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         Janiszewski Zygmunt:     more detail
  1. Zygmunt Janiszewski
  2. Oeuvres Choisies. Redigees par Karol Borsuk, Jan Jaworowski, Bronislaw Knaster et Kasimierz Kuratowski by Zygmunt Janiszewski, 1962-01-01
  3. Oeuvres Choisies. by Zygmunt Janiszewski, 1962

41. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography
Translate this page janiszewski, zygmunt Jawhari, al-?Abbas Ibn Sa?id al- Jayyani, Abu ?Abd AllahMu?ammad Ibn Mu?adh al- Jensen, Johan Ludvig William Valdemar
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Abel, Niels Henrik
Abraham Bar ?iyya Ha-Nasi
Abu Kamil Shuja? Ibn Aslam Ibn Mu?ammad Ibn Shuja?
Abu'l-Wafa? al-Buzjani, Mu?ammad Ibn Mu?ammad Ibn Ya?ya Ibn Isma?il Ibn al- ?Abbas
Adams, John Couch
Adelard of Bath
Adrain, Robert
Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodosius
Agnesi, Maria Gaetana
Aguilon, François d'
A?mad Ibn Yusuf Aida Yasuaki Ajima Naonobu Akhiezer, Naum Il'ich Albert, Abraham Adrian Albert of Saxony Alberti, Leone Battista Aleksandrov, Pavel Sergeevich Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' Alzate y Ramírez, José Antonio Ampère, André-Marie Amsler, Jakob Anatolius of Alexandria Anderson, Oskar Johann Viktor Andoyer, Henri Angeli, Stefano Degli Anthemius of Tralles Antiphon Apollonius of Perga Appell, Paul Arbogast, Louis François Antoine Arbuthnot, John Archimedes Archytas of Tarentum Argand, Jean Robert Aristaeus Aristarchus of Samos Arnauld, Antoine Aronhold, Siegfried Heinrich Artin, Emil Atwood, George Autolycus of Pitane Auzout, Adrien

42. O ZYGMUNCIE JANISZEWSKIM - Delta - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat
Jednym z matematyków, którzy wywarli gleboki wplyw na rozwój matematyki polskiej,byl zygmunt janiszewski. Urodzil sie on w roku 1888 w Warszawie,
W Na bie¿±co: I nformacje C o nowego Matematyka i przyroda: A stronomia B iologia ... odelowanie rzeczywisto¶ci Humanistyka: F ilozofia H istoria ... ztuka Czytaj: B iblioteka D elta ... ielcy i wiêksi Przydatne: S ³owniki C o i gdzie studiowaæ ... szech¶wiat w obrazkach Jeste¶ tutaj: Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Delta Matematyka - spis artyku³ów Jeste¶ tutaj Wybór artyku³ów z miesiêcznika "Delta" "Delta" to miesiêcznik popularyzuj±cy matematykê, fizykê i astronomiê na bardzo wysokim poziomie, wydawany od 1974 roku. Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat prezentuje wybór tekstów publikowanych w "Delcie" od pierwszego numeru po pocz±tek XXI wieku. Szukacz Przeszukaj Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat: Jak zadawaæ pytania? Delta 06/1982 Karol BORSUK O ZYGMUNCIE JANISZEWSKIM Jednym z matematyków, którzy wywarli g³êboki wp³yw na rozwój matematyki polskiej, by³ Zygmunt Janiszewski. Urodzi³ siê on w roku 1888 w Warszawie, a po uzyskaniu w roku 1912 stopnia doktora w Pary¿u, zosta³ w roku 1915 profesorem matematyki odrodzonego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. ¯y³ krótko, bo ju¿ w roku 1920 zmar³ we Lwowie w 32 roku ¿ycia. A wiêc by³ profesorem UW jedynie przez lat 5. W tym jednak krótkim okresie wp³yn±³ on w decyduj±cy sposób na dalszy rozwój matematyki polskiej, a w szczególno¶ci na powstanie tzw. Warszawskiej Szko³y Matematycznej. Prace badawcze Z. Janiszewskiego nale¿± do topologii, a wiêc do dzia³u matematyki, zajmuj±cego siê specjalnie g³êbokimi w³asno¶ciami przestrzeni. W szczególno¶ci jest on autorem piêknego twierdzenia dotycz±cego rozcinania p³aszczyzny przez jej podzbiory, zwanego twierdzeniem Janiszewskiego. Twierdzenie to stanowi³o punkt wyj¶cia dla aksjomatycznego ujêcia topologii p³aszczyzny, uzyskanego nastêpnie przez K. Kuratowskiego.

