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  1. Jabir ibn Aflah: Seville, Astronomy in Medieval Islam, Mathematics in Medieval Islam, Inventions in Medieval Islam, Latin, List of Latinised Names, Europe, Gerolamo Cardano

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82. Sahih Muslim, Book 25 : KITAB AL-ADAB
jabir b. Abdullah reported Allah s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as sayingGive the This hadith has been reported on the authority of ibn Uyaina,
Translation of Sahih Muslim, Book : 25
Chapter 1 : FORBIDDANCE IN CALLING ONE (OTHER THAN ALLAH'S APOSTLE) WITH THE KUNYA OF ABU'L-QASIM AND THE FACT PERTAINING TO GOOD NAMES Book 25, Number 5314: Anas reported that person at Baqi' called another person as "Abu'l- Qasim," and Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) turned towards him. He (the person who had uttered these words) said: Messenger of Allah, I did not mean you, but I called such and such (person), whereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: You may call yourself by my name, but not by my kunya. Book 25, Number 5315: Ibn Umar reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The names dearest to Allah are 'Abdullah and 'Abd al-Rahman. Book 25, Number 5316: Jabir b. 'Abdullah reported that a child was born to a perfon amongst us and he gave him the name of Muhammad. Thereupon his people said: We will not allow You to give the name of Muhammad (to your child) after the name of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). He set forth with his son carrying him on his back and came to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him', and said: Allah's Messenger a son has been born to me and I havegiven him the name after the name of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), whereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Give him my name but do not give him my kunya, for I am Qasim in the sense that I distribute (the spoils of war) and the dues of Zakat amongst you.

83. Arabic Naming Practices And Period Names List
Or the author of an early cookbook, Muhammad ibn alHasan ibn Muhammad ibn Rabah Gain, Najih Prosperity, aflah Felicitous, because if you ask
Arabic Naming Practices And Period Names List
WARNING: This is an out-dated copy of this article which contains errors. It is here only for reference; you should use the new version , which contains more information and several corrections.
by Da'ud ibn Auda
Editted 1998, 2000, 2001 Arval Benicoeur from a copy posted at al-musta'rib Arabic naming practices fall into seven general categories. Persons are often named:
  • By an 'ism , a single personal name, as Muhammad (Mohammed), Musa (Moses), Ibrahim (Abraham), Hasan, Ahmad. Adults are seldom called by their given names; socially it is considered a slight to use the first name of an elder or parent. By a kunya , an honorific name, as the father or mother of certain persons (usually the eldest son), e.g., abu Da'ud [the father of David], umm Salim [the mother of Salim]. Married ladies are, as a general rule, simply called after the name of their first son, e.g., umm Ahmad [the mother of Ahmad]. By a nasab By a lakab , a combination of words into a cognomen or epithet, usually religious, relating to nature, a descriptive, or of some admirable quality the person has (or would like to have), e.g., 'Abd Allah (Abdullah) [Servant of God], Harun al-Rashid [Aaron the Rightly-guided]. By a nickname of harmless signification . "Harmless signification" of this sort was often meant to avert the evil eye or the unwanted attention of jinn ("genies") and other evil spirits. By an occupational hisba , derived from a person's trade or profession, e.g., Muhammad al-Hallaj [Mohammed the dresser of cotton].
  • 84. Andalusian Names: Arabs In Spain
    In this list, I have followed the transcription system used by Da ud ibn Audarather than the Affan, Jasib, Sumayl (Samuel?) aflah, Jattab, Tabit
    Andalusian Names: Arabs in Spain by Juliana de Luna (Julia Smith,
    Arabic names are relatively similar across the Arabic-speaking world. However some regional variation can be seen. This article examines names of Andalusian people taken from biographical dictionaries (a popular genre in the medieval Arab-speaking world). Complete information on given names is given, but special attention is paid to locative hisba (descriptive bynames based on place names) specific to al-Andalus. The lists of Andalusian names were collected and transcribed by a group of Spanish scholars and published in Estudios Onomastico-Biograficos de al-Andalus . They range in time from around 700 AD until around 1200 AD. In this list, I have followed the transcription system used by Da'ud ibn Auda rather than the trancription system used by scholars, which involves a wide range of diacritical marks. Arabic names are generally longer than European names. A typical individual in these sources may have the following name elements (for a more complete description of name elements, see Da'ud ibn Auda, " Arabic Naming Practices and Period Names List
  • A given name 'ism ): A given name: This can be a biblical name or a traditional Arabic name. Those given names which are not Arabic, but rather in a Magribi language, are marked with an asterisk (*). Some people do not use given names, but replace them with a certain type of devotional name (see below) or more rarely with honorific names (see below). In either case, the person presumably had a given name as well.
    jabir ibn Hayyan, in Nature, 15 (1931), p.
    PORTUGAL (2)
    Manuel Gandra
    GEBER (c. 721- c. 815)
    Pai das alquimias árabe e europeia. Muito influenciado pelo misticismo shi’ita . Considerado a mais importante fonte da alquimia medieval. Ocupa-se do problema clássico da geração dos metais a partir do mercúrio e do enxofre. A numerologia talismânica é fundamental à sua doutrina da Pedra Filosofal. O auge da difusão de Geber foi atingido quando um tradutor exercendo o seu mister em Espanha, durante o século XIII, encetou a adaptação latina de todos os textos alquímicos que lograva alcançar, colocando-os sob a tutela de Geber Rex Arabum. Geber ora é identificado com Yabir ben Hayan, ora com Yabir Ben Aflah. As notícias mais antigas a seu respeito são-nos facultadas por Ibn Umayl e Ibn Wahsiyya. Citado por Manuel Bocarro Francês. Obra , Veneza, 1542 Edição feita com base num manuscrito da Biblioteca Vaticana com o objectivo de corrigir as interpretações vulgares da Alquimia. À clareza e sistematização das formulações teóricas acrescenta uma particular precisão na descrição das operações de laboratório, sempre ilustradas com reproduções dos principais instrumentos técnicos. Além da Suma da Perfeição inclui: Liber Trium Verborum Kallid acutissimi (p. 235)

