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Ibn Yunus Abu'l-hasan: more detail |
21. Lunar Republic : Craters Abu lHasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn Ahmad ibn yunus al-Sadafi; Egyptianastronomer, mathematician and astrologer (950-1009). ibn Rushd http://www.lunarrepublic.com/gazetteer/crater_i.shtml | |
22. MuslimHeritage.com - Topics ibn yunus came to fame in 1804 when a Leiden manuscript of his was first studied Abul-Hasan Ali ibn Ridwan ibn Ali ibn Ja far al-Misri was born in Jiza http://www.muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?TaxonomyTypeID=25&TaxonomySubTy |
23. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results Abu lHasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus Born 950 in Egypt Died 1009 inFustat, Egypt Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue.pl?term1=Ibn Yunus&li |
24. History Of Islamic Science Abul-Hasan Ahmed ibn Mohammed al-Tabari. Of Tabaristan; was physician to the Abu Hasan Ali ibn abi Sa id Abd al-Rahman ibn Ahmed ibn yunus (or ibn http://www.omarfoundation.org/Culture/History Science.htm | |
25. The Fatimi (Mahdi) Äì Ibn Khaldun Ahmad ibn Abdullah ibn yunus said, We used to pass by Qatan and he was rejected; As for the second isnad, Abu lHasan and Hilal ibn Umar in it are http://www.bogvaerker.dk/Bookwright/Mahdi.html | |
26. Muwatta Of Imam Muhammad Malik informed us, yunus ibn Yusuf informed us from Sa id ibn informed usfrom Yazid ibn Abdullah ibn Qusayt from Abu lHasan al-Bazzar from a man of http://www.bogvaerker.dk/Bookwright/muwatta.html | |
27. La Trigonometria àrab: Al-Battani, Abul-Wafa, Ibn Yunus, Nasir Al-Tusi Abu lHasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn Ahmad ibn yunus al-Sadafi (950 1009 ) vaser un gran astrònom i matemàtic que va desenvolupar la branca de la http://www.mallorcaweb.net/mamaguena/arabs/trigo/trigo.html | |
28. What Is Shi ibn yunus alNabati al- Amili (d. 1473). *Kitab al-sirat al-mustaqim. Sayyid Abu l-Hasan Jilwah (d. 1896). Ta liqa ala l-Asfar al-arba a. http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/THRS/Rizvi.htm | |
29. Arabic Studies In Physics And Astronomy During 800 - 1400 AD Abu lHasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus (950-1009) is most famous for hismany trigonometrical and astronomical tables which numbered even greater than http://www.phys.jyu.fi/homepages/agar/arabs.html | |
30. L'APPORT SCIENTIFIQUE ARABE A TRAVERS LES GRANDES FIGURES DE L'EPOQUE CLASSIQUE l-Hasan Ali ibn yunus et lobservation astronomique, p. 146 Abu l-RayhanMohammed ibn Ahmed al-Biruni et la science astronomique, p. 149. CHAPITRE 6 http://www.mauritania-today.com/francais/news/livre/ | |
31. Malikischolars They are ibn yunus and Abdu lHaqq. The Two Shaykhs. They are Abu Muhammad Abdullahibn Abi Zayd and Abu l-Hasan Ali al-Qabisi. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/malikis.html | |
32. History Of Islamic Science - The Time Of Abu-l-wafa Abu Hasan Ali ibn abi Sa id Abd alRahman ibn Ahmed ibn yunus (or ibn yunus)al-Sadafi al-Misri. Abu-l-Hasan Ali ibn Radwan ibn Ali ibn Ja far al-Misri. http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam17.html | |
33. Gale-Edit - Dictionary Of Science Biography - Scientists By Name Naegeli, Carl Wilhelm von; Nafis, Ala alDin Abu L-Hasan Ali ibn Abi yunus, Abu l-Hasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn Ahmad ibn yunus al-Sadafi http://www.gale-edit.com/ndsb/scientists.htm | |
34. Ibn Yunus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia His full name was Abu lHasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn Ahmad ibn yunus al-Sadafi . ibn yunus is also though to have been a poet, and to have used very http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibn_Yunus | |
35. User:Gerritholl/mathematicians - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Thabit ibn Qurra ibn Sina - Ibrahim ibn Sinan - ibn Tahir - Jacob ibn Tibbon -Abu l-Hasan ibn yunus - ibn Yusuf Ahmed - ibn Sinan Ibrahim - Masatoshi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Gerritholl/mathematicians | |
36. Full Alphabetical Index l-Hasan (1312) ibn Yusuf Ahmed (660) yunus, Abu l-Hasan ibn (1312), Yushkevich, Adolph P (579) http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
37. Egypt Math Web Sites Ahmed ibn Yusuf wrote on ratio and proportion and it was translated into Latin by ibn al Haitam; 12 Pappus of Alexandria; 13 Abu lHasan ibn yunus http://showcase.netins.net/web/rmozzer/Egypt.html | |
38. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians 970); Abu lHasan ibn yunus (950-1009) *MT; Abu Mahmud Hamid ibn al-Knidral-Khujandi (dc 1000) *SB; Abu `Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) (c. 965-c. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
39. History Of Mathematics ABU LHASAN ibn yunus (950-1009 CE). Aside from his book with 81 chapters, thisAstrologer produced many trigonometric tables designed for astronomical http://www.meta-religion.com/Mathematics/Articles/history_of_mathematics.htm | |
40. Muhammadanism - Resources Ahmad ibn Naqib alMisri, Reliance of the Traveller A Classic Manual of Islamic contains yunus ibn Bukayr s report of lectures delivered by ibn Ishaq), http://www.muhammadanism.org/Resources/default.htm | |
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