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61. Hamadan, IRAN S Ancient Capital City Of Ecbatana - Avicenna, Ibn Hamadan, IRAN s Ancient Capital City of Ecbatana, Avicenna ibn sina Persia sGreat Mathematician, Philosopher, Physician and Scientist, Hamadan Iran http://www.farsinet.com/hamadan/ | |
62. Islamic History And Culture - Personalities In Islam Specifically Ibn Sina Abu Ali Husayn ibn sina was a man of the eleventh century AD who became a man From these learned discussions, ibn sina benefited immensely and was able http://www.islamic-paths.org/Home/English/History/Personalities/Content/Sina.htm | |
63. Ibn Sina ibn sina However, it was Algazali (Abu Hamid ibn Muhammad alGhazali, 1058-1111)who was his chief opponent. In The Incoherence of Philosophers, http://www.louisville.edu/~d0hess01/ibnsina.html | |
64. Islam & Science: Ibn Sinaal-Biruni Correspondence Full text of the article, ibn sinaalBiruni correspondence from Islam Science,a publication in the field of Reference Education, is provided free of http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0QYQ/is_2_2/ai_n12417316 | |
65. Islam & Science: Ibn SinaAl-Biruni Correspondence Full text of the article, ibn sinaAlBiruni correspondence from Islam Science,a publication in the field of Reference Education, is provided free of http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0QYQ/is_1_2/ai_n6160528 | |
66. Personalities Noble Ibn alNafis; Ibn Khaldun; Ibn Rushd; ibn sina; Abu Marwan Ibn Zuhr; Jabir IbnHaiyan he was a contemporary of the well-known physician ibn sina. http://www.jamil.com/personalities/ | |
67. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) : Renaissance Man, Robinson Crusoe, Cancer, Ulcers, Surgery, Renaissance Man, mathematician, physician, scientist, astronomer, lawyer, musician,poet, novelist, and philosopher. http://home.att.net/~a.f.aly/ibnsina.htm | |
68. AllRefer.com - Ibn Sina (Philosophy, Biography) - Encyclopedia AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon ibn sina, Philosophy, Biographies. Includes related research links. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/X/X-IbnSina.html | |
69. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition: Ibn Sina@ HighBeam Research The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition ibn sina@ HighBeam Research. http://www.highbeam.com/ref/doc0.asp?docid=1E1:X-IbnSina |
70. Ibn Sina Medical Services And Health Care - Company Profile, Research, News, Inf Thomson Gale Company Profiles provide detailed information on over 450000 publicand private companies across the globe. Compiled from a wide variety of http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/product-compint-0000932552-page.html | |
71. :: || :: Abu Ali Husain Ibn Sina :: || :: Indeed, ibn sina may, with justice be called the first chemist in the world.ibn sina s chief work, The Canon of Medicine was translated into Latin in http://www.geocities.com/mutmainaa/people/ibn_sina.html | |
72. IAMMS ibn sina Academy A Place of Research Studies on Medieval Medicine Sciences . Abu Ali ibn sina is a wellknown personality among the physicians of http://www.geocities.com/ibnsinaacademy/ | |
73. The Egyptian Heterocyclic Chemical Society 9th ibn sina INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PURE AND APPLIED HETEROCYCLICCHEMISTRY ISICHC 1st ibn sina SYMPOSIUM ON HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY (1st ISICHC) http://www.salty2k.com/9thisichc/ | |
74. Afghanistan Main Interactive Web Site, Made By Afghans For Afghans ibn sina, known in the West by the name of Avicenna, was the most famous physician, Abu Ali alHussain Ibn Abdallah ibn sina was born in 981C. http://www.afghansite.com/afghanistan/index.asp?file=16 |
75. Herboriste Ibn Sina | Fez Shopping | Fodor's Online Travel Guide Herboriste ibn sina Local Specialties, Fez el Bali. Herboriste ibn sina sellsherbal remedies and homeopathic cures. Address 6, Fondouk Lihoudi Derb Zaouia http://www.fodors.com/miniguides/mgresults.cfm?destination=fez@182&cur_section=s |
76. Log In Problems ibn sina (often known by his last name in Latin, Avicenna; 9801037 AD) was themost famous physician and philosopher of his time. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/405737 | |
77. Afghanistan Online: Biography (Ibn Sina) Biography of ibn sina (Avicenna), the prince of physicians. http://www.afghan-web.com/bios/yest/avicenna.html | |
78. Prayer Times, Qiblah, Mosques (Masjids), Islamic Centers Address, Academie ibn sina 6500 ,39e avenue, Montreal, QC h1t 2w8, CANADA.Phone, 514722 09 25. Directions, autobus viau 132 nord desendre au coin http://www.islamicfinder.org/getitWorld.php?id=53796&lang= |
79. Abu'Ali Al-Husayn Ibn Sina ibn sina Seite aus einem deutschsprachigenOnline-Philosophenlexikon. http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/ibnsina.htm | |
80. Biographies Info Science : Avicenne (Ibn Sina) http://www.infoscience.fr/histoire/biograph/biograph.php3?Ref=94 |
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