    86. Enigma Galgano - Medioevo In Rete - Personaggi - Matematici Del XII Secolo
    Translate this page 4) Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra (1092-1167). 5) al-Ishbili Abu Muhammad jabir ibnAflah (1100-1160). 6) Bhaskara (1114-1185). 7) Gherard of Cremona (1114-1187)
    Matematici del XII secolo Omar Khayyan Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci Torna a Personaggi Omar Khayyan (18 maggio 1048 - 4 dicembre 1131) Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi Adelard of Bath Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra al-Ishbili Abu Muhammad Jabir ibn Aflah ... Johannes de Sacrobosco

    87. Al-andalus
    Dates importantes Début de l'histoire Omeyyades d'Espagne Emirs Omeyyades ... Effondrement Ibn Jabir Aflah Ibn Jabir Aflah est souvent connu par la forme Latin de son nom, à savoir Geber . Bien qu'il ne soit pas le meilleur mathématiciens arabes, il est plus connu depuis que ses travaux ont été traduits dans le latin, et que donc ces traveaux ont été étudiés par les mathématiciens européens.
    Peu de renseignements sont disponible concernant la vie de ibn Jabir d'Aflah . On sait qu'il est d'origine Andalous ,de Séville parcequ'on le surnomme " al - Ishbili " qui veut dire " de Séville ".
    Ibn Jabir Aflah a inventé un instrument d'observation connu comme le torquetum, un appareil mécanique qui permet la transformation entre systèmes de coordonnée sphériques . Il a aussi donné son nom à un théorème dans la trigonométrie sphérique, et ses critiques de l'Almagest de P t olémée sont bien connues. Ces critiques paraissent dans ibn Jabir le travail le plus célèbre d'Aflah "

    88. Al-andalus
    ibn nussayre Sulayman Abd Rahman I,Abd al-Moumen ibn Ali Abou Youssouf Yacoub al-Mansour Youssouf ibn
    Dates importantes Début de l'histoire Omeyyades d'Espagne Emirs Omeyyades ... Effondrement AL-IDRISSI La vie de al-Idrissi est assez mal connue. Selon certains historiens, il aurait vu le jour à Ceuta en 1100 et aurait fait ses études à Cordoue.
    al-Idrissi est issu d'une famille apparentée aux Idrissides, dont l'une des branches gouvernaient le Maroc.
    Pharmacologue et médecin, il a rédigé une "Somme sur les différentes plantes". Il connaissait le latin et le de grec. Doté d'une vaste culture, il a également écrit "Jardin de Courtoisie". Premier géographe arabe à pénétrer l'Europe de la Renaissance et héritier de plusieurs traditions cartographiques arabes, al-Idrissi réalise une synthèse des travaux de ses prédécesseurs . Il est repris par les auteurs qui lui succèdent : le géographe arabe Ibn Sa'îd, de Grenade (mort en 1274) et Abû Fidâ, de Damas (mort en 1331) ont copié ses notices. L'historien Ibn Khaldûn (mort en 1406) assure de son côté avoir suivi l'exemple d'al-Idrissi.
    al-Idrissi a voyagé au Maroc, en Andalousie et au Portugal . On connaît mal les circonstances de sa venue en Sicile où il arrive à Palerme en 1139. Le roi normand Roger II de Sicile l'aurait appelé à sa cour lui faisant valoir qu'il pourrait craindre pour sa vie, étant de dynastie califienne, et l'accueille au même titre que d'éminents savants et lettrés arabes.