43. Kwartalnik Historii Nauki I Techniki - Wielcy I Wiêksi - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat
Inny wybitny matematyk, zygmunt janiszewski, rówiesnik Mazurkiewicza, Byli toStefan Banach, zygmunt janiszewski, Stefan Mazurkiewicz,
W Na bie¿±co: I nformacje C o nowego Matematyka i przyroda: A stronomia B iologia ... odelowanie rzeczywisto¶ci Humanistyka: F ilozofia H istoria ... ztuka Czytaj: B iblioteka D elta ... ielcy i wiêksi Przydatne: S ³owniki C o i gdzie studiowaæ ... szech¶wiat w obrazkach Jeste¶ tutaj: Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Wielcy i wiêksi Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki Jeste¶ tutaj
Wielcy i wiêksi
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki
Kazimierz Kuratowski
Co nowego W Kwartalniku Historii Nauki i Techniki pojawi³ siê wybór artyku³ów z tego czasopisma. Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki powiêkszy³ siê o trzy autobiografie polskich uczonych: Tadeusza Kielanowskiego Stanis³awa Mariana Leszczyckiego i Ryszarda Manteuffela-Szoege W Wielkich i wiêkszych pojawi³y siê dwie nowe autobiografie polskich uczonych: historyka sztuki Stanis³awa Lorentza i badacza mózgu Bogus³awa ¯ernickiego "Wielcy i wiêksi"
Otworzyli¶my nowy dzia³ w Wirtualnym Wszech¶wiecie, po¶wiêcony biografiom znanych i mniej znanych uczonych i my¶licieli. Szukacz Przeszukaj Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat: Jak zadawaæ pytania?

44. Dangerous-industries Search For ZY
zygmunt janiszewski Typos/falses zygmunt janiszewski zygmunt jnaiszewski Zygmutn janiszewski zygmunt jansizewski Sygmunt janiszewski Aygmunt

45. June 2005
zygmunt janiszewski, 13 John F Nash, 14 Andrei Andreyevich Markov, 15 NikolaiChebotaryov, 16 Julius Plücker, 17 Maurits Cornelius Escher, 18
June 2005
Can you identify the pictured Mathematicians? Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Eduard Helly
Paul Mansion
John Henry Pratt
John Maynard Keynes
Max Zorn
Edward Van Vleck
Charlotte Angas Scott
John Edensor Littlewood
Vladimir Smirnov
Zygmunt Janiszewski John F Nash Andrei Andreyevich Markov Nikolai Chebotaryov Maurits Cornelius Escher Arthur Russell Forsyth Blaise Pascal Helena Rasiowa Konrad Zuse Alan Turing Oswald Veblen Willard Van Quine William Thomson Augustus De Morgan Carl Einar Hille Witold Hurewicz Karl Rudolf Fueter A quotation for June: John Maynard Keynes (1883 - 1946) I can't remember my telephone number, but I know it was in the high numbers. Quoted in D MacHale, Comic Sections (Dublin 1993) This calendar is available in a printable PDF format. Back to calendar page.

46. June 2004
zygmunt janiszewski. 13 John F Nash, 14 Andrei Andreyevich Markov, 15 NikolaiChebotaryov, 16 Julius Plücker, 17 Maurits Cornelius Escher, 18
June 2004
Can you identify the pictured Mathematicians? Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Eduard Helly
Paul Mansion
John Henry Pratt
John Maynard Keynes
Max Zorn
Edward Van Vleck
Charlotte Angas Scott
John Edensor Littlewood
Vladimir Smirnov
Zygmunt Janiszewski John F Nash Andrei Andreyevich Markov Nikolai Chebotaryov Maurits Cornelius Escher Arthur Russell Forsyth Blaise Pascal Helena Rasiowa Konrad Zuse Alan Turing Oswald Veblen Willard Van Quine William Thomson Augustus De Morgan Carl Einar Hille Witold Hurewicz Karl Rudolf Fueter A quotation for June: John Maynard Keynes (1883 - 1946) I can't remember my telephone number, but I know it was in the high numbers. Quoted in D MacHale, Comic Sections (Dublin 1993) This calendar is available in a printable PDF format. Back to calendar page.

