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Jarnik Vojtech: more detail |
21. AoPS Math Forum :: View Topic - Vojtech Jarnik 6th April 2005 Post Posted Sat Jan 01, 2005 448 pm Post subject vojtech jarnik 6th April 2005 interest in mathematics, the 15th Annual vojtech jarnik http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Forum/topic-22412.html | |
22. MathLinks Math Forum :: View Forum - Vojtech Jarnik Int'l Math Contest No new posts, inequality from jarnik 2001 vojtech jarnik 2001, cat. I, problem 3,Valentin Vornicu, 3, 881, Sun Jul 24, 2005 1223 pm http://www.mathlinks.ro/Forum/forum-84.html | |
23. :: DIVOJ :: Divadlo Vojtìcha Jarníka :: Vojtech Jarnik Theatre :: DIVOJ Divadlo Vojtecha Jarníka. Divadlo Vojtecha Jarníka, je zaloil v roce1998 jeho doposud jediný principál Ivo Kristián Kubák, svým pusobením výrazne http://martini.cz/divoj/ | |
24. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Vojtech Jarnik According to our current online database, vojtech jarnik has 1 students and 1descendants. We welcome any additional information. http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=50630 |
25. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Vojtech Jarnik If you have Mathematics Subject Classifications to submit for an entire group ofindividuals (for instance all those that worked under a particular advisor) http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/php/submit-update.php?id=50630 |
26. Nazev jarnik, vojtech. Jednota ceskoslovenskych matematiku a fysiku. Praha. 1946.Diferenciální rovnice v komplexním oboru \\T1\. jarnik, vojtech. Academia http://www.mff.cuni.cz/fakulta/lib/voda/troja.htm | |
27. Nazev jarnik, vojtech. Státní pedagogické nakladatelství. Praha. 1984. Matematická analýzapro 3. semestr \\K2\. jarnik, vojtech http://www.mff.cuni.cz/fakulta/lib/voda/skripta_k.htm | |
28. MATHEMATICA BOHEMICA, Vol. 123, No. 2, Pp. 219-221, 1998 In Memoriam Prof. vojtech jarnik (22. 12. 1897 22. 9. 1970). Ivan Netuka.Keywords news and notices. Full text of the article http://www.emis.de/journals/MB/123.2/7.html | |
29. BioFile J jarnik, vojtech Professor; Born 1899; in Prague, Czechoslovakia; Address UtcaKarlová 3,, Prague, II, Czechoslovakia; Telephone 33647; 2nd Residence http://www.dreyblatt.de/whoswho/BioFileJ.HTML | |
30. Erdos0d, Version 2004, February 2, 2004 This Is A List Of The 509 ENDRE) 2 joint papers 1937 GILLIS, JOSEPH E.* 1937 jarnik, vojtech* 1937OBLATH, RICHARD* 1938 GRUNWALD, GEZA* 3 joint papers 1938 KO, CHAO (KE, http://www.oakland.edu/enp/Erdos0d | |
31. Erdos0, Version 2004, February 2, 2004 This Is A List Of The 509 ARUN KUMAR joint paper in 1996 JANSON, SVANTE joint paper in 1996 jarnik,vojtech* joint paper in 1937 JIN, GUO PING 2 joint papers, first in 1993 JONES http://www.oakland.edu/enp/Erdos0 | |
32. Vojtìch Jarník vojtech Jarník. vojtech Jarník se narodil 22. prosince 1887 v Praze. vojtech Jarník zemrel 22. zárí 1970 v Praze. * * *. Pouito materiálu http://www.quido.cz/osobnosti/jarnik.htm | |
33. Vojtech Jarnik 2004 MEÐUNARODNO MATEMATICKO NATJECANJE SVEUCILINIH STUDENATA vojtech jarnik .Ostrava, Ceka, 31. oujka 2004. Hrvatski natjecatelji. Damir Korencic http://www.math.hr/~mathe/ostrava04.html | |
34. Vojtech Jarnik 2001 MEÐUNARODNO MATEMATICKO NATJECANJE SVEUCILINIH STUDENATA vojtech jarnik .Ostrava, Ceka, 3. 5. travnja 2001. Hrvatski natjecatelji. Matija Kazalicki http://www.math.hr/~mathe/ostrava01.html | |
35. MIMUW - 15th Annual Vojtech Jarnik International Mathematical Competition Tym razem w 15th Annual vojtech jarnik International Mathematical Competition wOstrawie (Czechy). W konkursie wzielo udzial 93 zawodników z 22 http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/news/ogloszenia/aktualnosci/39821/ | |
36. MIMUW - 15th Annual Vojtech Jarnik International Mathematical Competition W biezacym katalogu. English Pomoc Jak trafic? Zajecia USOSweb Materialydydaktyczne Monitor UW Profile Ogloszenia Forum Popularyzacja http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/news/ogloszenia/aktualnosci/39821/?ps_mode=SEND&pi_messa |
37. Vojtech Jarnik Competition 2004 Translate this page vojtech jarnik Competition 2004. Vom 29. März bis zum 1. April 2004 fand inOstrava die 14. VJAIMC statt, das steht kurz für vojtech jarnik International http://wwp.mathematik.hu-berlin.de/~fsr/bilder/vjaimc04/ | |
38. Club - FMI The 15 Annual vojtech jarnik International Mathematical Competition organized bythe University of Ostrava took place on April 6, 2005. http://www.clubfmi.com/article.fmi?id=11 |
39. Club - FMI vojtech jarnik Competition (27/04/2005) FMI Wins Again. read article John Atanasovaward (26/12/2003) Preslav Nakov from Berkeley got the award http://www.clubfmi.com/news.fmi | |
40. From Kirk@cs.pitt.edu Sun Mar 1 181307 1998 Received From Gomez ARUN K. 117 165 271 370 216 5 47 JANSON, SVANTE 9 15 38 271 405 217 0 6 jarnik,vojtech 218 2 4 JIN, GUO PING 38 63 219 2 0 JONES, FRED B. 115 255 220 5 http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~algorith/biblio/testdata/erdos-number | |
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