    89. Enrichment::When The Angles Of A Triangle Don't Add
    formulae of spherical trigonometry and Arab mathematicians (for example Jabiribn aflah c 1125 and Nasir eddin c 1250) extended the work even further.

    90. Salle De Lecture: UNESCO-CI
    JabirIbn aflah), De Astronomia o Flores ex Almagesto, en littera textualis, s.
    À propos
    Salle de lecture
    - Mise à jour: 14-09-2004 13:29 Mémoire du monde

    Europe et Amérique du Nord


    Actions de l' UNESCO - Education - Sciences exactes et nat. - Sciences sociales et humaines - Culture - Communication / Information
    Rubriques Formulaire de proposition d'inscription Italie - La Bibliothèque de Malatesta Novello
    Le contenu de la salle de lecture est accessible depuis le signet "Multimedia".
    Photos document.write(html_code); A. M. Severinus Boetius, De consolatione philosophiae , en littera rotunda, fin s. XIV, D.XIV.1, c. 1r Photo relative à la proposition d'inscription Italie - La Bibliothèque de Malatesta Novello Augustinus, In Joannis Evangelium Sermones CXXV , en littera antiqua, 1451-1452, D.III.3, c. 7r Photo relative à la proposition d'inscription Italie - La Bibliothèque de Malatesta Novello Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Liber Canonis , en littera textualis, s. XIII, D.XXV.5,c. 2r Photo relative à la proposition d'inscription Italie - La Bibliothèque de Malatesta Novello Claudius Galenus,

    91. Notes To Nicolaus Copernicus
    De triangulis omnimodis(1533), Apianus s Instrumentum primi mobilis and Jabiribn aflah s De astronomia (1534), and Vitelo s Perspectiva (1535).
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    Notes to Nicolaus Copernicus
    Citation Information
    Swerdlow and Neugebauer (4) used the bindings to establish Copernicus's acquisition of the 1492 Venice edition of the Alfonsine Tables and the 1490 Augsburg edition of Regiomontanus's Tabulae directionum , two very important books for astronomical calculation, to this period. They were bound together with sections of other astronomical works. A second volume contained the 1482 Venice edition of Euclid's Elements with the commentary by Campanus and the 1485 Venice edition of the astrological treatise In iudiciis astrorum by the Arab author Ali ibn Abir-Rijal. The debate on the validity of astrology became particularly vociferous after the publication of Pico's Disputations against Judicial Astrology in 1494. (See, e.g., Shumaker, chapter 1.) Given the facts that Copernicus's undergraduate and medical programs included a strong background in astrology and Copernicus's main publication was in the field of astronomy, his silence on the subject of astrology, pro or con, is deafening. This is especially true if Westman was correct in his conjecture that Pico's deriding the inability of astrologers to establish the true order of the planets in book four, chapter ten of the Disputations helped spur Copernicus's reform. This suggests that Copernicus read Pico's work rather carefully.

    92. ?-
    aflah, since you will

    93. Mathematiker Mit Jj
    Gustav Jacob (1804 - 1851, Berlin) Johnson William Ernst (1858 - 1931,
    Jabir ibn Aflah al-Ishbili Abu Muhammad (1100 - 1160, Seville)
    Jacobi Carl Gustav Jacob (1804 - 1851, Berlin) Johnson William Ernst (1858 - 1931, Cambridge) Jordan Marie Ennemond Camille (1838 - 1922, La Croix-Rousse) ... zurück