47. - Biografie - Zygmunt Janiszewski
Wspóltwórca warszawskiej szkoly matematycznej, inicjator i wspólzalozycielczasopisma Fundamenta Mathematicae , poswieconego teorii mnogosci,,2,yisvp.htm
loguj rejestracja menu biografie ciekawostki programy rozrywka ... o nas zobacz sonda Najczê¶ciej odwiedzasz: profil G³ówny profil Licealista profil Student profil Nauczyciel Forum Pierwszy raz tu jestem:) g³osuj zobacz wyniki czy wiesz, ¿e... ... istnieje funkcja ci±g³a nieró¿niczkowalna w ka¿dym punkcie dziedziny. forum pokrycie Vitali'ego
jak to bydzie ...

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historia matematyki
biografie Zygmunt Janiszewski ur. 12 lipca 1888 r. (Warszawa)
zm. 3 stycznia 1920 r.

zygmunt janiszewski ur. 12 lipca 1888 r., zm. 3 stycznia 1920 r. Wspóltwórcawarszawskiej szkoly matematycznej, inicjator i wspólzalozyciel czasopisma,2,ywhvp.htm
loguj rejestracja menu biografie ciekawostki programy rozrywka ... o nas zobacz sonda Najczê¶ciej odwiedzasz: profil G³ówny profil Licealista profil Student profil Nauczyciel Forum Pierwszy raz tu jestem:) g³osuj zobacz wyniki czy wiesz, ¿e... ... zbiór Cantora ma moc continuum. forum pokrycie Vitali'ego
jak to bydzie ...

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historia matematyki biografie Sortuj wg:
imienia nazwiska daty urodzenia daty ¶mierci Polska ¦wiat wszystkie Znaleziono postaci: Strony: René Descartes
ur. 31 marca 1596 r., zm. 11 lutego 1650 r.
S³awny uczny francuski Rene Descartes, którego w Polsce nazywamy zwykle Kartezjuszem, znany jest powszechnie ze wzglêdu na sw± s³ynn± maksymê: My¶lê, wiêc jestem (Cogito, ergo sum).
Peter Gustaw Dirichlet
ur. 13 lutego 1805 r., zm. 5 maja 1859 r. W roku 1855 zostaje powo³any na uniwersytet w Getyndze jako nastêpca Gaussa. Jego oryginalna twórczo¶æ naukowa dotyczy przewa¿nie teorii liczb, teorii szeregów, rachunku ca³kowego i pewnych zagadnieñ z fizyki matematycznej. wiêcej Leonard Euler ur. 15 kwietnia 1707 r., zm. 18 wrze¶nia 1783 r.

49. Zymotic Disease Zyklon B Zydeco Zygomycota Zygophyllales
It forms part of the orbit and is commonly referred to, zygmunt FlorentyWróblewskizygmunt Florenty Zyzzyva Zygophyllaceae zygmunt janiszewski
var GLB_RIS='';var GLB_RIR='/cincshared/external';var GLB_MMS='';var GLB_MIR='/site/image';GLB_MML='/'; document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); Non User A1('s',':','html'); Expand: [ Za Zb Zc Zd ... Zx Zy Zz A B C ... Tax
Browse for: Zymotic Disease, Zyklon B, Zydeco, Zygomycota, Zygophyllales and more...
Zygote Zürich Zygnematales Zymotic disease Zymotic diseases (for the Greek language term zumoun for "ferment"), an obsolete term in medicine, formerly applied to the class of acute infectious maladies, presumed to be due to some virus or organism which acts in the system like a ferment. Note: this Zyklon B Zyklon B was the tradename of a pesticide ultimately used by Nazi Germany in some Holocaust gas chambers. It consisted of a quantity of small pellets, fiber discs, or diatomaceous earth substrates which were impregnated with hydrocyanic acid (prussic acid Zydeco Zydeco is a form of folk music, originated in the beginning of the 20th century among the Creole peoples of south-west Louisiana and influenced by the music of the French-speaking Cajuns. It is heavily syncopated, usually fast-tempo, and dominated by the Zygomycota Zygote fungi : Fungi Zygomycota Zygomycota or zygote fungi, are a division of fungi. The name of the division comes from zygosporangia, resistant structures formed during sexual reproduction. There are approximately 600 species of zygomycetes known. They

