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         Ibn Tahir:     more books (35)
  1. Ibn Ashur: Treatise on Maqasid Al-Shariah by Muhammad Al-Tahir Ibn Ashour, 2006-12-15
  2. Al-Maqamat Al-Luzumiyah (Brill Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures) by Abu L-Tahir Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Al-Tamimi Al-Saraqusti ib Al-Astarkuwi, 2001-12-01
  3. Moslem Schisms And Sects - Being The History Of The Various Philosophic Systems Developed In Islam by Abu-Mansur Abd-Al-Kahir Ibn-Tahir Al-Bag, 2008-11-04
  4. Kitab Al-Milal Wal-Nihal. D'Après Le Manuscrit Conservé à La Bibliothèque Des Waqfs à Bagdad by Al-Tamimi al-Baghdadi ] & Nader, Albert N [editor] Abu Mansur Abdul Qahir Ibn Tahir Ibn Muhammad Al-Tamimi Al-Baghdadi [ Abd al-Qahir Ibn Tahir, 1970
  5. Moslem Schisms And Sects, Al-Fark? Bain Al-Firak (1919) by Abd Al-Qahir Ibn Tahir Al-Baghdadi, 2008-06-02
  6. Ibn Abi Tahir Tayfur and Arabic Writerly Culture: A Ninth Century Bookman in Baghdad by Shawkat M. Toorawa, 2010-10-27
  7. Moslem Schisms and Sects: (Al-Fark Bain Al-Firak) Being the History of the Various Philosophic Systems Developed in Islam (1920) by Abd al-Qahir Ibn Tahir al-Baghdadi, 2009-07-08
  8. Naissance En 980: Avicenne, Otton Iii Du Saint-Empire, Ichijo, Baudouin Iv de Flandre, Thierry Iii de Frise Occidentale, Ibn Tahir Al-Baghdadi (French Edition)
  9. 822 Deaths: Saicho, Tian Bu, Li Yijian, Eigil of Fulda, Al-Waqidi, Winiges of Spoleto, Kim Heonchang, Tahir Ibn Husayn, Denebeorht
  10. A Ninth Century Bookman in Baghdad.(Ibn Abi Tahir Tayfur and Arabic Writerly Culture: A Ninth Century Bookman in Baghdad)(Book review): An article from: The Journal of the American Oriental Society by Unavailable, 2008-04-01
  11. Mathématicien Arabe: Alhazen, Al-Kindi, Ibn Tahir Al-Baghdadi, Thabit Ibn Qurra, Muhammad Al-Fazari, Al-Battani, Al-Qalasadi, Ahmad Ibn Yusuf (French Edition)
  12. Tahirid Rulers: Muhammad of Khorasan, Abdullah Ibn Tahir Al-Khurasani, Tahir Ibn Husayn, Tahir Ii of Khorasan, Talha of Khorasan
  13. Tahirid Dynasty: Tahirid Rulers, Nishapur, Muhammad of Khorasan, Abdullah Ibn Tahir Al-Khurasani, Tahir Ibn Husayn, Tahir Ii of Khorasan
  14. Homonyma inter nomina relativa, auctore Abdu?l-Fadhl Mohammed ibn Táhir al-Makdisí, vulgo dicto Ibno?l-Kaísarání, quae cum appendice Abu Musae Ispahanensis e codd (Arabic Edition) by Mu?ammad ibn ??hir Ibn al-Qaysar?n?, 1865-01-01

81. Sitio Web Oficial De La Concejalía De Turismo, Ferias Y Congresos Del Ayuntamie
Translate this page estatal debió tener otras funciones servir de prisión (entre los años 1078-79el propio rey murciano ibn tahir fue encarcelado en sus mazmorras),

La ciudad Plano Callejero (Buscar) Plano Callejero (PDF) ... Servicios VISITAS GUIADAS Casino catedral palacio episcopal OTRAS VISITAS la fuensanta y el valle teatro romea castillo monteagudo museo salzillo ...
iglesia-museo san juan de dios

Dado su carácter militar, su emplazamiento responde a motivaciones estratégicas. Tal como indica su topónimo (Monte-agut), la fortificación ocupa un macizo muy abrupto de 149 m de altitud máxima y se extiende a lo largo de dos plataformas de unos 400 m. de diámetro. A sus pies discurre el "camino viejo de Monteagudo" que une dos importantes vías de comunicación que parten de la ciudad: los caminos de Alicante y de Castilla.

