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21. Encyclopædia Britannica Topic Abd alWahhab ibn tahir. Encyclopædia Britannica Related Articles.contribution to San a Go to Index Browse List of Abbreviations http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic?idxStructId=704&typeId=13 |
22. English Section Shaikh Abdulfattah Aboghodda.com : Publications Risalat alHafiz Mohammad ibn tahir al-Maqdisi fi Shurut Kutub al-a imma al-Sitta.The epistle of the hadith master Mohammad ibn tahir al-Maqdisi concerning http://www.aboghodda.com/en_publications.htm | |
23. Medieval Sourcebook: Ibn-Miskawaih: The Experiences Of The Nations, C. 980 CE Safi the Hurami (attendant of the women s apartments) went to bring him down theriver from ibn tahir s palace; when the harraqah in which he was brought http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/980Ibn-Miskawaih.html | |
24. MuslimHeritage.com - Topics Al Baghdadi is sometimes known as ibn tahir, whose full name is Abu MansurAbralQahir ibn tahir ibn Muhammad ibn Abdallah al-Tamini al-Shaffi al-Baghdadi http://muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?ArticleID=516 |
25. Encyclopedia Of The Rulers Of Egypt Abdullah ibn tahir Ibn alHussein, from Rabei Awwal 211H/June 826 AC to Ragab212H/October 827AC, Eissan Ibn Yazid al-Gloudi, from Zel Queida 213 H/April http://www.sis.gov.eg/rulers/html/en07.htm | |
26. Schools And Sects Ahmad, Bashiruddin Mahmud, Hasrat Mirza, 1889 ibn tahir alBaghdadi, Abd al-Qahir, d. 1037 Moslem schisms and sects (al-Farkbain al-firak) being the history of the various philosophic systems http://pkukmweb.ukm.my/~library/school.htm | |
27. Our Belief In Ahl Al-Bayt [as] Yahya ibn alAktham, Abdullah ibn tahir, Thumama ibn Ashras, Bishr ibn Abdullah ibn tahir ibn al-Husayn has written down his name and the same date; http://al-islam.org/al-rida/3-1.htm | |
28. Klee,Albanian Militia,Jakob Roggeveen,,Steven Hassan,East Bay Warwickshire,Ali ibn tahir alSulami,Warfield, Kentucky,CATV,,Díade Europa,Tabernaemontanus,SDAIE,Henry Cosmo Orme Bonsor,Comarca, http://reference.batcave.net/340.htm | |
29. Mad7. Abu Muhammad alFahsili, Muhammad ibn tahir ibn Tawus and a group of peopel fromFes and Ceuta and some Andalusians. His fatwas went to the east and the http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/mad7.html | |
30. Memento Finis Partie 2 Translate this page Il sagit du Dey ibn tahir, le secrétaire particulier de Salah-Ad-Din. Après quelquesmots de bienvenue, ibn tahir proposera aux Frères de se reposer de http://cdefours.club.fr/scenarmiles2.htm | |
31. Memento Finis Annexes ibn tahir. http://cdefours.club.fr/scenarmilesannexes.htm | |
32. The Time Of Al-razi him was really written in 966 by Mutahhar ibn tahir alMaqdisi (qv, next chapter) . Grandson of Thabit ibn Qurra (qv second half of ninth century); http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam15.html | |
33. History Of Islamic Science - The Time Of Abu-l-wafa Mutahhar ibn tahir alMaqdisi (or al-Muqaddasi), ie, the native or inhabitant ofthe Holy City. From Jerusalem, flourished in Bust, Sijistan, c. 966. http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam16.html | |
34. ABU-L-ALA UL-MA'ARRI - LoveToKnow Article On ABU-L-ALA UL-MA'ARRI From Bagdad he visited Khorassan, where he enjoyed the favor of Abdallah ibn tahir.About 845 he was in Ma arrat unNu man, where he met Buhturi. http://24.1911encyclopedia.org/A/AB/ABU_L_ALA_UL_MA_ARRI.htm | |
35. Al-Albani Unveiled: Conclusion And Bibliogrpahy (18) ibn tahir alBaghdadi, al-Farq bayn al-firaq, (Moslem Schisms and Sects), vol.2, Trans. Halkin, AS; Porcupine Press, Philadelphia. http://www.masud.co.uk/ISLAM/misc/alconc.htm | |
36. Projects The Kitab alJihad (Book of the Holy War) of Ali ibn tahir al-Sulami Precedentsand Parallels. Niall Christie Department of Classical, Near Eastern and http://www.arts.ubc.ca/index.php?id=467&backPID=550&tt_news=578 |
37. AFTER THE FALL OF SASANIAN DYNASTY Publication in Persian was banned by Abdollah ibn tahir (Taherid Dynasty), whoburned Persian books. The 9th and 10th century saw the revival of Persian http://www.cais-soas.com/CAIS/History/Post-Sasanian/after_fall.htm | |
38. Www. Persia .it appointed Talha ibn tahir to be his father s successor, or, according to othersources, ibn tahir to succed his father, but since Abdallah was in Raqqa, http://www.persia.it/English/html/history.htm | |
39. Alcantara Ibn Mundir AHMAD ibn tahir (*) Señor deMurcia MUHAMMAD ibn tahir (*) Hijo del caíd de Murcia http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/7331/alcantara.htm | |
40. Niall Christie's CV Motivating Listeners in the Kitab alJihad of Ali ibn tahir al-Sulami (d.1106), Crusades. Religious Campaign or War of Conquest? http://www.geocities.com/niallchristie/CV.html | |
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