50. Oliver Faulhaber's Homepage
Translate this page janiszewski – Jungius. janiszewski, zygmunt (1888-1920). Polnischer Mathematiker,der sich eingehend mit dem Auswahlaxiom und später vor allem mit
Startseite Briefmarken Motivsammlung Mathematik >> J Letztes Update: 05.06.2004 J Janiszewski Jungius Janiszewski , Zygmunt (1888-1920) Polnischer Mathematiker, der sich eingehend mit dem Auswahlaxiom und später vor allem mit topologischen Fragen beschäftigte. Er hatte großen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der mathematischen Landschaft Polens, indem er vorschlug, man solle sich auf relativ eng begrenzte Gebiete - vor allem bezog er sich auf die Mengentheorie und die Grundlagen der Mathematik - konzentrieren und so vom bloßen Mitläufer zum akademischen Pinionierland werden.
Land: Polen
Michel-Mark: Michel:
Stanley Gibbons:
Yvert: Die Marke erschien in dem Satz "Mathematiker".
Jungius , Joachim Logiker des 17. Jahrhunderts, der vor allem durch seine Logica Hamburgensis bekannt wurde.
Land: DDR
Nennwert: Jahr: Michel-Mark: Michel: Scott: Stanley Gibbons: Yvert: Die Marke erschien in der Reihe "Berühmte Wissenschaftler".

51. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results
zygmunt janiszewski Born 12 June 1888 in Warsaw, Russian Empire (now Poland)Died 3 Jan 1920 in Lvov, Poland Click the picture above to see two larger

52. Words Saving Soul Of Scientists. (in Japanese)
zygmunt janiszewski SHIGA Kouji ``a Light from infinity , a history ofmathematics, Japanese. For a researcher, it is important to have some joint
Most recent update : 2005/08/04 (Thursday)
Words for scientists
In Japanese (Nihongo ha koko)
  • Anonymous
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • Jim Blinn ...
  • Thales (of Miletus)
  • Kitamura Kaoru
  • Hacker's ethos : If it doesn't work, fix it. If it does work, take it apart. (Paul Wallich, Mindstorms not just a kid's toy. IEEE Spectrum September 2001, pp.52-57)
  • Perfections is achieved not when there is nothing more to be added. But when there is nothing left to take away.''
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • All problems in computer graphics can be solved with a matrix inversion.''
    - Jum Blinn (Jim Blinn's corner, Dirty pixels)
    The question of whether computers can think is like the question of whether submarines can swim.''
    ``Do only what only you can do.'' - The answer of haw can I select my research topic from a promising researcher.
    - Edsger W. Dijkstra, 19302002
  • A computer is like a violin. You can imagine a novice trying first a phonograph and then a violin. The latter, he says, sounds terrible. That is the argument we have heard from our humanists and most of our computer scientists. Computer programs are good, they say, for particular purposes, but they aren't flexible. Neither is a violin, or a typewriter, until you learn how to use it.''
    Marvin Minsky, ``Why Programming Is a Good Medium for Expressing Poorly-Understood and Sloppily-Formulated Ideas''

founded in 1920 by zygmunt janiszewski, Stefan Mazurkiewicz and Waclaw Sierpinskicontinued by Karol Borsuk and Kazimierz Kuratowski. ISSN 00162736(p)
POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS FUNDAMENTA MATHEMATICAE founded in 1920 by Zygmunt Janiszewski, Stefan Mazurkiewicz and Wacław Sierpiński
continued by Karol Borsuk and Kazimierz Kuratowski ISSN: 0016-2736(p) FUNDAMENTA MATHEMATICAE concentrates on papers devoted to Set Theory, Mathematical Logic and Foundations of Mathematics, Topology and its Interactions with Algebra, Dynamical Systems

54. Annales Poonici Mathematici
founded in 1920 by zygmunt janiszewski, Stefan Mazurkiewicz and Waclaw Sierpinskicontinued by Karol Borsuk and Kazimierz Kuratowski. ISSN 00162736
POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS FUNDAMENTA MATHEMATICAE founded in 1920 by Zygmunt Janiszewski, Stefan Mazurkiewicz and Wacław Sierpiński
continued by Karol Borsuk and Kazimierz Kuratowski ISSN: 0016-2736 Manuscripts should be sent either to the Managing Editor: Henryk Toruńczyk, FUNDAMENTA MATHEMATICAE Śniadeckich 8, P.O. Box 21, 00-956 Warszawa 10, Poland or to one of the Editors listed below, who, in the judgement of the author, is most closely concerned with the subject-matter of the paper: Stanisław Balcerzyk IMPAN, Chopina 12/18, 87-100 Toruń, Poland William G. Dwyer Department of Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, U.S.A. Ryszard Engelking Instytut Matematyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Banacha 2, 02-097 Warszawa, Poland Stefan Jackowski Instytut Matematyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Banacha 2, 02-097 Warszawa, Poland Alexander S. Kechris Department of Mathematics, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91125, U.S.A.

