his work on von Neumann http://enc.slider.com/Enc/Vaughan_F._R._Jones | |
22. Jones, Gareth Richard Vaughan Biography of the famous Welsh journalist (190535), murdered in his prime by Chinese bandits in Manchukuo. http://www.colley.co.uk/garethjones/ |
23. Vaughan F.R. Jones's Home Page vaughan FR jones. Voice Phone Number 642 4196 Email address vfr@Math.Berkeley.EDU.Postal Address. Math. Department, UC Berkeley; Berkeley, CA 94720 http://math.berkeley.edu/~vfr/ | |
24. UC Berkeley Mathematics 1, Dietmar Bisch and vaughan jones. Singly generated planar algebras of smalldimension. 2, vaughan FR jones. The annular structure of subfactors. http://math.berkeley.edu/index.php?module=mathfacultyman&MATHFACULTY_MAN_op=sVie |
25. An Introduction To C*-Algebras. An Introduction to C*Algebras by Pierre de la Harpe and vaughan jones. The site is in French, but the book is in English. Chapters in PostScript. http://www.unige.ch/math/biblio/preprint/cstar/liste.html | |
26. Jones_Vaughan Biography of vaughan jones (19520BC) vaughan jones attended St Peter s Schoolin Cambridge, New Zealand from the age of eight years until he was 12. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Jones_Vaughan.html | |
27. References For Jones_Vaughan References for the biography of vaughan jones. CC King, vaughan jones andknot theory a New Zealand mathematician unravels a new invariant which links http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Jones_Vaughan.html | |
28. Jones, Vaughan Encyclopædia Britannica jones, vaughan New Zealand mathematician who was awarded the Fields Medal in 1990for his study of functional analysis and knot theory. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9097268 |
29. National Academy Of Sciences - Members jones, vaughan F. University of California, Berkeley. jones made fundamentalcontributions to the structure of von Neuman algebras and showed how this work http://www4.nationalacademies.org/nas/naspub.nsf/(urllinks)/NAS-58N2ML?opendocum |
30. JONES, VAUGHAN F.R. - CIRS jones, vaughan FR Email vfr@Math.Berkeley.EDU Professor of Mathematics,University of California, Berkeley, USA. Research Interests http://www.cirs-tm.org/researchers/researchers.php?id=287 |
31. BEBC Shopping Cart Category Coursebooks Young Adults and Adults. Publisher Macmillan, AuthorKay, Sue / jones, vaughan / Kerr, Philip, Level PreIntermediate http://www.bebc.co.uk/cgi-bin/zyview/D=books/V=dlink_isbnsearch/R=0333923855/SOU | |
32. BEBC Shopping Cart ISBN 0333757548, Category Coursebooks Young Adults and Adults. PublisherMacmillan, Author Kay, Sue / jones, vaughan, Level Intermediate http://www.bebc.co.uk/cgi-bin/zyview/D=books/V=dlink_isbnsearch/R=0333757548/SOU | |
33. MathNet-Fields Medals CC King, vaughan jones and knot theory a New Zealand mathematician unravels 13 jones, vaughan FR Coincident link polynomials from commuting transfer http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_fields_detail&ln=Vaughan Frederick Ra |
34. Welsh Books Council - The Mary Vaughan Jones Award Prize A silver trophy depicting characters from Mary vaughan joness books, Elfyn Pritchard, the winner of the Mary vaughan jones Memorial Award, 2003. http://www.cllc.org.uk/child_mary_vaughan.html | |
35. Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru - Cyflwynir Tlws Mary vaughan jones bob tair blynedd i berson a wnaeth gyfraniad Gwobr Tlws arian yn portreadu cymeriadau o lyfrau Mary vaughan jones. http://www.cllc.org.uk/llyf_plant_tlws.html | |
36. Slalom Results/statistics Page For Jones, Vaughan Slalom results/statistics page for jones, vaughan. Slalom results database lastmodified Wed Feb 25 144814 Search results database for jones, vaughan http://www.whitewaterslalom.org/statistics/athletes/j/Jones,_Vaughan.html | |
37. INDEX Richard vaughanjones Teaching Research Interests vaughan-jones Group Facilities Recent Publications Members Collaborators http://www.physiol.ox.ac.uk/Research_Groups/Proton_Transport/ | |
38. INDEX RICHARD DAVID vaughanjones. Professor of Cellular Physiology richard.vaughan-jones@physiol.ox.ac.uk. Burdon Sanderson Cardiac Science Centre, http://www.physiol.ox.ac.uk/Research_Groups/Proton_Transport/GroupLeader.html | |
39. Vaughan,Jones,Morgan Family History Chat about your British and Irish Genealogy UK Family History around EnglandWales Scotland Ireland. 1881 1901 Census lookups of your ancestors. http://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.php/topic,44412.0.html | |
40. Vaughan Jones Socket Screws Limited vaughan jones Socket Screws Limited, manufacturers of special turned parts andnon standard fasteners. http://www.vaughanjones.co.uk/ | |
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