82. -
Atraf alKutub al-Sittah, karya al-Hafiz Syams al-Din Abu al-Fadl Muhammad Muhammadibn tahir Ibn Muhammad al-Maqdisi yang dikenal dengan sebutan Ibn This domain is parked, pending renewal, or has expired. Please contact the domain provider with questions.

83. MONTEAGUDO - Murcia - Comunidad Murciana, MONTEAGUDO - Murcia - Comunidad Murcia
Translate this page al ser destronado el reyezuelo de Murcia Abu Abderramen ibn tahir por IbnAmmar, visir del rey al-Mutamid de Sevilla, fue encarcelado en dicho castillo. murciana/murcia/monteagudo/
MONTEAGUDO (c) BankHacker España Provincias Fotografías ...
¿Dialogar con terroristas?

Habitantes: Altitud: 50 m. Gentilicio: Monteagudeños Visitas: 0,26 MFlops
Ayuntamiento: Pertenece al Ayuntamiento de Murcia. Monumentos: Castillo de Monteagudo , Castillejo, Calzada Romana, Monumento al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, Casco Antiguo, Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Antigua Ermita de San Cayetano Fiestas: Fiestas Patronales en Honor a San Cayetano , en la primera quincena de Agosto. Costumbres:
-En las fiestas de Agosto cabe destacar: la antiquísima costumbre de comer sandías; el novenario en honor del Patrón, San Cayetano; las veladas musicales; la alborada de cohetes para despertar a los vecinos el día 7 de Agosto; las promesas de peregrinos que acuden a visitar a San Cayetano; y la concurrida procesión con San Cayetano y la Virgen de la Antigua, donde los vendedores de "cascaruja" arrojan paladas de "torraos" al trono del Patrón, pidiendo su intercesión; y el castillo de fuegos artificiales disparado desde la fortaleza. Historia: El nombre de Monteagudo viene dado por la existencia del monte que se yergue majestuoso dominando toda la vega y que, según Robert Pocklington, es un topónimo que aparece en fuentes árabes desde el

84. SNG Drama Ljubljana -
Marko MANDIC ibn tahir, Avani Gregor GRUDEN kg - Sulejman Rok MATEK kg - JusufMiha NEMEC kg - Abdul Malik Brane GRUBAR - Ibn Ibrahim

85. SNG Drama Ljubljana - ANSAMBEL
Fedra Hipolit Oblika stvari - Adam Bratje Karamazovi - Oce Paisij Crimekundanali Brezmadežni - Alamut - ibn tahir

86. Spletno Delo » (Pop)kultura » Je Bartolov Alamut Prerasel V
ansambel ljubljanske Drame pa dobi oceno » odlicen« (Seiduna Igor Samobor;ibn tahir Marko Mandic; Mirjam Petra Govc; véliki vezir Radko Polic).,104,80869

87. Spletno Delo » (Pop)kultura » Alamut V Salzburgu
že ob vstopanju gledalcev v dvorano, je bil namrec skrajno izcrpujoc, pricemer je imel fizicno dalec najzahtevnejšo vlogo Marko Mandic kot ibn tahir.,104,78222

88. Jezik In Slovstvo - Ocene In Porocila
Na Kosovo razpravljanje o aktualizaciji Hasana Ibn Sabe lahko navezemo tudi Seiduna, ibn tahir), preslikavanje pa se lahko od izvirnika oddalji in

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Jezik in slovstvo
Ocene in porocila Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika

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Tone Smolej
Pogledi na Bartola