    94. Immagini

    95. Images

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    97. Cortes 2787
    O p e r a m a t e m a t i c a d i F r a n c e s c o M a u r o l i c o Introduzione Help Pianta Sommario Catalogo topografico descrittivo Manoscritti autografi Cortes 2787
    Cortes 2787
    , The Works of Francesco Maurolico , cit., p. 149; tuttavia, a mio parere, per la parte corrispondente al volume mauroliciano degli Sphaerica (le sole cc. 1-211), esso non rappresenta affatto, contrariamente a quanto afferma Clagett ( op. cit. , 165), il testo sottomesso dallo scienziato al tipografo, quanto una copia dell'edizione del 1558, magari esemplata dal nipote o da altra persona vicina al Maurolico e sotto la sua supervisione; sono sicuramente di sua mano tutte le figure geometriche, didascalie comprese, ed alcune aggiunte marginali. cc. 1*r-1*v bianche. c. 2*r - Frontespizio dell'intero ms., con indicazione del contenuto: Theodosij, Menelai, et Francisci Maurolici [ sic elementa sphaerica. AVTOLYCI de sphaera quae mouetur liber. Theodosij de habitationibus Liber. EVCLIDIS, ex traditione Maurolyci phaenomena. Tabellae Sinus recti, Foecundae et Beneficae, cum

    98. ”ŠwŽj
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    [ƒXƒyƒCƒ“] [‚P‚P¢‹I‚̃†ƒ_ƒ„‚ÌŠwŽÒ] [ƒ‰ƒrAƒxƒ“EƒGƒYƒ‰] [‚P‚Q¢‹I‚̃XƒyƒCƒ“] ... [‚P‚R¢‹IˆÈ~‚̃Aƒ‰ƒrƒA’˜q‰Æ] ƒXƒyƒCƒ“ @AD1000”N A‘½‚­‚̃€[ƒAl‚ÌŠwŽÒ‚ªƒXƒyƒCƒ“‚ÉŒ»‚êAŽZp‚â“V•¶ŠwA‚Ü‚½ŽžÜ‘㐔‚Ì•¶Œ£‚ɍvŒ£‚µ‚½B‚±‚ê‚ç‚ÌŠwŽÒ‚½‚¿‚Ì’†‚ŁAÅ‚à—D‚ꂽ”–¼‚Ì–¼‚ð‹“‚°‚ê‚΁A”Šw‘S”Ê‚Ì•ª–ì‚ł̔ނç‚̊֐S‚ÆˆÌ‹Æ‚Æ‚Ì”ÍˆÍ‚ðŽ¦‚·‚̂ɖ𗧂‚¾‚낤B
    @ƒRƒ‹ƒhƒo¶‚Ü‚ê‚̃Cƒuƒ“EƒAƒ‹ƒTƒbƒtƒ@[ƒ‹(Ibn al-Saffar)
    @‚»‚̐¢‹I‚̌㔼AƒfƒjƒA(Denia)og‚̃XƒyƒCƒ“‚̈ãŠwŽÒƒAƒuƒ‹EƒTƒ‹ƒg(Abul-Salt) ‚́AŠô‰½Šw‚Æ“V•¶Šw‚ɂ‚¢‚ď‘‚«AƒWƒƒƒr[ƒ‹EƒCƒuƒ“EƒAƒtƒ‰(Jabir ibn Aflah)(1140”N‚Æ 1150”N‚ÌŠÔ‚É–vjAˆê”ʂɂ̓wƒxƒ‹(Geber)‚Æ‚µ‚Ä’m‚ç‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚邪AƒZƒ”ƒBƒŠƒA‚ÅŠˆ–ô‚µA“V•¶ŠwA‹…–ÊŽOŠp–@‚ƃƒlƒ‰ƒIƒX‚̉¡’fü‚̒藝‚ɂ‚¢‚ď‘‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚éB ”ނ́A‚æ‚­Ž—‚½–¼‘O‚̘B‹àpŽt‚Æ‚æ‚­¬“¯‚³‚ê‚éB ‚P‚P¢‹I‚̃†ƒ_ƒ„‚ÌŠwŽÒ @‚P‚P¢‹I‚̏I‚í‚è‚ɁAƒXƒyƒCƒ“‚ōłàŠwŽ¯‚ ‚éŠwŽÒ‚́A‚µ‚©‚µAƒCƒXƒ‰ƒ€‹³“k‚Å‚Í‚È‚©‚Á‚½Bƒ†ƒ_ƒ„–¯‘°A”Þ‚ç‚Í“s‡‚Ì‚æ‚¢‚±‚ƂɃXƒyƒCƒ“‚Ì“Œ—m•¶–¾‚Æ‚ÌŠÖŒW‚ŏq‚ׂç‚ê‚邱‚ƂɂȂ邪A‘S”Ê“I‚ɁAƒLƒŠƒXƒg‹³‚ÌŽx”z‚Å‚æ‚è‚àƒTƒ‰ƒZƒ“‚ÌŽx”z‚̉º‚Å‚Ì•û‚ªA‚æ‚¢ˆµ‚¢‚ðŽó‚¯‚Ä‚¢‚½B‚±‚ÌŽž‘ãˆÈ‘O‚ɁAƒCƒ^ƒŠƒA‚Å‚¢‚­‚ç‚©Šˆ–ô‚µ‚½‚±‚Æ‚Í‚ ‚Á‚½‚ªBƒ€[ƒAl‚©‚çŽó‚¯‚½—ã‚Ü‚µ‚ð’Ê‚µ‚āAƒ†ƒ_ƒ„l‚½‚¿‚̓XƒyƒCƒ“‚ł̐”Šw‚Ì”­“W‚ɏ­‚È‚©‚ç‚Ê’ö“x‚̍vŒ£‚ð‚µAƒLƒŠƒXƒg‹³“k‚½‚¿‚́A”Šw‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚éƒAƒ‰ƒrƒAŒê‚Ì’˜ì‚̍ŏ‰‚Ì’mŽ¯‚ð”Þ‚ç‚É•‰‚¤‚Ä‚¢‚éB ‚±‚̐¢‹I‚̃†ƒ_ƒ„‚Ì—D‚ꂽŠwŽÒ‚½‚¿‚Ì‘æˆê‚́AƒAƒuƒ‰ƒnƒ€Eƒoƒ‹EƒLƒCƒA(Abraham bar Chiia) ‚Æ‚µ‚Ä’m‚ç‚ê‚éƒoƒ‹ƒZƒƒi¶‚Ü‚ê‚̐l‚Å‚ ‚éB(1070”N ‚©‚ç 1136”N j”ނ́A“V•¶Šw‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä’˜q‚µ‚½‚ªAŽå‚Æ‚µ‚āAŽZpAŠô‰½Šw‹y‚ѐ”Šw“I’n—Šw‚ðŠÜ‚Þ•S‰ÈŽ–“T‚Ì‚½‚ß‚É’m‚ç‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚éB

