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John Of Holywood: more detail | |||||
21. Biografie john of holywood detto Sala,Angelo Salam, Abdus Saluzzo di Monesiglio, Angelo Santorio, Santorio http://galileo.imss.firenze.it/milleanni/cronologia/biografie/indice.html | |
22. Christoph Clavius Opera Mathematica Third Volume Commentary on john of holywood s Spheres - Table of contents -Page ii, Third Volume - Commentary on john of holywood s Spheres - Table of http://mathematics.library.nd.edu/clavius/cgi-bin/page_turner.cgi?output_main=1& |
23. Christoph Clavius Opera Mathematica Third Volume Commentary on john of holywood s Spheres - Index - Page 336,Third Volume - Commentary on john of holywood s Spheres - Index - Page 337 http://mathematics.library.nd.edu/clavius/cgi-bin/page_turner.cgi?output_main=1& |
24. Irish Abroad - Irish American News The name translates as john of holywood and he is claimed by one later writer,called Robert the Englishman, as being English. http://www.irishabroad.com/news/irishpost/heritage/mystery.asp | |
25. Irish Abroad - Irish American News One of the most intriguing historical mysteries was whether Ioannes de Sacrobosco,or john of holywood, was Irish, English or a Scot. more http://www.irishabroad.com/news/irishpost/heritage/ | |
26. AIM25: Thesaurus Personal Names: J john of holywood Holywood John of John of Halifax Halifax John of John ofHolywood Sacro Bosco Johannes De d 1244 or 1256 mathematician and http://www.aim25.ac.uk/search/thesaurus/persons/list9.htm | |
27. AIM25: University College London: De Sacro Bosco's 'De Sphera' And Other Tracts Administrative/Biographical history Johannes De Sacro Bosco (john of holywood,or Halifax) was probably born at Halifax, Yorkshire, and is said to have http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=1612&inst_id=13 |
28. K's Origami : History Of Origami Mundi, which was written by Johannes de Sacrobosco (john of holywood) in 13thcentury and printed over 60 times through the middle of 17th century, http://origami.ousaan.com/library/historye.html | |
29. 1253: Information From Answers.com The decimal system is introduced into England by john of holywood (better knownas Johannes de Sacrobosco) b. Holywood, England, c. 1195, d. Paris, 1256. http://www.answers.com/topic/1253 | |
30. Paradigm, No. 16 (May, 1995) Sacrobosco (john of holywood) in his manuscript The Art of Nombryng (1488) extendedthe table to 10 x 10 and included all the reversals in the square http://w4.ed.uiuc.edu/faculty/westbury/Paradigm/denniss.html | |
31. IRAI: History Of Astrology: Spindle In Time, The Timeline 13th Century john of holywood, called Sacrobosco, writes Sphaera Mundi, an earlyEnglish textbook of spherical astrology. c12141294 CE Roger Bacon, http://www.indigoray.net/timeline.html | |
32. History Of Astronomy: Persons (J) Johannes de Sacrobosco de Sacro Bosco; john of holywood (c.11951256).Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. Math. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_j.html | |
33. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On July 22, 1999 Johannes de Sacrobosco de Sacro Bosco; john of holywood (c.11951256).Short biography. John XXI, Pope orig. Peter Juliani (1215(?)-1277) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/new/new990722.html | |
34. Science: History & Culture Iohannes de Sacrobosco (john of holywood). Sacrobosco Biblical metaphors ofknowledge in early modern Europe. Week 3b. MIND READING EXPERIMENT HOW DOES http://www.cc.gla.ac.uk/courses/science/shc/shc2004.htm | |
35. Special And Named Printed Collections In The National Library Of The earliest item in the collection is Opus sphericum (Cologne, 1501) written byJoannes de Sacro Bosco (john of holywood or Halifax) in the 13th century, http://www.nls.uk/catalogues/online/snpc/list.cfm?letter=F |
36. CHRONOLOGY Some Selected Dates In The Development Of Sundials And Solar Astro 1220, At the University of Paris, john of holywood (Sacrobosco) writes Sphaeramundi (spheres of the world) introducing Ptolemys Almagest to Europe and http://www.sundialsoc.org.uk/glossary/chronology/chronology.htm | |
37. Oxford Mathematics And Mathematicians - About: The Mathematical Institute, Unive The first mediaeval Oxford mathematician of note was john of holywood or John deSacro Bosco, as he was usually called. He died in 1244. http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/about/history/ | |
38. HIST 236 WEBPAGE OF LINKS Sacrobosco john of holywood, The Sphere,. Intorductory Medieval astronomy text.Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius, Three Books of Occult Philosophy. http://www.lancs.ac.uk/depts/history/course-sites/hist236/weblinks.htm | |
39. John Of Leiden - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About John Of Leiden John of Leiden. Information about John of Leiden in the Columbia Encyclopedia® . john of holywood John of Ibelin John of Ibelin (jurist) http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/John of Leiden | |
40. Encyclopedia: February 30 Johannes de Sacrobosco or Sacro Bosco (john of holywood, c. The Julian calendarwas introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC, taking force in 45 BC or 709 http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/February-30 | |
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