Uredil Igor Bratoz, izdala revija Literatura, zbirka Novi pristopi, Z e prvi spis Tezave z Bartolom Janka Kosa nam razkrije nekaj osnovnih problemov, ki jih je imel pisatelj s samim seboj in drugi, raziskovalci njegovega dela, z njim. Ena taksnih tezav, ki jo raziskuje Kos z vso svojo erudicijo, je gotovo izvor vrhovnega izreka izmailcev: »Nic ni resnicno, vse je dovoljeno«. Do Kosove razprave so se vsi raziskovalci Bartolovega Alamuta (Marta Silvester, Nada Ulaga, Miran Kosuta) zadovoljili s tezo, da je nasel pisec ta izrek v prestudiranih orientoloskih studijah. Temeljna Kosova dilema je torej bila, ali je izrek res izmaelitska last ali pa ga je povzel po maksimi iz Nietzschejevega spisa Tako je govoril Zaratustra ? Janko Kos je tako prestudiral vsa dela, ki jih je imel takrat Bartol v rokah, in dognal, da v teh virih tega izreka ni mogoce najti. Le Gustav Flügel citira v svoji Geschichte der Araber izrek: »Nic ne verjeti in vse smeti storiti« in se to v nejasnem kontekstu, ki je posledica nesporazuma med Flüglom in njegovim uciteljem de Sacyjem. Iz tega sledi, da je izrek povzet po Nietzscheju, kar napelje pisca razprave na raziskovanje korelacij med

89. Epigraf: Hepimiz Onu Bekliyoruz - Orhan Pamuk
yüz elli yil sonra yazan Kudüslü Mutahhar ibn tahir in `Baslangiç ve Tarih adlikitabina göreyse, bu konudaki tek kanit, Muhammed in adi, görünüsü ya

90. Ayuntamiento De Murcia - Pedanía De Monteagudo
Translate this page Abu Abderramen ibn tahir por Ibn Ammar, visir del rey al-Mutamid de Sevilla, Monteagudo En el siglo XII Muhammad Ibn Sad Ibn Mardanix (1147-1171),
El nombre de Monteagudo viene dado por la existencia del monte que se yergue majestuoso dominando toda la vega y que, según Robert Pocklington, es un topónimo que aparece en fuentes árabes desde el siglo XI bajo las grafías Munt.qüd ó Muntaqüd, y en textos castellanos como Montagut ó Montagudo en la Baja Edad Média, y Monteagudo en tiempos modernos, procediendo, a través del mozárabe, del latín "Monte Acutum” (el monte agudo).
Agradecimiento a Manuel Herrero Carcelén por su inestimable colaboración

91. Alamut Na Odru
ibn tahir atletski, pametni ucenec Marko Mandic, Hasan ibn Saba - modri, krutiIgor Samobor, Miriam - hladno-cutna Petra Govc, Nizam Al-Mulk - good guy
Marko Mandiè in Petra Govc Na ljubljansko premiero jeseni prihaja selektor edinbur¹kega festivala. Kaj veè bo jasno kasneje. A Alamut je vsekakor igra, ki bi jo razumeli povsod. Martin Ku¹ej in Sebastijan Horvat Janez Pipan prihaja na sprejem po premieri Razmno¾evanje ali uporaba besedila ali dela besedila je prepovedana, razen ob pisnem soglasju Mladine d.d. Mladina 31 / 2005
1. avgust 2005 teater Alamut na odru Ljubljanska Drama je nastopila na Salzbur¹kem festivalu Igrati predstavo na Salzbur¹kem festivalu je presti¾. V Salzburgu je denar v zraku, in kljub temu da je vsak dan na sporedu vsaj par predstav, je nastopajoèih pravzaprav malo. Direktor gledali¹kega programa Martin Ku¹ej , koro¹ki Slovenec, ki je danes menda eden najdra¾jih re¾iserjev v Evropi - njegova cena za postavitev kak¹ne opere naj bi bila tudi do 150.000 evrov - tudi letos tja ni povabil kogarkoli. Èeprav je bilo letos za teater nekaj veè denarja. Prihodnje leto ga bo spet manj, saj bo festival v celoti posveèen Mozartu. Avstrijci s teatrskim izborom niso bili najbolj zadovoljni. Njihov nacionalni teater je zapostavljen. Le zakaj v Salzburgu ni njihovih iger? Na tekmovanju mladih re¾iserjev bodo namreè letos odigrane ¹tiri predstave. Mad¾arska, èe¹ka, italijanska in Alamut, ki je bil na vrsti prvi. Èeprav je tekmovanje nekak¹en "off Salzburg", je interesa dovolj. In tisto, kar ¹teje, je, da je na predstavah vedno precej evropskih kulturnih mened¾erjev, ki naj bi omogoèili prodor igre. Na ljubljansko premiero jeseni prihaja selektor edinbur¹kega festivala. Kaj veè bo jasno kasneje. A Alamut je vsekakor igra, ki bi jo razumeli povsod.

92. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
AbuMansur abd-al-Kahir ibn-tahir al-Baghdadi, Al-Farq Bain Al-Firaq , Translatedinto English by Kate Chambers Seelye, Published by AMS Press,
1. Trimizi, Kitabul Eeman 2. Abu Daud, Vol 2, p241 3. Ibn-e-Ma'ja, Vol 1, p163. 4. Abu-Mansur 'abd-al-Kahir ibn-Tahir al-Baghdadi, "Al-Farq Bain Al-Firaq", Translated into English by Kate Chambers Seelye, Published by AMS Press, New York (1966) p22-23. 5. Daily "Nawai Waqt", Lahore Pakistan, 10th October 1974 p4. 6. Daily "The Guardian" (UK), 9th September 1974. 7. "Yanabaiul Muwadat" Part III page 58, by Allama Fazil Saheikh Suleman Ibn Sheikh Ibrahim Alma'aroof NaKhawajah Kalan (Died 1877) Matba'a AL Irfan Saida Bairoot. 8. "Al-Maddad Al Faidh" published by Sharah Deewan Sayedee Umar bin Al-Faridh, Maktabaa Hadhrat Al-Sheikh Ahmad Ali Aimlenji Al-kutabi From Al-Azhar Egypt, 1319 hijra (1901) p38. 9. "Mubda'a o Ma'ad" by Imam Rabbani Mujaddad Alif Thani Sheikh Ahmad Farooqi Naqshbandi Sarhindi Qadas Sirah with Urdu Translation by Hadhrat Maulana Sayed Zawar Hussain Shah Naqshbandi Published by Idarahe Mujaddadiyya, Nazim Abad No. 3 Karachi No. 18 p205. 10. "Al Muraqqatal Mafateeh Sharah Al-Mashkawatal Masabeeh" Lil Muhadith Al-Shaheer Ali bin Sultan Muhammad Al-Qari (Died 1014 hijra) Part I, Maktaba Imdadiyya Multan p248.

93. History Of Iran: Saffarid Dynasty
In order to repulse the forces of tahir ibn Abdollah, the ruler of Khorasan, hesought help from Yaqoub ibn Layth Saffar, who had made somewhat of a name
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Saffarid Dynasty
uring the caliphate of al-Mutawakkil, Saleh ibn Nasr occupied Sistan on the pretext of driving out the Kharijites. In order to repulse the forces of Tahir ibn Abdollah, the ruler of Khorasan, he sought help from Yaqoub ibn Layth Saffar, who had made somewhat of a name for himself. Saleh was succeded by his brother Dirham ibn Nasr, who appointed Yaqub as the general of his army.
In the year 861 CE Yaqub seized the rule of Sistan from Dirham and began to expand the territory under his control. First he turned to the east and after occupying Bost captured Kabol from Ratbil, its independent ruler. Then he captured Harat from the Tahirids, but instead of extending his conquests to the north set out in 868 CE for Kerman. He wrested Shiraz from the control of the caliph's governor but nevertheless continued to call himself a vassal of the caliph, the Abbasid al-Mutazz Billah.
In 869 CE he returned to Zaranj, his capital, and in 871 CE, during the caliphate of al-Mutamid Billah, the successor of al-Muhtadi, went once again to Shiraz. Thecaliph was able to prevent him from attacking Baghdad by appointing him governor of Balkh, Tokharestan, Fars, Kerman, Sistan and Sind. In 259/873, in order to bring Khorasan under his control, Yaqoub invaded Neishapour, where Mohammad ibn Tahir surrendered to him. From Khorasan Yaqoub went to Gorgan and Tabarestan (today Mazandaran) and then as far as Chalous in pursuit of Hassan ibn Zayd Alawi, who fled to Gilan. Then for a third time he invaded Fars, advancing as far as Khouzestan. Seventy kilometers from Baghdad, at Deyrol-aqul, he met the forces of the caliph but was defeated and returned to Khouzestan. In the year 878 CE he died from colic at Jondishapour.