55. Waclaw Sierpinski: Information From
In 1920 Sierpinski, together with zygmunt janiszewski and his former studentStefan Mazurkiewicz, founded the important mathematics journal Fundamenta
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Waclaw Sierpinski Wikipedia @import url(; @import url(; Waclaw Sierpinski The title given to this article lacks diacritics because of certain technical limitations . The title with diacritics is: , was born on March 14 in Warsaw and died on October 21 in Warsaw . He was a Polish mathematician , known for outstanding contributions to set theory (research on the axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis number theory , theory of functions and topology . He published over 700 papers and 50 books (two of which, "Introduction to General Topology" ( ) and "General Topology" ( ) were later translated into English by the Canadian mathematician Cecilia Krieger Two well-known fractals are named after him (the Sierpinski triangle and the Sierpinski carpet ), as are Sierpinski numbers and the associated Sierpinski problem.

56. List Of Poles: Information From
zygmunt janiszewski. Witold Hurewicz. Mark Kac. Stefan Kaczmarz. Krystyna Trybulec . zygmunt Gloger, ethnographer, archeologist, historian.
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping List of Poles Wikipedia @import url(; @import url(; List of Poles This is a partial list of famous Polish Polish-speaking/writing people, and people born in Poland

57. JaJi
janiszewski, zygmunt (18881920) Polish mathematician, journalist - Poland 2544.JANNARIS, Hajimichalis see GEANNARES, Michael -
JA'AFAR ibni al Marhum (1922- ) Sultan of Negri Sembilan - Malaysia-Negri Sembilan 83-4 JA'AFAR Tuanku ( - ) Sultan - Malaysia MLY1994I22 JABARTI, Abdel Rahman el- (1753-1825) Egyptian historian, author - Egypt 942 JABIR al AHMAD al JABIR ( - ) Kuwaiti prime minister, successor to the throne - Kuwait 345-7 JABIR ibn HAIYAM, Abu Musa al-Azdi (751-815) Arab author, physician, philosopher, alchemist - Syria 1277; C415 JABLOCHKOV, Pavel Nikolayevich see YABLOCHKOV, Pavel Nikolayevich JABOTINSKI, Ze'ev (1880-1940) Israeli author, Zionist, poet, journalist - Israel 410; 706 JABRAN, Jabran Khalil (1883-1931) Lebanese author, poet, journalist, painter - Dubai C61; Lebanon 473; C623 JABRI, Saad Allah al- (1894-1947) Syrian patriot - Syria C415 JABURKOVA, Jozka (1896-1942) Czech communist, journalist - Czechoslovakia 1872 JACINTO, Emilio (1875-1899) Filipino journalist, patriot - Born in Trozo, Manila, on December 15, 1875. He joined the Katipunan in 1894 and became Bonifacio's trusted friend and adviser. He wrote the Kartilya ng Katipunan , the primer of the Katipunan which embodied the teachings of the organization. He founded and edited the Katipunan newspaper

58. HUGO STEINHAUS (1987 - 1972) And His Contribution To The Applied Mathematics
Even in the last century an outstanding Polish mathematician zygmunt janiszewski (1988 1920) used to say that he dealt with mathematics not because it
HUGO STEINHAUS (1987 - 1972) and his contribution to the applied mathematics
Plato i Archita (Plato and Archytas) - a verse by the famous Polish poet Cyprian Norwid (1821 - 1883) - recalls the dispute between the two Greek philosophers living on the turn of the 5th century before Christ. In a footnote to Plato's utterance the poet explains: Plato's idealism objected mechanics, just having its birth, considering it (in its original extreme) to be a d e g r a d a t i o n o f c o n t e m p l a t i o n. One of the most faithful followers of Archytas was certainly my master Professor Hugo Dionizy Steinhaus. He was born at Jaslo (a small town at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains) on January 14, 1887. At that time Poland did not exist on the maps of Europe and the place belonged to the Austrian Empire. In 1905 he entered Lwów University for studies in philosophy and mathematics. Next year he moved to Göttingen and attended lectures by Hilbert, Klein, Minkowski, Runge, Landau, Carathéodory, Toeplitz and others. In 1911 he took Ph. D. summa cum laude presenting the thesis: Neue Anwendungen des Dirichlet'schen Prinzips.

59. Zygmunt Janiszewski Université Montpellier II
Translate this page zygmunt janiszewski (1888-1920). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de l’université de St Andrews Écosse

60. Webster's Online Dictionary - The Rosetta Edition
Philip M. Parker, INSEAD. J Ja Jb Jc ... Jz


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