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Ibn Yunus Abu'l-hasan: more detail |
61. Ibn Junis Abu l Hasan Ali ibn Abi Sa id Ard arRahman ibn Ahmad ibn Junis as-Sadafi, Na czesc ibn Junisa zostal nazwany krater ksiezycowy ibn yunus (Lat. http://www.encyklopedia.drem.strefa.pl/I/ibn_yunis.htm | |
62. Syria Zain adDawlah Intisar ibn Yahya al-Masmudi..1075-1076. To the Seljuq Empire . yunus Pasha ..fl. 1516; Aiyaz Pasha. http://www.hostkingdom.net/Syria.html | |
63. Islam Perusteet (13); ibn Asakir kirjoitti kuulleensa yunus ibn Maysara ibn Halbasin kertoneen, Abu lHasan Ali ibn Habib Al-Mawardi, Al-Ahkam Al-Sultaniya (Mustafa http://www.islamopas.com/jerusalem.html | |
64. List Of Islamic And Muslim Related Topics: Information From Answers.com Abu Nasr Mansur Abu Sufiyan ibn Harb Abu Talib Abu lHasan al-Uqlidisi Adam Muhammad VI al-Habib Muhammad yunus Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-islamic-and-muslim-related-topics | |
65. Imamate Isra il ibn yunus ibn Abi Ishaq asSabi i Abu Yusuf al wounded by the poisoned swordof ibn Muljam while Seventh Imam Abu l-Hasan al-Awwal, MUSA al-Kazim, son http://www.musavilari.org/html/06/book/06/2.htm | |
66. Yunus Abu lHasan Ali ibn Ard al-Rahman ibn yunus. ibn yunus s full name isAbu l-Hasan Ali ibn Ard al-Rahman ibn Ahmad ibn yunus al-Sadafi. http://www.bg-rams.ac.at/intranet/Physik/history/Yunus.html | |
67. The Crater Company - Moon Crater Catalog - Index Of Named Lunar Craters 91.1E. 58. Abu lHasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn Ahmad ibn yunus al-Sadafi; Egyptianastronomer, mathematician and astrologer (950-1009). ibn Rushd. 11.7S. 21.7 http://www.cratercompany.com/catalog/crater_i.shtml | |
68. IJ Index 448) ibn Qurra, Thabit (1507*) ibn Sina (Avicenna) (1965*) ibn Sinan, Ibrahim (688),ibn Tahir (947) ibn Tibbon, Jacob (198) ibn yunus, Abu lHasan (1312) ibn http://turnbull.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/IJ.html | |
69. Cluny, Jerusalém Celeste Encarnada (séculos X-XII). Parte I Translate this page 1997 47) Ali ainda havia um observatório astronômico, onde trabalhou o maior dosastrônomos muçulmanos, o egípcio Abul Hasan ibn yunus (1009) (RONAN http://www.ricardocosta.com/pub/imperiosnegros.htm | |
70. IJ Index 1965*), ibn Sinan, Ibrahim (688) ibn Tahir (947) ibn Tibbon, Jacob (198) ibn yunus,Abu lHasan (1312) ibn Yusuf Ahmed (660) Ibrahim, ibn Sinan (688), Ikeda http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Indexes/IJ.html | |
71. Yunus More results from wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk IGMG das islamische portal - Translate this page sein Schüler Ziryab (Abu-l-Hasan Ali ibn Nafici), ein persischer Sänger und ibn Abbas sagte Aischa verheiratete ein mit ihr verwandtes Mädchen mit http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Yunus.html | |
72. Fatwa In respect of the second view that the well known is the position of ibn As for the definition of the mashhur as the verdict of ibn alQasim in the http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/fatwa.html | |
73. History Of Islamic Science - The Time Of Abu-l-wafa Abul-Hasan Ahmed ibn Mohammed al-Tabari. Of Tabaristan; was physician to theBuwwayhid Rukn al-dawla, c. 970. Persian Physician. http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam16.html | |
74. LibraryH ibn Arabi/Austin Sufis of Andalusia Beshara 1971 0 904 975 13 4 S aduddinMuhammedalHamuya (d. 1252) Abu l Hasan Ali b.Ibrahim al-Husri (d. 981) http://www.zahuri.org/LibraryH.html | |
75. LibraryS ibn Arabi/Austin Sufis of Andalusia Beshara 1971 0 904 975 13 4 SadrududdinArif (d. 1285) Abu l Hasan Sumnun b. Abdallah alKhawwas Bhatnagar http://www.zahuri.org/LibraryS.html | |
76. Bukhari42 Ubayy ibn Ka b used to ask me about it. The first of what was revealed was onthe wedding People asked, O Abu lHasan! How is the Messenger of Allah, http://bewley.virtualave.net/bukhari42.html | |
77. Full Alphabetical Index l-Hasan ibn (182). http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Flllph.htm |
78. Sufism, Sufis, And Sufi Orders: Sufism's Many Paths yunus Emre (link fixed, Dec. 04, 2004) is the most significant Bektashi poet . It concluded with a pilgrimage to the tomb of Abu lHasan al-Shadhili and http://www.uga.edu/islam/sufismorders.html | |
79. INTRODUCTION (ibn Nadim and others have acknowIedged that they were Shi as. Sharif Abu lHasan , Ali Alawin Jumani son of Sharif Muhammad ibnja far ibn Muhammad ibn http://home.swipnet.se/islam/books/Shia-origin/01.htm | |
80. Le Culte Des Saints Au Proche-orient (partie 1) (Oumma.com : L’Islam En Translate this page De même, le maqam du Nabi yunus (le prophète Jonas) couronne le plus haut sommetde la Cf. Abu l-Hasan Ali al-Harawi, Guide des lieux de pèlerinage, http://www.oumma.com/article.php3?id_article=513 |
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