94. "Ibn Khaldun, The Father Of Economics"
and tahir ibn alHusayn s treatment of government s role. was mostlyinfluenced in government expenditures by the letter of tahir ibn al-Husayn.
In his Prolegomena (The Muqaddimah), 'Abd al-Rahman Ibn Muhammad Ibn Khaldun al-Hadrami of Tunis (A.D. 1332-1406), commonly known as Ibn Khaldun, laid down the foundations of different fields of knowledge, in particular the science of civilization (al-'umran). His significant contributions to economics, however, should place him in the history of economic thought as a major forerunner, if not the "father," of economics, a title which has been given to Adam Smith, whose great works were published some three hundred and seventy years after Ibn Khaldun's death. Not only did Ibn Khaldun plant the germinating seeds of classical economics, whether in production, supply, or cost, but he also pioneered in consumption, demand, and utility, the cornerstones of modern economic theory.
Before Ibn Khaldun, Plato and his contemporary Xenophon presented, probably for the first time In writing, a crude account of the specialization and division of labor. On a non-theoretical level, the ancient Egyptians used the techniques of specialization, particularly in the era of the Eighteenth Dynasty, in order to save time and to produce more work per hour. Following Plato, Aristotle proposed a definition of economics and considered the use of money in his analysis of exchange. His example of the use of a shoe for wear and for its use in exchange was later presented by Adam Smith as the value in use and the value in exchange. Another aspect of economic thought before Ibn Khaldun was that of the Scholastics and of the Canonites, who proposed placing economics within the framework of laws based on religious and moral perceptions for the good of all human beings. Therefore all economic activities were to be undertaken in accordance with such laws.

95. Resource Library: Abu Zayd
He collaborated with Muhammad ibn Abi tahir (see ABU tahir, (1)) on the two mostimportant lustreware projects of the period, the decoration of the tomb
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Abu Zayd [Abu Zayd ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Zayd]
fl bi-khattihi ) after his name, so that it has been misread as Abu Zayd-i Bazi or Abu Rufaza. His earliest piece is an enamelled (Pers. ) bowl dated 4 Muharram 583 (26 March 1186; ex-Tabbagh priv. col.), but he is best known for his lustrewares. A fragment of a vase dated 1191 (ex-Bahrami priv. col., see Watson, pl. 53) is in the Miniature style, but most of his later pieces, such as a bowl dated 1202 (Tehran, priv. col., see Bahrami, pl. 16a) and a dish dated 1219 (The Hague, Gemeentemus.), are in the Kashan style, which he is credited with developing ( see ISLAMIC ART, ). He collaborated with Muhammad ibn Abi Tahir ( see ABU TAHIR, There are more than 45,000 articles in The Grove Dictionary of Art . To access the rest of this article, including the bibliography, subscribe to . To find out more about this subject, click on a related article below and subscribe to

96. Saudi Aramco World : The Potter's Of Al-Qarah
It is, less romantically, the workshop of Sayied tahir ibn Ali Al Gahrach.But within the cave tahir ibn Ali and his family ply a trade that has the romance
October 1961 Volume 12, Number 8 October 1961
Volume 12, Number 8 The Potter's of al-Qarah For 15,000 years and maybe longer man has mixed clay, water and imagination to create ceramics. That Tahir ibn Ali turns out a useful, eye-catching product is no surprise. His family has been working with ceramics for generations. Tahir ibn Ali and his two eldest sons are the potters who "throw" the pieces on foot-powered potter's wheels, which are built into the rock for stability. Other members of the family dig the clay from nearby clay beds, wedge (mix) it, prepare the outdoor kilns or ovens, and fire them with a fuel of dried palm fronds. Youngsters are taught at a very early age to help in all stages of pottery production, and they are not very old before they are shown how the potter's wheel operates. In this way the art of ceramics is passed on from generation to generation. Visitors to the workshop are amazed at the display of dexterity that enables the potters to "throw" a two-foot-tall water jug in about six minutes. Tahir ibn Ali first centers a roll of clay on the wheel head. Then, with the clay whirling between his hands, he quickly opens the top of the batch. It begins to assume a jug-like shape as Tahir ibn Ali pushes his left hand down into the center of the pliable clay while his right hand raises and supports the outside wall. Extreme steadiness of hands and arms is needed to insure uniform thickness and shape. When the jug reaches its full height, Tahir ibn Ali forms the narrow neck by squeezing his hands together. So sure and swift are his movements that his skill looks deceptively easy to an)'one who doesn't appreciate the many years it took to acquire. Carefully, Tahir ibn Ali lifts the finished jug from the wheel and hands it over to another member of the family.