    99. ”ü¯’¬@¯‚̃f[ƒ^ƒx[ƒX
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    ¡ l–¼Ž«“Ty‚µz ƒy[ƒW@ ‚P ‚Q ‚R ‚S ‚T aìÌˆÉ Shibukawa, Sekii i1683-1715j ]ŒËŽž‘㏉Šú‚Ì“V•¶—ïŠwŽÒC aìtŠC ŽQl•¶Œ£ ƒVƒƒƒCƒi[ Scheiner, Christoph i1575`1650j ƒKƒŠƒŒƒC C ƒPƒvƒ‰[ ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
    ƒVƒƒƒCƒi[ Scheiner, Julius i1858`1913j ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
    ƒVƒƒƒCƒ“ Shayn, Grigory Abramovich i1892`1956j ‚Ü‚½C‹â‰Í“à‚̃KƒX¯‰_‚ª‹â‰Í–Ê‚É•½s‚ɍג·‚­‚Ì‚Ñ‚Ä‚¢‚邱‚Æ‚ð”­Œ©‚µC‚±‚ê‚ð‹â‰ÍŽ¥ê‚Ì‘¶Ý‚É‚æ‚Á‚Äà–¾‚µ‚½D ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
    Schatzman, Evry L. i1920`@@j ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒX‚Ì“V‘Ì•¨—ŠwŽÒD ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
    ƒWƒƒƒbƒR[ƒj Giacconi,Riccardo i1931]@@j ƒCƒ^ƒŠƒA¶‚Ü‚ê‚̃AƒƒŠƒJ‚Ì“V•¶ŠwŽÒD1954”N‚Ƀ~ƒ‰ƒm‘åŠw‹³ŽöC‚Q”NŒã‚ɃAƒƒŠƒJ‚ɈڏZ‚µCƒCƒ“ƒfƒBƒAƒi‘åŠw‚ð‚Ö‚Ä1958”NCƒvƒŠƒ“ƒXƒgƒ“‘åŠw‚ŏ•Žè‚Æ‚È‚éD 1962”N ƒƒbƒV ŽQl•¶Œ£ ’†ŽR–Εҁu“V•¶Šwl–¼Ž«“TvP¯ŽÐ
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    ƒWƒƒ[ƒrƒ‹EƒCƒuƒ“EƒAƒtƒ‰ƒt Jabir ibn Aflah, al-Ishbili, Abu Muhammad

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