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Ibn Yunus Abu'l-hasan: more detail |
41. Ibn Al - OmniMedicalSearch.com - Ibn Al Abu lHasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus ibn yunus s full name isAbu l-Hasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn Ahmad ibn yunus al-Sadafi http://www.omnimedicalsearch.com/query.php?pge=Ibn Al |
42. Yunus Abu lHasan ibn yunus. Born 950 in Egypt Died 1009 in Fustat, Egypt. http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Yns.htm |
43. AMU CHMA NEWSLETTER #24 (11/16/00) Armin Wittstein Die von ibn Junis in Kairo beobachteten Mond und Azimuten nachdem arabischen Text der haekimitischen Tafeln des ibn yunus (131-149). http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/AMU/amu_chma_24.html | |
44. History Of Islamic Science - The Time Of Abu-l-wafa Abul-Hasan Ali ibn Abi-l-Rijal al-Saibani al-Katib al-Maghribi ibn yunus Abu HasanAli ibn abi Sa id Abd al-Rahman ibn Ahmed ibn yunus (or ibn yunus) al-Sadafi http://www.islamtomorrow.com/science/Arabic (or Islamic) Influence On the Histor | |
45. History Of Islamic Science - The Time Of Abu-l-wafa astronomy (the two others being due to ibn yunus, first half RABI ibn ZAID Rabi ibnZaid alUsquf Muslim Medicine. AHMED AL-TABARI Abu-l-Hasan Ahmed ibn Mohammed http://www.islamtomorrow.com/science/Arabic (or Islamic) Influence On the Histor | |
46. [HM] Fifth Pan-African Congress Of Mathematicians By Gloria nach dem arabischen Text der haekimitischen Tafeln des ibn yunus (131149). astronomiques des Arabes composé au treizième siécle par Abu l-Hasan Ali al http://mathforum.org/epigone/historia_matematica/whangjancrix | |
47. Imamate Isra il ibn yunus ibn Abi Ishaq asSabi i Abu Yusuf al-Kufi (162); 26. Seventh Imam Abu l-Hasan al-Awwal, MUSA al-Kazim, son of Ja far as-Sadiq (as), http://www.al-islam.org/imamate/2.htm | |
48. Phoenicia, Phoenician Christians, The First Converts Outside The Jews Abu Bishr Matta ibn yunus alQanna i, who translated Aristotle s Poetica. eg, Abu l-Hasan Sa id ibn Amr-ibn-Sangala, who occupied the position of http://phoenicia.org/xtian.html | |
49. Answering Bahaullah / Baha U Llah And The Bahai / Baha I Faith ibn Asakir quoted yunus ibn Maysara ibn Halbas as saying that the Prophet had Abu lHasan Ali ibn Habib Al-Mawardi, Al-Ahkam Al-Sultaniya (Mustafa http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/3016/jerusalem.htm | |
50. Authentic Islaamic 'Aqeedah & What Opposes It Shaikh Maalik asked shaikh Rabia ibn Abu AbdurRahmaan, Surah yunus Verse 18.In this Ayaat He, far is He from imperfection states that worship of http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/9958/creed1.html | |
51. Oumma.com : L’Islam En Toute Liberté Translate this page De même, le maqam du Nabi yunus (le prophète Jonas élevée en face du mausolée dibnArabi s Abu l-Hasan Ali al-Harawi, Guide des lieux de pèlerinage http://www.oumma.com/imprimer.php3?id_article=513 |
52. Republika Online - Http://www.republika.co.id dan logika di bawah bimbingan filsuf terkenal, Abu Bishr Matta ibn yunus. Kemudian Yahya ibn Adi, Abu Sulayman alSijistani, Abu l-Hasan Muhammad http://www.republika.co.id/suplemen/cetak_detail.asp?mid=5&id=156740&kat_id=105& |
53. Gateway To Educational Materials - Browse A biography ofAbu l-Hasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus and his work...... Abu lHasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus. http://geminfo.org/browse/makesearch?past=keywords||*keywords|Eclipse||yes|Eclip |
54. New Page 1 followers of the theologian abu l Hasan Ali ibn Ismail al Ash ari (ca. ibn yunus (died AD 1009) obtained the still more accurate figure of 1o in 70 http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/1994/PSCF3-94Aulie.html | |
55. HizmetBooks ibn noon, Ilyas, Alyasa , Dhu lkifl, Sham un, Ishmoil, yunus ibn Mata, One of them was Abu l-Hasan Ali al-Ashari (rahimah- Allahu ta ala), http://www.hizmetbooks.org/Belief_and_Islam/bprophet.htm | |
56. History Of Astronomy: Index Of Persons 1930); Young, Reynold Kenneth (18861977); Young, Thomas (1773-1829); Yukawa,Hideki (1907-1981); yunus, Abu l-Hasan ibn (950-1009) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers-index.html | |
57. DODATEK A - CHRONOLOGICZNA LISTA NAJWA¯NIEJSZYCH MATEMATYKÓW 1003); Abd alJalil al-Sijzi (c. 970); Abu l-Hasan ibn yunus (950-1009);Abu Mahmud Hamid ibn al-Knidr al-Khujandi (d. c. 1000); Abu |
58. Yunus Abu lHasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus. ibn yunus s full name isAbu l-Hasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn Ahmad ibn yunus al-Sadafi. |
59. IJ Index ibn Sina (Avicenna) (1965*), ibn Sinan, Ibrahim (688) ibn Tahir (947) ibn Tibbon,Jacob (198) ibn yunus, Abu lHasan (1312) ibn Yusuf Ahmed (660), Ibrahim, ibn |
60. Chapter One: Commentary By Ibn 'Ajiba might and judgement, Reflect on the case of yunus when he informed his people of Shaykh Abdu sSalam ibn Mashish said to Abu l-Hasan. Abu l-Hasan! http://www.witness-pioneer.org/vil/Books/IA_Hikmah/hikamcom1.html | |
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