97. Review: Al-Maqamat Al-Luzumiyya By Abu L-Tahir Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Al-Tamimi Al-S
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98. Ibn Taymiyya/Shah Wali Allah/Ibn `Abd Al-Barr
Between the father of Abu tahir (Abu tahir = Muhammad ibn Ibrahim alKurdial-Madani) and the Hafiz ibn Hajar there are no less than four missing links.
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GF Haddad Here is a brief recent Taymiyyan heresiography: Hajj Gibril
See also other pages on Ibn Taymiyya: Ibn Taymiyya
Ibn Taymiyya and sufism

Ibn Jahbal on Ibn Taymiyya

Ibn Taymiyah within the Hanbali madhab
Debate with Ibn Taymiyya: ON TASAWWUF Ibn Ata Allah al-Iskandari
document.write('?subject=h-s '); document.write(document.title); document.write('"> email'); v.1.2 home english latest update: Fri, Mar 25, 2005

99. Saudi Arabia Hotel Search
Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Uthman ibn Jubair (Chairman) Mr. Abdullah ibnTahir AlDabbagh, Member; Mr. Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al-Huqail, Member Council.htm
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Shop in Jeddah Shop in Dahran Shop in Al Jubail Shop in Dammam Shop in Al Khubar Browse Community Now! New users Signup! Email login: Password: New users Signup! MAJLIS AL SHURA (CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL) The primary function of MAJLIS Al-SHURA is to advise the King on issues of importance to the nation. Its members, appointed by the King for a four-year renewable term, represent the spectrum of Saudi society. King Fahd personally inaugurated the first session of the new Council on December 29, 1993. This council consisted of 60 members in addition to the chairman. On July 5, 1997, King Fahd decreed an increase in membership, and the council now consists of a chairman and 90 members. CHAIRMAN OF THE CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Uthman Ibn Jubair DOB: 1929 POB: Majma`ah EDUCATION: Degree of Islamic Law, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah.

100. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Talking about the authenticity of this hadith Abu Mansur Abd alKahir ibn-TahirAl-Baghdadi 4 says. There are many isnad (independent testimonies) for
Authenticity of the Hadith
Other than Tirmidhi, Ibne Maja [3] gives three independent narrations of the same hadith. Talking about the authenticity of this hadith Abu Mansur Abd al-Kahir ibn-Tahir Al-Baghdadi [4] says: "There are many isnad (independent testimonies) for the tradition dealing with the division of the community. A number of following companions have handed it down as coming from the Prophet (peace be upon him): Anas ibn-Malik, Abu-Hurairah, Abu-l-Darda, Jabir, Abu-Sa'id al-Khidri, Ubai ibn-Ka'b, Abd-Allah ibn-Amr ibn-al-'As, abu-Imamah, Wathilah ibn-al-Aska' and others. It is also handed down that the pious Caliphs mentioned that the community would be divided after them, that one sect only would save itself, and the rest of them would be given to error in this world, and to destruction in the next." So it becomes quite clear that there is no doubt about the authenticity of this hadith and great scholars of Islam like al-Baghdadi regarded this hadith to be an authentic one. While talking about the types of divisions to occur among the Muslim Ummah, Abu-Mansur al-Baghdadi [4] says: Contents Preface Introduction
Section 1
... References
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